Religious intolerance in the GOP

They aren't Aryan!

The Nazis thought that superior Aryans were Dolichocephalic, and therefor inferior Brachycephalic Ashkenazi Jews, and Slavs were non-Aryan racial trash.

Of course, Dolichocephalic skulls are a feature shared with Retards, Chimpanzees, Gorillas, Neanderthals, Homo Erectus, Africans, and Arabs.

While, the best & brightest of Germany were mostly Brachycephalic.

Table-1 shows that the mean cephalic index of mentally retarded children was 71.57±4.67 but the mean
cephalic index of normal children was 78.97±4.54. The difference between mean cephalic index of mentally
retarded children and normal children was significant Gorillas dolichocephalic&f=false

the gorilla and chimpanzee dolichocephalic and adds that

Dolichocephaly is characterised by the skull width reaching less than 76 percent of the skull breadth. It was widespread in many early humans, including Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals. Dolichocephaly is very

Homo Erectus Anatomy/
Erectus brain is widest at the ears (pentagon shaped
Homom sapien brain is widest at the top (lightbulb shaped)
- 900 cc brain volume
-cranium dolichocephalic (long and flat skull)

The German Hyperbrachycephals
According to the Nordicist school, European achievement is primarily due to the tall, blond, dolichocephalic race. The only problem with this theory, which achieved such popularity in the 19th and early 20th centuries, is that when the skulls of prominent Europeans and Germans were measured there was no evidence of an overrepresentation of dolichocephals among them: indeed, most of them were brachycephalic, many of them tending to the extreme hyperbrachycephalic form, as the following passage illustrates.

Friedrich Hertz, Rasse und Kultur: eine kritische Untersuchung der Rassentheorien, 3. ed., Alfred Kröner, Leipzig, 1925, p.163

Sehen aber die Genies wirklich in der Regel so aus [DP: Germanisch Typus]? Genaue Feststellungen liegen leider nur selten vor. Immerhin können wir sagen, dass die Genies sehr häufig - vielleicht selbst in der Mehrzahl der Fälle - diesen Anforderungen nicht entsprechen. Vor allem ihr Schädel nähert sich meist ganz bedenklich der "Kreislinie tierischen Wohlbehagens", wie Chamberlain so schön sagt. Bismarck, Luther, Laplace, Napoleon, Pascal, Raphael, Beethoven, Haydn, Schubert sind einige Beispiele von Rundköpfen, ja, es scheint gerade die extreme Form der Rundköpfigkeit, die Hyperbrachycephalität, die man mit dem Index 85 beginnen lasst, unter ihnen sehr häufig zu sein). Schillers Schadel mit seinem Index von 84 steht knapp an inhrer Grenze, Kant mit seiner Indexnummer von 88.5 war ein ganz ausgesprochener Hyperbrachycephale. Hamerling hatte den Index 85.3, Schopenhauer den von 86, Leibniz gar einen von 90.3.

UPDATE (2 March 2008)

Franz Weidenreich, "The Brachycephalization of Recent Mankind", Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, Vol. 1, No. 1. (Spring, 1945), p. 9.

One can imagine the shock an intelligent German reader suffered when he remembered that many of the great German heroes from Bismarck down to Hindenburg and Hitler were brachycephalics and even hyperbrachycephalics, and that the three greatest philosophers Germany has produced-Leibniz, Kant, and Schopenhauer-had round heads in the most extreme form (Fig. 2, No. 4, Leibniz, skull index 90.3[!]; NO. 5, Kant, skull index 88.5; No. 6, Schopenhauer, head index 90.0 [!).
ROFL. Ms. Mason, your straw man arguments are amusing. Thank you for agreeing Judaism isn't a race, it's a religion.

The majority of American Jews say Judaism is a culture.

