
You'd be hard pressed to find examples of me bitching and whining. If you weren't relentlessly following me around on my threads and waving your arms to attract my attention, you wouldn't even be on my radar.

But you seem to have finally found your soulmate in the Darwin-denier, certifiably crazy IBDumbass.

You can go on dates with him to gossip about how much you resent me. :room:

You are bitching and whining right now, dumbass.
I think it is almost impossible to mentally visualize, because a spacetime metric involves a four dimensional vector, and our brains are really only evolved to think in three dimensions. That's why the invariance of a spacetime vector between two inertial reference frames can really only be understood mathmatically.

ds[SUP]2[/SUP]=(c dt)[SUP]2[/SUP] - (dx[SUP]2[/SUP] + dy[sup]2[/sup] + dz[sup]2[/sup])

Math error: Divisional error.
It doesn't require omniscience. Your writing alone is evidence you have never set foot in a college level biology or physics class.

You get some of the words and names right. But you don't understand the concepts and can't see the integrated framework. That's a giveaway for someone who frantically googles the Internet for tidbits of details. But the only way you can see the forest through the trees and put it all together is to actually enroll yourself in a curriculum of college science education.

Science is not a class or a college.
You are denying theories of science.
You are also denying mathematics.
Wrong , it's from a Case Western University website, and I provided the link in my response to your Darwin denying boyfriend IBDumbass in my response to him-->

This actually sounds like a Tell that you use Quora without citation

IBDaMann is not your boyfriend nor did he deny Darwin. He knows Darwin existed.
He simply corrected stated that Darwins' Theory of Natural Selection is not a theory of science.
I accept your tacit confession that I openly and transparently cited a university webpage hyperlink as the source of the spacetime interval equation, and that I did not surreptitiously use a Quora source without citation like you do.

Vectors are first semester introductory physics. That's how I know you don't have any college science background. Things that sound exotic to you are covered in introductory science classes.

Now, a four dimensional vector is pretty far out there in terms of basic introductory physics.

Okay. It's obvious you are lying, since you don't seem to understand vector mathematics.
Science is not a class. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. You deny and discard several of them. You have in the past, for example, discarded the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law. Now you discard Newton's Law of Motion, Einsteins laws, Planck's laws, and Heisenberg's laws. You've even denied Galileo's laws and Kepler's laws.
You deny and discard vector mathematics as well as principals of algebra, random number mathematics, probability mathematics, and statistical mathematics.

Science is not a college nor a university. It is not a class, degree, license, certification, or any other form of sanctification. It is not any government or government agency. It is not a book, magazine, journal, website, or pamphlet. It has no religion. It has no politics. It is not an association, academy, club, group, or society. It is not people at all.

Science is a set of falsifiable theories. That's it. That's all.

Mathematics is not a college nor a university. It is not a class, degree, license, certification, or any other form of sanctification. It is not any government or government agency. It is not a book, magazine, journal, website, or pamphlet. It has no religion. It has no politics. It is not an association, academy, club, group, or society. It is not people at all.

Mathematics is a closed functional set of rules (known as 'axioms) and formal proofs extending those rules. That's it. That's all.

You obviously have no idea how conduct a vector mathematics equation. You don't even know where that equation comes from.
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She seems to have found soulmates and fellow travelers in IBDumbass and IntoTheBulverism.

IBDumbass = IntoTheBulverism = gfm7175.

In what would I enroll?
You would have already gone to college if you had the interest and inclination.

You actually need to be prepared for college level physics and chemistry, and unfortunately your alegebra and calculus skills are undoubtedly non-existent.

Your best bet is to just keep frantically googling for tidbits of scientific information on the interwebs. That's a terrible way to learn, because you will never see the forest through the trees and put it all together. But you just don't have the skill set for college level science. That's about it, because you don't seem the type that is going to avail yourself of top tier scientific journalism and popular science books, either.
I didn't invent the space time interval equation, naturally am going to provide a source for it.
You have no idea what the source is.
I accept your confession that seething in resentment, you just assumed I surreptitiously copied a Quora source without citation,
Apparently you have. You copied some such source with no understanding of it.
like you do.
LIF. Grow up.
Newtonian mechanics are basically the first topics covered in introductory college physics. You can't do Newtonian mechanics without understanding and using vectors. At least in two dimensions.
...and you don't understand vectors. You've even denied Newton's law of Motion.
The only reason you thought vectors were so exotic is because you have no college science background.
Vectors are not 'exotic'. Science is not a college or a 'background'.