Religious intolerance in the GOP

Well it shows that these people feel welcome among Democrats. The numbers reflect the numbers of those minorities in the country.
Whereas these groups aren't represented among Republicans at all, probably because the Republicans want a Theocracy.

Making up 1% shows you're welcome? You're a millennial, is this what they teach you in common core math?
The Angloshpere definitely has a lot more Zionists than most others.

The Anglosphere tends to call them Right-Wing Conservatives.

Boris Johnson set to move forward with anti-BDS law
UK Conservative party vowed last month to enact legislation banning local councils from boycotting products from foreign countries, including Israel

New US spending bill includes $200m increase in defense aid to Israel
Legislation signed by Trump to avoid second government shutdown includes $3.3b earmarked by Obama administration in 2016

Trudeau’s main challenger would move Canada’s embassy to Jerusalem
Pro-Israel conservative Andrew Scheer has also vowed to list Iran’s Revolutionary Guards as a terror entity if he wins next week’s Canadian elections

It is kind of strange. Zionism is popular among the Right, but anti-semitism is popular among the Far Right.
Making up 1% shows you're welcome? You're a millennial, is this what they teach you in common core math?

Isn't it amazing how they always jump to conclusions. Never even realizing it is they who are intolerant, and that is the reason why they shy away from the Republican Party. They paint this fake caricature of us, and most of them know they are lying.
Making up 1% shows you're welcome? You're a millennial, is this what they teach you in common core math?

Again, they're a small minority. The numbers reflect their overall numbers in the country. Muslims make up about 1.1% of the American population. This means they're well-represented in the DNC.
It is kind of strange. Zionism is popular among the Right, but anti-semitism is popular among the Far Right.

Probably partially because the Far Right is much more Catholics & Orthodox Christians in Europe.

So, is Poland far-Right?

Israel rebukes Poland PM for 'Jewish perpetrators' remark
18 February 2018

The Polish prime minister has not responded publicly to Israeli criticism
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has sharply rebuked his Polish counterpart for saying that Jews were among the perpetrators of the Holocaust.
Probably partially because the Far Right is much more Catholics & Orthodox Christians in Europe.

So, is Poland far-Right?

Israel rebukes Poland PM for 'Jewish perpetrators' remark
18 February 2018

The Polish prime minister has not responded publicly to Israeli criticism
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has sharply rebuked his Polish counterpart for saying that Jews were among the perpetrators of the Holocaust.

In America, the Far Right has a mix of Catholics, Protestants, Pagans, and Atheists. Religion is one of the things they argue among themselves about.

I don't think Poland is far-right for that, but there are a lot of Fascists in Polish politics.
In America, the Far Right has a mix of Catholics, Protestants, Pagans, and Atheists. Religion is one of the things they argue among themselves about.

I don't think Poland is far-right for that, but there are a lot of Fascists in Polish politics.

Like this guy in Polish politics?

Polish minister slammed for defending 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion'
i24NEWSNovember 13, 2015, 05:19 AMlatest revision November 13, 2015, 06:23 AMclock 2 min read
Polish Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz
AFPPolish Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz


Newly appointed defense minister claimed that anti-Semitic hoax document was in fact true

Poland’s newly appointed defense minister has come under fire for asserting that the anti-Semitic “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” is true.
Religious affiliation, U.S. House of Representatives
February 2019

Democratic Party
Christian - 78.4%
Jewish - 11.3%
Hindu - 1.1%
Muslim - 1.1%
Buddhist - 0.7%
Unitarian - 0.7%
Unaffiliated - 6.8%

Republican Party
Christian - 99.2%
Jewish - 0.8%
Hindu - 0%
Muslim - 0%
Buddhist - 0%
Unitarian - 0%
Unaffiliated - 0%

^^ That is what the GOP looks like institutionally in Congress.
Institutionally the GOP is generally inhospitable to people of minority religions being able to succeed in the party apparatus.

Now here is the party-religious affiliation data representing all Americans at large.
Again the data show the GOP is generally repellant to the overwhelming majority of Hindus, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, and to people who choose not to affiliate with religion.
Like this guy in Polish politics?

Polish minister slammed for defending 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion'
i24NEWSNovember 13, 2015, 05:19 AMlatest revision November 13, 2015, 06:23 AMclock 2 min read
Polish Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz
AFPPolish Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz


Newly appointed defense minister claimed that anti-Semitic hoax document was in fact true

Poland’s newly appointed defense minister has come under fire for asserting that the anti-Semitic “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” is true.

