Remember When

This is simple. Clinton exaggerated Iraq's WMD capacity, as a way to keep the sanctions on Iraq, to effect regime change. After about 1994 "Disarmament", was never the real US policy. Regime change was. And hyping the threat of WMD was one way to keep saddam in a box. And wait for regime change to occur. Did Clinton lie and exaggerate? Yes.

He didn't use it to lie us into an unneccessary war though.

Uh he also didn't have Sep 11 stupid.
Remember that after embassy attacks overseas Clinton eventually responded with missile attacks, so of course he would have done more had the damage been more.
Uh he also didn't have Sep 11 stupid.
Remember that after embassy attacks overseas Clinton eventually responded with missile attacks, so of course he would have done more had the damage been more.

are you suggestng that Clinton would have attacked Iraq because of 9/11?


Remember when you could formulate an actual sentence?

Remember when you were able to string together anything more then a one liner that would get ya back pat from your fellow shitbricks? .....:321:

Remeber when ya had anything remotely interesting to say that was actually your own? yeah me neither.......:cof1:
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Evil you are having altogether too much fun getting under their skin. Surely that level of enyoyment is illegal ;)
I am not sure to what you are referring

maine - I wasn't referring to nothing, In fact I did'nt even make any of the posts in this thread. Damnit, somebody manipulated my words to try and draw me into war, god damn conspiracy I tell ya! You have to be thick or obtuse to think that was my words, really, go look it up for yourself anywhere on the net, it's all there in plain facts that it was all manipulted. Truly, I'm American and put myself above all that, I am really the victim of the conservative men of this world. If you don't see it my way, well then we just can't be friends. Are you related to dixie?

whatever.... either you're here to debate the issues and back up your positions with facts and well thought out arguments, or you're here to goof around and have fun..... I like to think I am the former.... you seem to be showing me that you are the latter.
whatever.... either you're here to debate the issues and back up your positions with facts and well thought out arguments, or you're here to goof around and have fun..... I like to think I am the former.... you seem to be showing me that you are the latter.

What's to debate? you,the left are right, I'm cool with that!......:cool:
Like Isaid, I have never claimed we are right about everything.... but we certainly were right about Iraq.
but we certainly were right about Iraq.

Yeah ya sure are, you have gone beyond any doubt showing how it was never suggested by anyone else outside of the bush administration. need a pat on the back now, or used to that already?:cof1:
come on... if all you got is hollow sarcasm, give it a break. This war in Iraq was the idea of the neocons in the administration. When it was going well, the republicans were not about to share any of the glory and claimed that democrats were on the wrong side of that it's turned into a bucekt of runny shit, we are somehow your partners in this. fuck that.

I have ALWAYS been against the war in Iraq. I remember way back on asking what if there ARE no WMD's... and all the republicans laughed... and what if there IS no link to Al Qaeda and 9/11... and all the republicans laughed... and what if we AREN'T welcomed as liberators... and all the republicans laughed... and what if we suffer four digit casualties... and all the republicans laughed... and what if the sunnis and the shiites start fighting with one another... and all the republicans laughed... and what if the shiites form a theocracy and align themselves with Iran... and all the republicans laughed...

"and what if there IS no link to Al Qaeda and 9/11... and all the republicans laughed."

Rubbish. What if there is no link to Al Qaeda and 9/11? There is, it is a pretty clear one. Come on maineman... Don't you mean Iraq and 9/11? If you do that statement is still rubbish. I stated back then and still do to this day that Bush had clearly stated that 9/11 had no fingerprints of Saddam...
"and what if there IS no link to Al Qaeda and 9/11... and all the republicans laughed."

Rubbish. What if there is no link to Al Qaeda and 9/11? There is, it is a pretty clear one. Come on maineman... Don't you mean Iraq and 9/11? If you do that statement is still rubbish. I stated back then and still do to this day that Bush had clearly stated that 9/11 had no fingerprints of Saddam...

there is no clear link other than a few intermediaries talking to one another. Anyone who knows the difference between sunnis and shiites, batthists and wahabbists (Oh...I forgot damo..that doesn't include you, does it?) knows that the stated purpose of Al Qaeda was the eventual destruction of arab and muslim secular states.

Does this make sense to you:

Saddam: "Here you go, Osama. I know that your stated purpose is to destroy my government and all other non-theocratic islamic governments, but I know you also don't like America and neither do why don't you take [these nasty weapons of mass destruction][this money][the use of these training facilities] as long as you promise - scout's honor - to only use them on America and not on ME"
You messed up again you stated that there was no clear link between Al Qaeda and 9/11... maineman, Al Qaeda was the group that did 9/11.