Remember When

The point is that the quotes I point out are there, the ones you will point out are there, so if you wanna selectively take it down memory lane and say how the cercumstances were different, we did'nt go to war then. we had only bombed a pill factory, the fact will remain that many figures on both sides of the lines that all draw so very well here, saw iraq as an issue.

You wanna say that iraq was no threat to us at all when it conveniently fits your argument, I say clinton stumpled upon this path himself, and for that I am autmoatically a neocon or whatever it is you wish to classify the opposing views as. Call it whatever you wanna call it to make you feel warm and fuzzy inside, and I am cool with that, I just see it differently, call me what you want for seeing it differently and I shall certainly be upset........NOT!.......:cof1:

no, YOU ARE PLAYING POLITICS and the rest of the ''right wingers'' are too, with this issue... YOU just did took the republican jargon, after the fact jargon i might add, and jargon that only came out AFTER people started speaking out against the war, and have TRIED REPEATEDLY to twist the words that were said 6 FRICKING YEARS EARLIER, and circumstances that were CERTAINLY DIFFERENT than the times we were in in 2003 when Bush invaded and PRETEND THAT THEY WERE THE SAME THING.

When they were not the same thing Evil, not even close...yes Saddam is evil, yes we don't want him to build up wmd's and yes we would like regime change, but for your side to say that INTELLIGENCE THAT CLINTON USED FROM 5 F-ING YEARS EARLIER WAS the same intelligence bush used and why knock fricking bush for it, for the "same thing" is an out right LIE, AND SPIN and does a diservice to our country promoting it...

And if our fricking intelligence can not get any further info in FIVE F-ING YEARS OTHER THAN what clinton had THEN we should NOT under any circumstances act on it....not five year old using what clinton said and had info on right after we lost our inspectors as the reason bush was ok to go to war is ludacrice, and MOOT AS far as I am concerned, and it should be for you too, if you used some LOGIC...

Clinton had more recent info than Bush, and HE DID NOT SEND OUR MEN AND WOMEN IN to a ful fledge war to die for it, or he did not believe in preemptive WAR, war, war... :(
Ahh key question! more importantly though is that it needs to go forward.

However water under the bridge can be traced back for some time. Because Billy didn't go to war about this makes him better for some reason? or perhaps if he did it may not of been an issue that is still ongoing? Did Billy have a better intelligence report in comparison to the reports of today? I'm merely pointing out that this thread of "remember when" will be read by most here with selected memory. iraq was an issue long before this administration!

Oh yes pappy bush and Regan were messing around in Iraq.....
and before that too...
But no one else was dumb enough to occupy and force a new govt on them.
When they were not the same thing Evil, not even close...yes Saddam is evil, yes we don't want him to build up wmd's and yes we would like regime change, but for your side to say that INTELLIGENCE THAT CLINTON USED FROM 5 F-ING YEARS EARLIER WAS the same intelligence bush used and why knock fricking bush for it, for the "same thing" is an out right LIE, AND SPIN and does a diservice to our country promoting it...

Wait a minute now, I didn't claim they used the same intelligence, I questioned if it were better! there is a difference. I stated that bill also said these things about saddam, I didn't state that I am using that in defendind bush, I stated that it seems a case of selective memory for those who like to bash bush on the issue. bottom line is that anway you choose to look at the issue for some it will always fit their own argument, others may see it differently. So if I choose to read into this isuue differently, and that makes me a warmonging, neocon, rightwing nutjob, and a diservice to this country, hey I'm cool with that......:cool:
no, YOU ARE PLAYING POLITICS and the rest of the ''right wingers'' are too, with this issue... YOU just did took the republican jargon, after the fact jargon i might add, and jargon that only came out AFTER people started speaking out against the war, and have TRIED REPEATEDLY to twist the words that were said 6 FRICKING YEARS EARLIER, and circumstances that were CERTAINLY DIFFERENT than the times we were in in 2003 when Bush invaded and PRETEND THAT THEY WERE THE SAME THING.

When they were not the same thing Evil, not even close...yes Saddam is evil, yes we don't want him to build up wmd's and yes we would like regime change, but for your side to say that INTELLIGENCE THAT CLINTON USED FROM 5 F-ING YEARS EARLIER WAS the same intelligence bush used and why knock fricking bush for it, for the "same thing" is an out right LIE, AND SPIN and does a diservice to our country promoting it...

And if our fricking intelligence can not get any further info in FIVE F-ING YEARS OTHER THAN what clinton had THEN we should NOT under any circumstances act on it....not five year old using what clinton said and had info on right after we lost our inspectors as the reason bush was ok to go to war is ludacrice, and MOOT AS far as I am concerned, and it should be for you too, if you used some LOGIC...