Secularism has a long tradition in Jewish life in America, and most U.S. Jews seem to recognize this: 62% say being Jewish is mainly a matter of ancestry and culture, while just 15% say it is mainly a matter of religion. Even among Jews by religion, more than half (55%) say being Jewish is mainly a matter of ancestry and culture, and two-thirds say it is not necessary to believe in God to be Jewish.
1) Because most other people want free stuff rather than freedom. The Democrats are the party of free stuff.

2) Because Democrats fan the flames of hatred against white Christians. It's like if there's a no-whites allowed organization next to an everyone-welcome organization, the no-whites allowed organization will be the "diverse" one, even though they're the only intolerant organization.

Any other questions?

Most of the people getting "Free stuff" are the elderly, the disabled & working households.

Religious affiliation, U.S. House of Representatives
February 2019

Democratic Party
Christian - 78.4%
Jewish - 11.3%
Hindu - 1.1%
Muslim - 1.1%
Buddhist - 0.7%
Unitarian - 0.7%
Unaffiliated - 6.8%

Republican Party
Christian - 99.2%
Jewish - 0.8%
Hindu - 0%
Muslim - 0%
Buddhist - 0%
Unitarian - 0%
Unaffiliated - 0%

why doesn't someone do a study on social intolerance of accepting now is eternity and reproductions space lifetimes apart as timed apart now conception to decomposed as specifically added by random acts of reproduction impulsely or intentionally performed both willingly or one didn't.

How many people want a complete understanding of life in kinetic plain sight? 13[SUP]1[/SUP]/[SUB]2[/SUB] years on message forums and I am still the only one describing how life works as timed apart now. Get ignored or banned. The behavior confirms people do know the total sum of their behavior. Breaks my heart, not my sole position as timed apart now.

101 in 2020. Humanity hasn't learned a thing about stopping self fulfilling prophecies within its own population as a species.
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My first reaction is that most non-Christian groups are newer immigrants who are usually at the bottom of the economic ladder. Those groups tend to navigate toward Democrats (although I think Hindus have the highest income of any religious group).

Hindus are #1 in income, and Jews are #2 in income in the USA.

Buddhists (East Asians) are high in income too.
Sure, but whiteness is not the same as the Caucasoid race. Two different concepts.

I don't believe in the one drop theory. In fact, I don't really think any person on Earth is 100% any race or ethnic ancestry. What matters, in a cultural and political sense, is the experience people are likely to have. An Irish guy with 5% African ancestry is going to have the white experience, so he's white. A guy who is half European and half African is going to have the black experience, so he's black.

White could be considered interchangeable with European.

Of course, some Europeans are borderline European genetically to begin with, like Southern Italians, Greeks, and Ashkenazi Jews."

Actually, apparently Southern Italians are genetically more like Saudi Arabians, than like Germans.

So, it's probably more true that these groups aren't really particularly European, despite being technically within the borders of Europe.
Hindus are #1 in income, and Jews are #2 in income in the USA.

Buddhists (East Asians) are high in income too.

that means what? those in charge get rich, those being charged to rent time as spaced apart naturally are not respected by those in charge. Polite patronizing condescension is as rude to instincts as abnoxiously loud protestor is to intellect.
They aren't Aryan!

Nazis mostly killed the real "Aryans" AKA Eastern Europeans.

Yamnaya genes are higher in Slavic peoples than Germans.

Why is that surprising?

Yamnaya came from Eastern Europe.

The Yamnaya culture, also known as the Yamnaya Horizon,[2] Yamna culture, Pit Grave culture or Ochre Grave culture, was a late Copper Age to early Bronze Age archaeological culture of the region between the Southern Bug, Dniester, and Ural rivers (the Pontic steppe), dating to 3300–2600 BC.[3] Its name derives from its characteristic burial tradition: Ямная (romanization: yamnaya) is a Russian adjective that means 'related to pits (yama)', and these people used to bury their dead in tumuli (kurgans) containing simple pit chambers.

