Remember when they claimed Jesus was a Liberal?

With this latest act of completely disavowing God in their platform, I am reminded of the days of old, when Liberals claimed Jesus was a Liberal. I know this confounded many of us when they said it, but in light of the fact they now openly admit they don't believe in God, what did that really mean?

If there is no God, then Jesus becomes the biggest con man to ever live, and Christianity the biggest scam every concocted by man. Is that what they meant? Liberals are a bunch of lying con artists and their ideology a complete and total scam?

I can't imagine Jesus ever condoning a complete disavowing of his Father, failing to even mention Him in the platform. But again, maybe that was what they meant... Liberals are two-faced hypocrites who will throw anyone under the bus, including their own father, for the sake of party and politics?

So many questions were raised when they claimed Jesus was a Liberal, and now we know what they meant.
With this latest act of completely disavowing God in their platform, I am reminded of the days of old, when Liberals claimed Jesus was a Liberal. I know this confounded many of us when they said it, but in light of the fact they now openly admit they don't believe in God, what did that really mean?

If there is no God, then Jesus becomes the biggest con man to ever live, and Christianity the biggest scam every concocted by man. Is that what they meant? Liberals are a bunch of lying con artists and their ideology a complete and total scam?

I can't imagine Jesus ever condoning a complete disavowing of his Father, failing to even mention Him in the platform. But again, maybe that was what they meant... Liberals are two-faced hypocrites who will throw anyone under the bus, including their own father, for the sake of party and politics?

So many questions were raised when they claimed Jesus was a Liberal, and now we know what they meant.

So, according to your logic, Jews don't believe in God

There are many who believe in God, but not Jesus.

Care to explain?

So, you believe in Jesus?
With this latest act of completely disavowing God in their platform, I am reminded of the days of old, when Liberals claimed Jesus was a Liberal. I know this confounded many of us when they said it, but in light of the fact they now openly admit they don't believe in God, what did that really mean?

If there is no God, then Jesus becomes the biggest con man to ever live, and Christianity the biggest scam every concocted by man. Is that what they meant? Liberals are a bunch of lying con artists and their ideology a complete and total scam?

I can't imagine Jesus ever condoning a complete disavowing of his Father, failing to even mention Him in the platform. But again, maybe that was what they meant... Liberals are two-faced hypocrites who will throw anyone under the bus, including their own father, for the sake of party and politics?

So many questions were raised when they claimed Jesus was a Liberal, and now we know what they meant.

So, according to your logic, Jews don't believe in God

There are many who believe in God, but not Jesus.

Care to explain?

So, you believe in Jesus?


Try to follow the conversation and stop inferring shit into what is said. I never mentioned Jews. I also didn't say you can't believe in God and not believe in Jesus... where the hell do you come up with this stupidity from what I am posting? It doesn't even make rational sense.

Liberals claimed Jesus was a Liberal.
Liberals are now on the record as denouncing God (Jesus' Father)
Ergo: If God doesn't exist, Jesus is a con artist and Christianity a ruse. (Judaism too, for that matter.)

Do I believe in Jesus? Yeah, I believe a man named Jesus of Nazareth existed, is that what you mean? Do you not believe that?
Do I believe Jesus was the living son of God, born from the virgin Mary, and died on the cross for our sins? Nope...I am not a Christian.

Now what in the fuck is your obsession with my beliefs? Do you think I have not been honest about them here or something? Why would I lie? Christians teach that it is an unforgivable SIN to denounce Jesus, so if I am trying to keep you from believing I am a Christian, I have committed an unforgivable sin and damned myself to hell for all eternity... frankly, your opinion of me doesn't matter that much.

I am (for the umpteenth time) a SPIRITUALIST. I do believe in a Supreme Entity. A "God" if you will... although it is not an entity with humanistic attributes, and it isn't defined by gender or in humanistic ways. It is more like an energy source. Now can we please get back to discussing issues and politics, and stop obsessing with my personal beliefs? I haven't been trying to force you to believe as I do, I haven't derided you for what you personally believe, I haven't even asked you what you personally believe, it doesn't matter. People's political views don't always have to conform to their religious views.

Try to follow the conversation and stop inferring shit into what is said. I never mentioned Jews. I also didn't say you can't believe in God and not believe in Jesus... where the hell do you come up with this stupidity from what I am posting? It doesn't even make rational sense.

Liberals claimed Jesus was a Liberal.
Liberals are now on the record as denouncing God (Jesus' Father)
Ergo: If God doesn't exist, Jesus is a con artist and Christianity a ruse. (Judaism too, for that matter.)

Do I believe in Jesus? Yeah, I believe a man named Jesus of Nazareth existed, is that what you mean? Do you not believe that?
Do I believe Jesus was the living son of God, born from the virgin Mary, and died on the cross for our sins? Nope...I am not a Christian.

Now what in the fuck is your obsession with my beliefs? Do you think I have not been honest about them here or something? Why would I lie? Christians teach that it is an unforgivable SIN to denounce Jesus, so if I am trying to keep you from believing I am a Christian, I have committed an unforgivable sin and damned myself to hell for all eternity... frankly, your opinion of me doesn't matter that much.

I am (for the umpteenth time) a SPIRITUALIST. I do believe in a Supreme Entity. A "God" if you will... although it is not an entity with humanistic attributes, and it isn't defined by gender or in humanistic ways. It is more like an energy source. Now can we please get back to discussing issues and politics, and stop obsessing with my personal beliefs? I haven't been trying to force you to believe as I do, I haven't derided you for what you personally believe, I haven't even asked you what you personally believe, it doesn't matter. People's political views don't always have to conform to their religious views.

