Religious intolerance in the GOP

Only in your dumb sphere is there no such thing as race.

I've not seen a single genetic study proving racial equality, or that there is no race.

It's really the scam of the century to say there is no such thing as race.

Even Dawkins says that races could be considered as sub-species.

Even if they're not, they exist still enough to matter.

LOL. Kid, you are sooooo silly when you try to act like an adult.

The fact remains, as has been pointed out to you several times, you keep misquoting your studies on top of misunderstanding the results. People have tried to help you understand, but you obviously lack both the desire and the ability to comprehend the meaning.

Meanwhile, maybe you'll understand this:
I define it as a cultural name since geneticists have proved there's no such thing as "race". That the old names of Caucasian and Negroid are scientifically incorrect because skin tone and facial features are a very minor part of what makes a human being a human being.

Disagreed. There are many on the Right who are good Christians and compassionate for their fellow human beings regardless of skin tone. The problem is that they rarely Tweet or act like jerks on a political forum. That position is happily filled by RW nutjobs, neo-nazis, racists and other assorted jerk offs. Do you need some usernames for examples?

You better inform the Geneticists like Anne WOJCICKi at 23AndMe that they keep telling people the wrong thing when they keep showing the ancestries & RACES of peoples.
Republicans are generally more supportive of Israel than Democrats. Attitudes about Israel do not equate to being anti-semitic.

I think (half-kiddingly) that liberals decided Palestinians are more oppressed than Jews and took their side (especially true on college campuses).

I believe most liberals would prefer a reasonable and fair two state solution for both Israel and Palestine. Both sides have legitimate grievances and both groups are entitled to live there in the Levant.
LOL. Kid, you are sooooo silly when you try to act like an adult.

The fact remains, as has been pointed out to you several times, you keep misquoting your studies on top of misunderstanding the results. People have tried to help you understand, but you obviously lack both the desire and the ability to comprehend the meaning.

Meanwhile, maybe you'll understand this:

You think & act kind of like a Negroid.

It's no wonder why you think they are so similar.

You don't even understand the numbers of the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study.

There was NO difference between their numbers on IQ's for Blacks adopted vs Whites adopted vs the general Black & White population.
Furthermore, Mixed race White - Black Mulattoes scored an intermediate IQ score between Whites & Blacks adopted.

Are all Western European descendants such thoughtless racial scums as yourself?
I define it as a cultural name since geneticists have proved there's no such thing as "race". That the old names of Caucasian and Negroid are scientifically incorrect because skin tone and facial features are a very minor part of what makes a human being a human being.

Disagreed. There are many on the Right who are good Christians and compassionate for their fellow human beings regardless of skin tone. The problem is that they rarely Tweet or act like jerks on a political forum. That position is happily filled by RW nutjobs, neo-nazis, racists and other assorted jerk offs. Do you need some usernames for examples?

The Eastern Coyotes are just Coyotes who ventured out from the Mid-West & mixed with Wolves at around 1940.

Yet, Eastern Coyotes are considered a separate Sub-Species.

Interesting, in 60 years a new Animal sub species is created.

But, in 40,000 - 100,000 of split time between Whites, Blacks & Asians, means there's no sub-species.
You better inform the Geneticists like Anne WOJCICKi at 23AndMe that they keep telling people the wrong thing when they keep showing the ancestries & RACES of peoples.
You think & act kind of like a Negroid.

It's no wonder why you think they are so similar.

You don't even understand the numbers of the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study.

There was NO difference between their numbers on IQ's for Blacks adopted vs Whites adopted vs the general Black & White population.
Furthermore, Mixed race White - Black Mulattoes scored an intermediate IQ score between Whites & Blacks adopted.

Are all Western European descendants such thoughtless racial scums as yourself?

The Eastern Coyotes are just Coyotes who ventured out from the Mid-West & mixed with Wolves at around 1940.

Yet, Eastern Coyotes are considered a separate Sub-Species.

Interesting, in 60 years a new Animal sub species is created.

But, in 40,000 - 100,000 of split time between Whites, Blacks & Asians, means there's no sub-species.

Jesus, kid. How do you even survive being able to feed yourself?
Agreed on all three of those ideas. That said, the Republicans are, by far, the biggest racists of the two racist parties. Neither is innocent but, as an analogy, the Democrats are more akin to the Hitler Youth compared to the Republican's Dirlewanger Brigade

Completely agreed in your second paragraph. "'Always clean your own house first, before criticizing your neighbor's house" is an old saying. If a party is against racism, they need to call out racism on all sides, not just on the opposite side.

Racial equality is the goofiest notion.

Lactose persistence genes impacting ability to digest Lactose differ by race signfiicantly.

HIV - AIDS resistance genes differ by race.

Oxytocin genes differ by race.

MAO-A genes differ by race.

Dopamine genes differ by race.

Serotonin genes differ by race.

Gene on DAB1 causing larger brains only is found in the Chinese..

Gene found for impulsivity only in Finns.

Genes for educational attainment differ by race.

Based on the premise of the OP, Democrats are obviously intolerant of some religious groups also:

Members of Congress

Pentecostal 2R 0D
Restorationist 1R 0D
Holiness 1R 0D
Mormon 8R 2D

Of course, both premises are silly.
99.2% of that 99.2% of Republican Christians are fake Christians

Mr. Mason, by what measure do you conclude that someone is a fake Christian? I absolutely agree, the Republican party is full of fake Christians. A Christian is a follower of Jesus who taught that Jews are the spawn of Satan and that they'll burn in Hell. How many Republican Christians believe Jesus? Hell, you don't even have heard Jesus to know Jews are the spawn of Satan.
So both Democrats and Republicans are intolerant. Who knew?

You know that's not the same, right?
Republicans hate Muslims. Muslims, knowing that Republicans hate them, don't want anything to do with Republicans.
Saying that's the same is the False Equivalence fallacy.
True, but that doesn't answer the question. Are you trying to say the Republicans are 100% tolerant of all different races, sexual preferences, religions, cultures, etc?

The point is that the number of members of Congress elected by various religions is not a measure of tolerance.