The Kurgan hypothesis (also known as the Kurgan theory or Kurgan model) or Steppe theory is the most widely accepted proposal to identify the Proto-Indo-European homeland from which the Indo-European languages spread out throughout Europe, Eurasia and parts of Asia.[3] It postulates that the people of a Kurgan culture in the Pontic steppe north of the Black Sea were the most likely speakers of the Proto-Indo-European language (PIE). The term is derived from the Russian kurgan (курга́н), meaning tumulus or burial mound.

The Kurgan hypothesis was first formulated in the 1950s by Marija Gimbutas, who used the term to group various cultures, including the Yamnaya, or Pit Grave, culture and its predecessors. David Anthony instead uses the core Yamnaya culture and its relationship with other cultures as a point of reference.
that means what? those in charge get rich, those being charged to rent time as spaced apart naturally are not respected by those in charge. Polite patronizing condescension is as rude to instincts as abnoxiously loud protestor is to intellect.

Well, it certainly shows that newer arrivals, and minorities experiencing prejudices can become rich in the USA, as in shown by Hindus & Jews being the top earners in the USA.
Which religious group is the DNC intolerant towards?

The original OP suggests Republicans are intolerant of certain religions because there are few elected Republican members of Congress of those religions.

That must also mean Democrats are intolerant of those religions which have few members of Congress elected as Democrats from those religions; for example, evangelicals.

Pentecostal 2R 0D
Restorationist 1R 0D
Holiness 1R 0D
Mormon 8R 2D

Also, I think it is accurate to say Democrats are more likely than Republicans to be intolerant of religion in general, especially Christianity. There is plenty of intolerance on both sides. While I am not religious I am not intolerant toward any religion.

Studies have shown when "our side" loses it helps our self-esteem to be able to make disparaging remarks about the winning side.
Hindus are #1 in income, and Jews are #2 in income in the USA.

Buddhists (East Asians) are high in income too.

It is not just income, there is also the element of being a minority. Jews, for example, were subject to discrimination for many years despite economic success. You can still see a strong dislike of Jews among some JPP posters who want to blame them for various evils.
The original OP suggests Republicans are intolerant of certain religions because there are few elected Republican members of Congress of those religions.

That must also mean Democrats are intolerant of those religions which have few members of Congress elected as Democrats from those religions; for example, evangelicals.

Pentecostal 2R 0D
Restorationist 1R 0D
Holiness 1R 0D
Mormon 8R 2D

Also, I think it is accurate to say Democrats are more likely than Republicans to be intolerant of religion in general, especially Christianity. There is plenty of intolerance on both sides. While I am not religious I am not intolerant toward any religion.

Studies have shown when "our side" loses it helps our self-esteem to be able to make disparaging remarks about the winning side.

See you won't venture beyond what people believe and get into direct performances of characters following scripted social commands to behaving as legal type cast people on the world stage.

How does psychological governance work in plain sight anyway? Rhetocial question since you are a perfect example of it being exercised in plain sight.
Most of the people getting "Free stuff" are the elderly, the disabled & working households.

I agree, however, the chart only shows entitlements. There are many benefits that are not entitlements.

Because most benefits go to elderly, disabled, etc. does not mean recent immigrant groups do not also receive benefits (including poor elderly who get SSI that would be included under disabled).
It is not just income, there is also the element of being a minority. Jews, for example, were subject to discrimination for many years despite economic success. You can still see a strong dislike of Jews among some JPP posters who want to blame them for various evils.

Sure, Jews are an example of a prejudiced upon group making it.

They are also particularly prejudiced against White Christians, particularly White Catholics like Poles & Italians.

The Human Rights Watch run by Kenneth ROTH just called Poland as abusing it's power & abuses Democracy for Postal elections, but crickets on Democrats doing the same.

Then there's the dumb Polak jokes by NBC which was run & owned by Jewish David Sarnoff, and which featured Laugh In by Jew George Shlatter, and All in the Family by Jew Norman Lear.

