Religion causes war.

The Catholic Church is not Christian. It was invented by a Pagan emperor, by combining Christianity and Paganism.

You are barking mad. The Catholic-Christian religion began in 33 AD.

It's hard to believe that anybody can be so pig-ignorant about Catholicism, given that there are hundreds of legitimate websites that tell you everything you need to know about it.

Legitimate excludes the biased hate sites you rely on for your disinformation.
You are barking mad. The Catholic-Christian religion began in 33 AD.

It's hard to believe that anybody can be so pig-ignorant about Catholicism, given that there are hundreds of legitimate websites that tell you everything you need to know about it.

Legitimate excludes the biased hate sites you rely on for your disinformation.

Go lick Rana's pussy and leave the adults alone.
Like I said. Catholicism and Christianity are not the same thing. So there is no disagreement among Christians. Try again.

Take this as your motto, Gruesome.

"The ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about and refuse to investigate."
That isn't something condoned or preached by the Church you willful retard on steroids. You don't impugn an entire religion, police force, Government etc. for the acts of a few lunatics.

That would be like using you as an example of how fucked up and lunatic the human race is.

The Red Cross and the Vatican both helped thousands of Nazi war criminals and collaborators to escape after the second world war, according to a book that pulls together evidence from unpublished documents.

The Red Cross has previously acknowledged that its efforts to help refugees were used by Nazis because administrators were overwhelmed, but the research suggests the numbers were much higher than thought.

Gerald Steinacher, a research fellow at Harvard University, was given access to thousands of internal documents in the archives of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The documents include Red Cross travel documents issued mistakenly to Nazis in the postwar chaos.
Holy God!

So you freaks are heralding a Bizzaro World that makes Nazi's look like first class engineers.

So all those Prison inmates are there due to religious beliefs?

So all those Chicago shootings are there due to religious beliefs?

Chapo Guzman sold cocaine to finance the building of a Cathedral?

So TV Murder Mysteries are really about religious beliefs?

Now I have seen what a Human Black whole looks like!

So it was "Sex, drugs and Rock n Roll ---and "religious beliefs"?

I wonder if the youngsters posting here have heard of "Sex, drugs and Rock n Roll" ---since Rock n Roll
is a thing of them Old Squares, and taught by professors.

I wonder if the youngsters posting here have heard of "Religion is the Opiate of the People" or "Live by the sword die by the sword"?

"Religion was the a cause of War" refers to the age of Medieval Knights fighting each other.

It may be a banner to herald which team is which, but the generals of each side are looking for security or the wealth of the other.

Lust and Gold cause of such wars and blind and perverted religionists are being used as pawns if required.


Religion causes war?


This is the dumbest myth.

Gengis Khan, Mao, American Revolution, the American Civil war, WW1, WW2, Korean war, Vietnam war, Po Pots Killing Fields,
Evita Peron and Fidel Castro, Persian Gulf war, Iraq war, Afganistan war, Charles Manson, Jack the ripper, Emperor Hirohito, Al Capone --were not over religious differences.

I wonder if the youngsters posting here have heard?

Even the Islamo-nazis will acknowledge that there own designs on world domination would be
worthless without the land & natural resources that come along with conquering and subjugating masses of other people.

Security, Wealth, Territory and ego engrandisment are the causes of war.

One will NOT witness that wars are fought by religious groups.

If a one sports team kills their competitors and the headline says so ---it is a hidden religious message?

"souls have transcendental rights" ---and if you find your self in a war it's about time you get religious.

material existance in the material temporal universe is a "pastime".

. . . 8,400,000 speices of sentient beings --all doing the same 4 catogorical activities [eat, sleep, mate & defend].

If ones [or millions] are born and live through ['or die during'] Times-of-War --there is the "HUMAN EXPERIENCE" that must be experienced enmass from differing Point-of-Views.

Every man is an Island --one of the herd; one fish in a school of fish --an indivisible-individual conscious soul [One-Ten-thousanth ( 1/10,000 ) the size of the tip of a hair] embued with their own "personal" MOTIVATIONS.

The soul never is devoid of MOTIVATIONS --that is why it seeks life.


There are collective/mutual pursuits

that when combined

equate to the requisite reconciliation of Life's Lessons

as to the purpose/the nature of life:

This compunction to leave the comforts of "Eating, sleeping, mating & shelter"

--to enter a State of War = FUNKY KARMA [ugra-karma].

Old Ugra-karma begets fresh ugra-karma.

Mass Ugra-karma begets fresh Mass ugra-karma.

Polished & Shiney Animal Life is
a pastime between karmic reconciliation(s).
Live by the sword die by the Butcher's knife.


Every daily tabloid headlines of heinous atrocious terrifying ghastly murderous shamefull disgracefull deadly act is NOT DONE BY VEGETARIANS!
Learn to live! Know your rights, before you're born to be 'conscripted' to join in the (undesirable) pastimes-of-your-life.