Damn. I didn't think any politician was dumb enough to believe in the Protocols.
Religious affiliation, U.S. House of Representatives
February 2019

Democratic Party
Christian - 78.4%
Jewish - 11.3%
Hindu - 1.1%
Muslim - 1.1%
Buddhist - 0.7%
Unitarian - 0.7%
Unaffiliated - 6.8%

Republican Party
Christian - 99.2%
Jewish - 0.8%
Hindu - 0%
Muslim - 0%
Buddhist - 0%
Unitarian - 0%
Unaffiliated - 0%

99.2% of that 99.2% of Republican Christians are fake Christians
Jews are Caucasian

From the learn something new everyday category I did a google search of “are Jews white” and there’s a bunch of writing discussing it. Now I have no idea how mainstream any of this is. I’ve never heard people have this discussion before.
The party coalitions change over time based on new generations and issues. For years blacks were loyal Republicans until 1934.

In 1920 Jews voted 19% D, 43% R, and 38% socialist. Truman cemented their loyalty by recognizing Israel.

Muslims voted for Bush in 2000 (including 60,000 in Florida)

Race and ethnicity among the two parties is much more varied than religion.

I am generally aware of how political parties have evolved since the early 20th century.

If jpp Republicans are not concerned -- or even the slight bit introspective -- about the glaring lack of diversity in your party, that is really not my call.

But it is not just me bringing it up. After Romney got clobbered in 2012, the GOP established a commission to soul search the reasons for why minority demographics are mostly repulsed by the GOP
True, but that doesn't answer the question. Are you trying to say the Republicans are 100% tolerant of all different races, sexual preferences, religions, cultures, etc?

I can only speak for myself but I'll say this as a Republican. There is bigotry, racism and religious intolerance within the G.O.P. And it is fine with calling it out. BUT it is also fact that there is bigotry, racism and religious intolerance within the Democratic Party. And trying to present the party otherwise is a lie.

Where the hypocrisy lies is from people who claim others should call out bigotry, racism and religious intolerance while not being wiling to do it themselves. At a certain point, if you aren't willing to call out people on your own "side" you're doing nothing but virtue signaling asking others to do what you won't.
Depends how you define whiteness. I don't think Jews are white and most Jews would probably agree with me.

Sure. They represent a common mindset on the Right, but I don't think every Conservative is like that.
I define it as a cultural name since geneticists have proved there's no such thing as "race". That the old names of Caucasian and Negroid are scientifically incorrect because skin tone and facial features are a very minor part of what makes a human being a human being.

Disagreed. There are many on the Right who are good Christians and compassionate for their fellow human beings regardless of skin tone. The problem is that they rarely Tweet or act like jerks on a political forum. That position is happily filled by RW nutjobs, neo-nazis, racists and other assorted jerk offs. Do you need some usernames for examples?
I define it as a cultural name since geneticists have proved there's no such thing as "race". That the old names of Caucasian and Negroid are scientifically incorrect because skin tone and facial features are a very minor part of what makes a human being a human being.

Disagreed. There are many on the Right who are good Christians and compassionate for their fellow human beings regardless of skin tone. The problem is that they rarely Tweet or act like jerks on a political forum. That position is happily filled by RW nutjobs, neo-nazis, racists and other assorted jerk offs. Do you need some usernames for examples?

Only in your dumb sphere is there no such thing as race.

I've not seen a single genetic study proving racial equality, or that there is no race.

It's really the scam of the century to say there is no such thing as race.

Even Dawkins says that races could be considered as sub-species.

Even if they're not, they exist still enough to matter.
I can only speak for myself but I'll say this as a Republican. There is bigotry, racism and religious intolerance within the G.O.P. And it is fine with calling it out. BUT it is also fact that there is bigotry, racism and religious intolerance within the Democratic Party. And trying to present the party otherwise is a lie.

Where the hypocrisy lies is from people who claim others should call out bigotry, racism and religious intolerance while not being wiling to do it themselves. At a certain point, if you aren't willing to call out people on your own "side" you're doing nothing but virtue signaling asking others to do what you won't.

Agreed on all three of those ideas. That said, the Republicans are, by far, the biggest racists of the two racist parties. Neither is innocent but, as an analogy, the Democrats are more akin to the Hitler Youth compared to the Republican's Dirlewanger Brigade

Completely agreed in your second paragraph. "'Always clean your own house first, before criticizing your neighbor's house" is an old saying. If a party is against racism, they need to call out racism on all sides, not just on the opposite side.