Remember When


Senior Member
The rabid liars in the Bush administration were saying these things...They are going back to the well again. Don't ever forget how right they were the last time:

"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." George W. Bush, State of the Union, 1/28/03

"We know where the weapons of mass destruction are. They’re in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south, and north somewhat." Donald Rumsfeld, "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" on ABC, 3/30/03

"Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction." Dick Cheney, Veterans of Foreign Wars, National Convention, 8/26/02

"There will always be some uncertainty about how quickly he can acquire nuclear weapons. But we don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud." Condoleezza Rice, "Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer" on CNN, 9/8/02
Ahhh, how selective one can be when trolling down memory lane. I recall a few from the other side stating some similar things when describing the iraq situation. Oh, that must be because they stated even earlier than that of the bush administration????
Remember this one?

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- From the Oval Office, President Clinton told the nation Wednesday evening why he ordered new military strikes against Iraq.

The president said Iraq's refusal to cooperate with U.N. weapons inspectors presented a threat to the entire world.

"Saddam (Hussein) must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons," Clinton said.


Holy hell, even a link to go with it!

So how about it Poprikash, are we choosing selective memory or what?:cof1:
I think you left them speechless,evil

Funny how often it is ignored that Clinton had a thing for Iraq as well,and even hammered them on a daily basis

No need to be speechless krisy, I mean most here can admit to not being partisan in their views!

Isn't that so:
and the many other..........:cof1:
No need to be speechless krisy, I mean most here can admit to not being partisan in their views!

Isn't that so:
and the many other..........:cof1:

Do I sense sarcasm in that post? ;)

I mean for anyone to insinuate that Cypress is not partisan is one thing, but Care4all! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not to mention Desh?

Do I sense sarcasm in that post? ;)

I mean for anyone to insinuate that Cypress is not partisan is one thing, but Care4all! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not to mention Desh?


Maybe a wee bit! :cof1: Seriously though, I can admit to having a partisan view here or there, but when it comes down to things like this it should be pointed out that the accusatiuon on iraq were coming from all over. Just wanted to get the opinions on the one way thinkers is all.....
Aren't we all guilty in some respects? I know I am to some respect except now I dislike both sides of the political spectrum equally.

But, I will admit it. Care will deny that she is until the day she dies.

Aren't we all guilty in some respects? I know I am to some respect except now I dislike both sides of the political spectrum equally.

But, I will admit it. Care will deny that she is until the day she dies.


Sure we are, but this here is a pretty good represenative of what is wrong with the politcal specrtum today. Those who can't see it for what it is will always draw a line somewhere to have it fit their cause, but the fact remains that it goes both ways when getting right down to it. Iraq was in issue prior to the bush administration although all too many have selective memory when it comes to this.
Remember this one?

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- From the Oval Office, President Clinton told the nation Wednesday evening why he ordered new military strikes against Iraq.

The president said Iraq's refusal to cooperate with U.N. weapons inspectors presented a threat to the entire world.

"Saddam (Hussein) must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons," Clinton said.


Holy hell, even a link to go with it!

So how about it Poprikash, are we choosing selective memory or what?:cof1:

your reading comprehension is lacking there evil....

Clinton's words do not state that HE KNOWS FOR A FACT that saddam hussein HAS wmds and IS amassing them against Cheney stated.

He also did not recommend or ever INDICATE that we would need to go in to a full FLEDGE WAR to change saddam's regime.

and along with ALL OTHER Senator comments that your side keeps posting that they made in 1998, none of them STATED THAT THEY KNOW FOR A FACT that saddam NOW HAS WMD'S... they spoke of Wmd programs and they spoke that saddam HAS HAD wmd's in the past, that is a FACT....

What the administration presented to us with their craftily managed words, is saying that saddam HAS NOW AcQUIRED wmd's, NEW PROGRAMS, because cheney said "NOW" HAS WMD'S, NOT WMD programs...

And the nuke comment in 45 minutes by condi on several talk shows IMPLIED that saddam was going to nuke the USA....

It was nothing less than deceitful if not a conserted effort to mislead us in to this war in Iraq.

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Evil, Old stuff, Bush misled in my opinion, whether by intent or error. Wussy demoncrats followed to keep from appearing weak and now we are in a big mess. Politicians on both sides suck, but both sides have a FEW good ones.
Aren't we all guilty in some respects? I know I am to some respect except now I dislike both sides of the political spectrum equally.

But, I will admit it. Care will deny that she is until the day she dies.


This is simple. Clinton exaggerated Iraq's WMD capacity, as a way to keep the sanctions on Iraq, to effect regime change. After about 1994 "Disarmament", was never the real US policy. Regime change was. And hyping the threat of WMD was one way to keep saddam in a box. And wait for regime change to occur. Did Clinton lie and exaggerate? Yes.

He didn't use it to lie us into an unneccessary war though.
I like this Prakosh guy... It's like having an RSS feed without using any bandwidth...
Evil, Old stuff, Bush misled in my opinion, whether by intent or error. Wussy demoncrats followed to keep from appearing weak and now we are in a big mess. Politicians on both sides suck, but both sides have a FEW good ones.

And you are totally entitled to that opinion pops, I don't say you are wrong for it either. Open the article I linked, you will see that Clinton as well bought into a wmd theory!
This is simple. Clinton exaggerated Iraq's WMD capacity, as a way to keep the sanctions on Iraq, to effect regime change. After about 1994 "Disarmament", was never the real US policy. Regime change was. And hyping the threat of WMD was one way to keep saddam in a box. And wait for regime change to occur. Did Clinton lie and exaggerate? Yes.

He didn't use it to lie us into an unneccessary war though.

LOL, fitting for the cause eh mudflap? Well good for you! it does go to show his belief though into the whole wmd theory, or was that all just bullshit on his behalf as well?

kudos to you though for at least responding!
Evil, Old stuff, Bush misled in my opinion, whether by intent or error. Wussy demoncrats followed to keep from appearing weak and now we are in a big mess. Politicians on both sides suck, but both sides have a FEW good ones.

it was NOT by error imo, it was BOLD ARROGANCE, and INTENTIONAL IN EVERY MANNER.....there the facts lie, as far as I am concerned...and we have too MNAY INSTANCES that have been brought forth like the downing street memos that say they were going to FIX the evidence to present before the people, to get us to go along with their already PREDETERMINED PLAN.


And from ALL of the various readings on the subject that I have done on it, there is no changing my mind on this one.

has it been done before by other presidents? most likely...but I am not going to lie to myself and pretend to live in lala land and pretend that the American public had not been HAD, cuz they were HAD.
This is simple. Clinton exaggerated Iraq's WMD capacity, as a way to keep the sanctions on Iraq, to effect regime change. After about 1994 "Disarmament", was never the real US policy. Regime change was. And hyping the threat of WMD was one way to keep saddam in a box. And wait for regime change to occur. Did Clinton lie and exaggerate? Yes.

He didn't use it to lie us into an unneccessary war though.

How does this apply to my post?

I meant we are all guilty of being partisan.

I didn't blame Clinton in the least and I sure as hell am not excusing Bush.

has it been done before by other presidents? most likely...but I am not going to lie to myself and pretend to live in lala land and pretend that the American public had not been HAD, cuz they were HAD.

Yeah don't pretend at all Care, you been had big time, ya been duped! Y'all been duped actually, but the facts remain, Billy also bought into the theory of wmds during his term as well regardless of what he did about it. So go ahead and wear the goggles of partisan view, nobody is looking to make you see it any other way.....