Remember when they claimed Jesus was a Liberal?

And you did not check. Yeah, I remember that.

Dixie, why do you ask for Biblical insights from those who only ridicule you. Do you not want to know?

There is no proof that Jesus Christ claimed divinity. He did not write the Gospels. They were written long after his death. They have been edited and translated numerous times for effect. You have seen this in your own life time. Do you honestly believe that is something new?

Is he a liberal? One could easily label him as such. But I would never call him a progressive. But those are just my chosen labels for him. They have meaning to me.

Does it matter if he is divine? What does that mean to be divine. Isn't it just a label.

I don't believe it matters if Jesus is divine. Jesus' message is the same either way.

You know God. He is in your heart. Let that be your temple. Go there and confess your sins. Do so honestly and without holding back. He will forgive you. It may take time. You may have to repeat your confession so that he is clear you understand. Meditate or pray. Be quiet and think of him. He will show you the way.

If you ever figure out 1/3 you might crack the code.

Jesus did not become "divine" until the Council of Nicea, 325 AD.

Decided to be divine by men, not a mystical God.
The story of Jesus is the story of Hercules .. told long before there was a Jesus .. complete with a resurrection..

Jesus and God are composites of many deities that came long before them.

Religion and facts are like oil and water.

Every story is the same story. Hollywood has proven it.
And you did not check. Yeah, I remember that.

I have no fucking idea what you're talking about, it seems you have began in the middle of a thought process.

Dixie, why do you ask for Biblical insights from those who only ridicule you. Do you not want to know?

Where did I ask for Biblical insights?

There is no proof that Jesus Christ claimed divinity. He did not write the Gospels. They were written long after his death. They have been edited and translated numerous times for effect. You have seen this in your own life time. Do you honestly believe that is something new?

Where did I mention the divinity of Jesus?

Is he a liberal? One could easily label him as such. But I would never call him a progressive. But those are just my chosen labels for him. They have meaning to me.

Liberals once claimed Jesus was a Liberal... but that was before they decided to ignore God in their platform.

Does it matter if he is divine? What does that mean to be divine. Isn't it just a label. I don't believe it matters if Jesus is divine. Jesus' message is the same either way.

Again, I have not mentioned the word "divine" a single time in this, or any other thread.

You know God. He is in your heart. Let that be your temple. Go there and confess your sins. Do so honestly and without holding back. He will forgive you. It may take time. You may have to repeat your confession so that he is clear you understand. Meditate or pray. Be quiet and think of him. He will show you the way.

If you ever figure out 1/3 you might crack the code.

Perhaps you missed this, but I am not Christian or Jewish, I am a spiritualist. MY God doesn't have to forgive me, I don't have to confess or pray. Also... 1/3=.3333e, the code has been cracked!
Rightwing Christians don't seem very Christlike, do they?
Anyone who would question if Jesus was a liberal does not know the character of Jesus.

End of story.

No, I'm sorry, but I don't buy that Jesus would have sat there through three roll call votes over whether or not to mention his father in the DNC platform or recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. I don't think he would have condoned the blatant lying and deception being presented as fact. I don't think he would even be pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage or for legalizing pot. But most certainly, he wouldn't favor the idea that we should strip God from any aspect of our governing and adopt Atheism as our National Religion. He wouldn't have sat there and applauded a speech from an adulterer who committed vile sex acts on an intern half his age in the oval office. He wouldn't have supported the bimbo who wants everyone to pay for her condoms. He wouldn't support or condone the relentless bashing of Romney over his charitable contributions through his church.

End of story.
No, I'm sorry, but I don't buy that Jesus would have sat there through three roll call votes over whether or not to mention his father in the DNC platform or recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. I don't think he would have condoned the blatant lying and deception being presented as fact. I don't think he would even be pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage or for legalizing pot. But most certainly, he wouldn't favor the idea that we should strip God from any aspect of our governing and adopt Atheism as our National Religion. He wouldn't have sat there and applauded a speech from an adulterer who committed vile sex acts on an intern half his age in the oval office. He wouldn't have supported the bimbo who wants everyone to pay for her condoms. He wouldn't support or condone the relentless bashing of Romney over his charitable contributions through his church.

End of story.

What I find amusing, is that the non-believers say they don't believe in God; but yet they want to trot out Jesus as an example, every time it's convenient for them. :D

Now; that's hypocrisy, at it's finest.