There's tons of anti-Polish propaganda of Poland being behind the Holocaust, by literally 1000's of Jewish media, and Jewish sources.

They are trying to get compensations out of Poland for the Communist regime which took everybody's properties.

Then there's Movies like the Big Lebowski which portray Poles as goofballs, by Joel COEN & Ethan COEN 2 Jews.

They also killed a bunch of Poles with Communists like Salomon Morel, and Jakub Berman.

Salomon Morel (November 15, 1919 – February 14, 2007) was an officer in the Ministry of Public Security in the Polish People's Republic. Morel was as a commander of concentration camps run by the NKVD and Polish communist authorities until 1956.

In 1944 Morel became warden of the Soviet NKVD prison at Lublin Castle. During most of 1945 he was commander of the Zgoda labour camp in Świętochłowice, Poland.[1][2] In 1949 he was made commander of Jaworzno concentration camp and remained a commandant of numerous concentration camps until they were all closed down in 1956 following the Polish October. He then worked as head of a prison in Katowice and was promoted to the rank colonel in the political police, the MBP. He was dismissed during the 1968 Polish political crisis which saw the purging of ex-Stalinists.[3]

Beginning in the early 1990s Morel was investigated by authorities for war crimes and crimes against humanity, including the murder[4] of more than 1,500 prisoners from Upper Silesia, most of from the local population.[

Between 1944–1956 Berman was a member of Politbiuro of Polish United Workers' Party (PUWP) responsible for Urząd Bezpieczeństwa (State Security Services), propaganda, and ideology. In this capacity he was directly responsible for Stalinist-type terror and repressions against real and imagined political opponents of the communist regime in Poland. Urząd Bezpieczeństwa prosecution of ex-Home Army members, Roman Catholic Church clergy, and purges in the military, resulted in at least 6,000 death sentences, imprisonment and prosecuction of estimated 500,000 Polish patriots.
See you won't venture beyond what people believe and get into direct performances of characters following scripted social commands to behaving as legal type cast people on the world stage.

How does psychological governance work in plain sight anyway? Rhetocial question since you are a perfect example of it being exercised in plain sight.

What people believe (intolerance) is the subject of the thread. How they vote does get into direct performance of characters following scripted social commands. Exercising psychological governance in plain sight is the most accurate kind of knowledge unless unless we get into non-linear unconscious behavior.
I agree, however, the chart only shows entitlements. There are many benefits that are not entitlements.

Because most benefits go to elderly, disabled, etc. does not mean recent immigrant groups do not also receive benefits (including poor elderly who get SSI that would be included under disabled).

According to that chart 73% of benefits go towards the elderly & disabled.

While, I agree with going against abusers of the benefits, particularly welfare queens, and recent immigrants.

It's still a rather small margin of those which receive benefits.
What people believe (intolerance) is the subject of the thread. How they vote does get into direct performance of characters following scripted social commands. Exercising psychological governance in plain sight is the most accurate kind of knowledge unless unless we get into non-linear unconscious behavior.

believing isn't intolerence, controlling outcomes to a specific proposition life is more than reproductive displacement of lifetimes present, each social order does. I say reproduction spaces results eternally apart now because all the time I am living, I never stayed the same total sum so far. your turn, what has living taught you words never matched historically with lifetimes specifically present as I or you exist as proportionately here?

My reasoning stands whether I existed or not. My reasoning stands regardless what all realities chose to believe otherwise, throughout history. My ancestry included.
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My first reaction is that most non-Christian groups are newer immigrants who are usually at the bottom of the economic ladder. Those groups tend to navigate toward Democrats (although I think Hindus have the highest income of any religious group).

That is an observation, not an explanation.
I am looking for inductive or deductive reasoning leading to a deeper understanding of cause-effect relationships.

We have made the observations that the GOP is repulsive to the overwhelming majority of:

Recent immigrants
Jewish Americans
Muslim Americans
Hindu Americans
Buddhist Americans
Hispanic Americans

But the question is why?