Your reasoning is screwy and the way you word things is screwy. Another word salad here you're all over the place.

Ghadi is spiritual, you are a fraud! And a confused one at that!
Your reasoning is screwy and the way you word things is screwy. Another word salad here you're all over the place.

Ghadi is spiritual, you are a fraud! And a confused one at that!

My reasoning is fine, your reading comprehension is screwy.

I am also not a fraud and not confused.
So, according to your logic, Jews don't believe in God

There are many who believe in God, but not Jesus.

Care to explain?

So, you believe in Jesus?
Jews believe in god but not jesus. At least not jesus the son of god. They, along with islam, go with the jesus was a knowledgeable prophet and a good guy but not SoG. For Islam he's a step below Mohammed but still a guy with good ideas.

Everyone believes in god, that's what monotheism means, one god. They all believe they're just arguing for thousands of years about when he took the day off and which time of the year you're not supposed to eat pork or fish.
iPad, don't hit a key hard enough, it self corrects.

When I think of spiritual, I think of people like Gandhi, not you, people who spout profanity at others.

Well, Gandhi, like I correctly stated, was Hindu. And again, my spiritual beliefs do not include a God that gets mad because I curse. If I truly did something to cause you direct or indirect harm, that wouldn't be conducive with my spiritual belief.

So says you, but I disagree.

Oh I know you disagree. In spite of the fact that you have absolutely no evidence of me being confused, screwy, or hate-filled, you have made the bigoted determination I must be, and nothing will change your bigoted mind about that. You've made it abundantly clear.
Well, Gandhi, like I correctly stated, was Hindu. And again, my spiritual beliefs do not include a God that gets mad because I curse. If I truly did something to cause you direct or indirect harm, that wouldn't be conducive with my spiritual belief.

Oh I know you disagree. In spite of the fact that you have absolutely no evidence of me being confused, screwy, or hate-filled, you have made the bigoted determination I mBust be, and nothing will change your bigoted mind about that. You've made it abundantly clear.

I read your post, proof enough to me that you are confused, screwy and hate filled. What you think of yourself means absolutely nothing to me. The things you have said to Bijou are proof enough or me. Those words alone should bring you the bad Karma you profess to believe. The Dali Lama s spiritual and you are no Dali Lama! Not even close!
I read your post, proof enough to me that you are confused, screwy and hate filled. What you think of yourself means absolutely nothing to me. The things you have said to Bijou are proof enough or me. Those words alone should bring you the bad Karma you profess to believe. The Dali Lama s spiritual and you are no Dali Lama! Not even close!

LOL... The Dali Lama is Buddhist. So now we've gone from a Hindu to a Buddhist... is Billy Graham next? Yes, religious beliefs are also spiritual beliefs, but I am not religious, I am spiritual.

Now about your reading comprehension problem. Yes, you've read things I have written, and interpreted your own bigoted meaning to them, and now you stubbornly cling to your bigotry and hate. Nothing I have posted has been confused, screwy, or hate-filled, you've just interpreted them to be, and your stubborn incessant bigotry keeps you from realizing you are wrong and ignorant of the truth.
And you did not check. Yeah, I remember that.

Dixie, why do you ask for Biblical insights from those who only ridicule you. Do you not want to know?

There is no proof that Jesus Christ claimed divinity. He did not write the Gospels. They were written long after his death. They have been edited and translated numerous times for effect. You have seen this in your own life time. Do you honestly believe that is something new?

Is he a liberal? One could easily label him as such. But I would never call him a progressive. But those are just my chosen labels for him. They have meaning to me.

Does it matter if he is divine? What does that mean to be divine. Isn't it just a label.

I don't believe it matters if Jesus is divine. Jesus' message is the same either way.

You know God. He is in your heart. Let that be your temple. Go there and confess your sins. Do so honestly and without holding back. He will forgive you. It may take time. You may have to repeat your confession so that he is clear you understand. Meditate or pray. Be quiet and think of him. He will show you the way.

If you ever figure out 1/3 you might crack the code.
The biggest issue for some is they do not understand why God forgives their tormentors. This stops from achieving any form of enlightenment. You were supposed to ask him to do forgive them. You refuse to and he can not help you unless you do. I know it can be hard but it the ONLY way.
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One other note. Forgiving your tormentors does not mean inviting them back into your life or even staying near them if they are still in your life. You may not be able to do that. You can only know that. What to look for is if they show true contrtion and whether you have truly forgiven them.

This is true even if they are dead. They still live in your head. Cast out those you cannot forgive. Send them into the darkness. Those who you love you give eternal life.

That is the message. It is nearly the same in every religion. It is backed by psychology, art and science. It is all the same story.
Jews believe in god but not jesus. At least not jesus the son of god. They, along with islam, go with the jesus was a knowledgeable prophet and a good guy but not SoG. For Islam he's a step below Mohammed but still a guy with good ideas.

Everyone believes in god, that's what monotheism means, one god. They all believe they're just arguing for thousands of years about when he took the day off and which time of the year you're not supposed to eat pork or fish.

The story of Jesus is the story of Hercules .. told long before there was a Jesus .. complete with a resurrection..

Jesus and God are composites of many deities that came long before them.

Religion and facts are like oil and water.