Religious liberty

If liberals and libertarians ever succeed in gaining legal protection from religions that they don’t like, the next thing you know they will be clamoring for protection against political views they don’t like. And this is precisely why we have the 1st Amendment.

And if certain conservatives ever gained the political clout they seek, only judeo-christian religions would be allowed in the US.

And this is precisely why we have the 1st amendment.
And if certain conservatives ever gained the political clout they seek, only judeo-christian religions would be allowed in the US.

I'm you really believe that, or do you just post shit like that to be controversial.....I mean, on it's face the comment makes you look like some extremist conspiracy theory freak.......but I don't know you very well.......who would these "certain conservatives" be?.....
I'm you really believe that, or do you just post shit like that to be controversial......who would these "certain conservatives" be?.....

I believe that is as accurate as the fear that churches would be taxed out of existence.

But yes, there are conservatives who would like to see that. The (less than)Honorable Judge Roy Moore is one who comes to mind.
I believe that is as accurate as the fear that churches would be taxed out of existence.

But yes, there are conservatives who would like to see that. The (less than)Honorable Judge Roy Moore is one who comes to mind.
well thanks....since I am new here, it helps to find out who the real idiots are.....
It was not their intent to protect you from becoming offended, however. There is no guarantee that ideas that you don't like, religions that you don't believe in, etc. will be kept from your sight. The idea that you have "freedom from religion" is the idea that such ideas must be suppressed so that your tender sensibilities will be protected. It's a silly idea.
Well no kidding Captain Obvious and who is advocating that? Not I.
How do you know? What gives you the authority to tell me what my religion can and cannot be?
What? Where the hell are you coming from? You're the one that wants to coerce people into beleiving in your view of Christianity. I could careless how they choose to worship or if they wish to worship at all. That's their private business and none of your business.
If liberals and libertarians ever succeed in gaining legal protection from religions that they don’t like, the next thing you know they will be clamoring for protection against political views they don’t like. And this is precisely why we have the 1st Amendment.
That's the oddest definition of the first ammendment I've ever heard. So that you can use it for force us to beleive in your religious and political views. Odd, very odd. I'm sure glad SCOTUS views are first ammendment rights differently.
I am not one of them. But since the idiots will say the same thing you will just have to figure that out on your own.

well, you see, that's one of the problems you run into when you say the same thing as the makes it a lot harder for the rest of us to figure it out....
well, you see, that's one of the problems you run into when you say the same thing as the makes it a lot harder for the rest of us to figure it out....

No, that is the problem you have when you make assumptions about other people.
I'm you really believe that, or do you just post shit like that to be controversial.....I mean, on it's face the comment makes you look like some extremist conspiracy theory freak.......but I don't know you very well.......who would these "certain conservatives" be?.....
Well let's see, some organizations, past and present, that would gladly abridge our religious, as well as other freedoms;

The Moral Majority
The Christian Coalition of America
The Eagle Forum
Focus on the Family
The Family Research Council
The Christian Broadcasting Network
Bob Jones University
Liberty College
Regent University
The Conservative Christian Fellowship
The Freedom Federation
The American Family Association
Concerned Women of America
Educational Research Analyst
The Susan B. Anthony List
Liberty Alliance Action

In fact, most conservative Christian groups are composed of white southern conservatives who have never been able to distinguish their movement from the segregationist movement, and that is one of the reasons I find so much of their rhetoric familiar and disturbing. The mountain of evidence that exist that these people have no compunction of conscience toward denying and abridging others basic human rights based on their racial, religious and political views is staggering, voluminous and as obvious as the nose on my face.

So it looks to me that either Winterborn is right and you're the extremist or your head is buried in the sand. Which is it?
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Well let's see, some organizations, past and present, that would do gladly abridge our religious, as well as other freedoms;

The Moral Majority
The Christian Coalition of America
The Eagle Forum
Focus on the Family
The Family Research Council
The Christian Broadcasting Network
Bob Jones University
Liberty College
Regent University
The Conservative Christian Fellowship
The Freedom Federation
The American Family Association
Concerned Women of America
Educational Research Analyst
The Susan B. Anthony List
Liberty Alliance Action

Looks to me that either Winterborn is right and you're the extremist or your head is buried in the sand. Which is it?, I expect that what we have discovered is one of those idiots we were talking to document the claim that these organizations intend to allow only judeo-Christian religions to exist in the US.....oh never mind, why not just admit you're an idiot and save us pages of crap before it's proven....., I expect that what we have discovered is one of those idiots we were talking to document the claim that these organizations intend to allow only judeo-Christian religions to exist in the US.....oh never mind, why not just admit you're an idiot and save us pages of crap before it's proven.....
Why, what you afraid of GED?
The mountain of evidence that exist that these people have no compunction of conscience toward denying and abridging others basic human rights based on their racial, religious and political views is staggering, voluminous and as obvious as the nose on my face.

hopefully, you will have sources more credible than your mirror....