Clinton had more recent info than Bush, and HE DID NOT SEND OUR MEN AND WOMEN IN to a ful fledge war to die for it, or he did not believe in preemptive WAR, war, war... :(

Care ..I wouldnt call it 5 or 6 year old intelligence .. it was in 1998 ... and Bush started the Saddam rap after 9/11 ... so it was 3 to 4 years ....
Still a long time ... but there is no denying that the Democrats supported the intelligence as well .. why is that you want to give them a pass on this? Like the excuses you all gave for Kerry ... Because Bush misled them? Well how friggin sorry are they to get misled by Bush?
There is no twisting around with this.. its all in balck and white ....
Oh yes pappy bush and Regan were messing around in Iraq.....
and before that too...
But no one else was dumb enough to occupy and force a new govt on them.

Yeah, but impossible and deplorable to think that they may have considering the rhetoric was fairly much the same at different given times.
Actually they supported Sadam and I think we helped him rise to power at some point. Remember the enemy of my enemy is my friend. No complaints when he chemed the iranians either.....
Untill sonny boy bush came along....
Care ..I wouldnt call it 5 or 6 year old intelligence .. it was in 1998 ... and Bush started the Saddam rap after 9/11 ... so it was 3 to 4 years ....
Still a long time ... but there is no denying that the Democrats supported the intelligence as well .. why is that you want to give them a pass on this? Like the excuses you all gave for Kerry ... Because Bush misled them? Well how friggin sorry are they to get misled by Bush?
There is no twisting around with this.. its all in balck and white ....

but there is no denying that the Democrats supported the intelligence as well .. why is that you want to give them a pass on this?

Two words: Ned Lamont
Actually they supported Sadam and I think we helped him rise to power at some point. Remember the enemy of my enemy is my friend. No complaints when he chemed the iranians either.....
Untill sonny boy bush came along....

The same given for OBL, he was cia trained if not mistaken but wanted to see him dead now may give ya the wrong impression of me.....:p
but there is no denying that the Democrats supported the intelligence as well .. why is that you want to give them a pass on this?

Two words: Ned Lamont

What is this? A "heads I win, tails you lose" game?

You guys need to stick to one story, instead of switching back and forth:

-One day its: "Dems got rid of Lieberman, what a shame! He's such a nice statesman!"

-The next day its: "Why don't you dems hold someone accoutable in YOUR party, for the Iraq fiasco?"
LOL, nothing like trying to change the course of a disussion by quoting yourself!

Shut up mudflap, we all know you have'nt a partisan view in your cranium full of silly putty.....:rolleyes:
The same given for OBL, he was cia trained if not mistaken but wanted to see him dead now may give ya the wrong impression of me.....:p

Yes we have been messing around in that area for a long time. We shoved the shaw down Irans throat as well. He was the playboy son of a hitler crony.
Yes we have been messing around in that area for a long time. We shoved the shaw down Irans throat as well. He was the playboy son of a hitler crony.

And it will always be that way, it's a role we play as well as any other power!
yes, they all made a mistake, repubs and dems alike...they made a mistake because they TRUSTED the president....and what he was PRESENTING TO THEM...

And they did not have all of the intelligence...they had manipulated intelligence synopsis...they didn't read the fine print and the synopsis was "fixed" to represent the administration's ideology.
yes, they all made a mistake, repubs and dems alike...they made a mistake because they TRUSTED the president....and what he was PRESENTING TO THEM...

And they did not have all of the intelligence...they had manipulated intelligence synopsis...they didn't read the fine print and the synopsis was "fixed" to represent the administration's ideology.

Care - is this here statement of fixed intelligence opinion or fact? Is your info on this here a theory read somewhere?
It comes down to this final thought for me, these issues are taken within the contexed viewed, you wanna see it just one way you are entirely free to do so, I have'nt a problem with that, I wanna see it a different way, and I am everything that is wrong in fantasyland.
Yes Yes Yes Prakosh....we are all well aware of the quotes...ALL THE QUOTES

The rabid liars in the Bush administration were saying these things...They are going back to the well again. Don't ever forget how right they were the last time:

"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." George W. Bush, State of the Union, 1/28/03

The last UN weapons inspectors left Iraq in October of 1998. We are confident that Saddam Hussein retains some stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, and that he has since embarked on a crash course to build up his chemical and biological warfare capabilities. Intelligence reports indicate that he is seeking nuclear weapons…” — Sen. Robert Byrd (D, WV), Oct. 3, 2002

"We know where the weapons of mass destruction are. They’re in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south, and north somewhat." Donald Rumsfeld, "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" on ABC, 3/30/03

“There is no doubt that … Saddam Hussein has reinvigorated his weapons programs. Reports indicate that biological, chemical and nuclear programs continue apace and may be back to pre-Gulf War status. In addition, Saddam continues to redefine delivery systems and is doubtless using the cover of a licit missile program to develop longer-range missiles that will threaten the United States and our allies.” Letter to President Bush, Signed by: — Sen. Bob Graham (D, FL), and others, Dec 5, 2001

"Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction." Dick Cheney, Veterans of Foreign Wars, National Convention, 8/26/02

“We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country.” — Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002

"There will always be some uncertainty about how quickly he can acquire nuclear weapons. But we don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud." Condoleezza Rice, "Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer" on CNN, 9/8/02

“There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years … We also should remember we have always underestimated the progress Saddam has made in development of weapons of mass destruction.” — Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D, WV), Oct 10, 2002