Remembering 9/11 and the REAL ENEMY


God Bless America
Liberalism deserves most of the credit for the 9/11 attacks. After all, it was the politically correct bullshit of the left which permitted those fuckers to enter the country undetected. Liberals are THE ENEMY -- of that I am thoroughly convinced.
How is someone coming here to study on a student visa a liberal thing?

Uhm, because 'student visas' are an inherently liberal thing.

I will go further than Thor and say this... If you objectively look at the 'complaint' of radical Islamic Fundamentals, it is their disapproval of decadent western lifestyle. "Infidel" means, "not in fidelity with Allah." Now have an objective look at what liberalism has achieved over the past 100 years, and it all goes against what their religion teaches. From Feminism to Gay Rights, it is all part in parcel of what makes us so "Infidelish" to them. As technology has brought exposure to western culture to their world, the radically religious became outraged at the prospects of their daughters becoming whores, and sons turning homosexual, from liberal western influence. Radical Muslims are 10k times more 'uptight-conservative' than anyone you know as "right-wing" in this country.
Student visas = liberal. Got'cha.


LOL... yeah, Student visas basically equal LIBERAL.

Why would a Conservative advocate bringing foreign students to the US to be educated? It is an inherently Liberal concept. Thus, it is indeed, Liberal.

Now some pinhead might undoubtedly run dig up the actual Congressional votes authorizing the first Student Visa programs, and try to argue that "Conservatives" supported it too, but the idea itself... the whole concept in thinking, is purely Liberal.

Nothing "retarded" about honesty.
So helping educate the world is a liberal concept? So, if conservative is the opposite of liberal, then conservatives want the world to be ignorant?

And since the republicans have been in the whitehouse for 20 of the last 28 years, I would submit that it is the republicans that are responsible for the wide open border we have to our south. (which could have just as easily allowed terrorists in, especially prior to 9/11/01)

Dixie, you want to lock our borders and never let anyone else in? You think that will do us good??
Dixie, you want to lock our borders and never let anyone else in? You think that will do us good??
You make the mistake of assuming there's a monolithic "US", but there isn't. Keeping out illegals is great for working people subject to the wage depression caused by a glut of workers, but business types are dismayed when they have to pay a livable wage to actual citizens. This country is divided.
"If you objectively look at the 'complaint' of radical Islamic Fundamentals, it is their disapproval of decadent western lifestyle"

Fuck you. If that was the case, they would be attacking Europe all the time, because they're far more liberal than us. Amsterdam would be a shambles. What a fucking myth.

The "complaint" of terrorists is that we're in the Middle East, and have tried to influence the politics & gov't there for over 3 decades.

Liberalism deserves most of the credit for the 9/11 attacks. After all, it was the politically correct bullshit of the left which permitted those fuckers to enter the country undetected. Liberals are THE ENEMY -- of that I am thoroughly convinced.

I was just thinking the same thing with your head line. Liberials, radicial muslims---pretty much the same difference. They do love eachother, when they are not in the same room.

Was Nick Burg a liberial? Anybody here remember Nick Burg?

have you lib commies ever seen one of their radical beheadings? (I saw the Nick Burg beheading) I have---it was the most barbaric thing I have ever seen. I used to trap and hunt--trapping and pulling the skin off a dead coon or fox. I thought I would take the Nick Burg beheadding--but I could not sleep at all that night. You lib commies would still be awake if you actually saw the capabilities of waht these fuckers---WANT TO DO TO YOU! Nick Burg did not have embassys on their holy ground---he just simply--was not a muslim. Now, your radical murrderous friends say "we do not kill innocent people", and in their context they are correct. The consider anybody that is not a muslim---GUILTY of being a infidel. If your not a muslim---they will cut off your head, and spread sheria law.

Sure--Obama Bin Biden is mad that we have a imperialistic agenda--but so does China, Russia, North Korea, nad yes---your radical head choppers, trying to spread sheria law through out the wold.

So--liberials--more facts for ya.

Fuck you stupid commies. This is a real war for our lives--and your being fucking stupid.

I agree Thor--liberials are a enemy of the USA
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That is such bullshit. The liberals didn't allow them to enter the country undetected. They weren't undetected. They had visas, for chrissakes, how much more "detected" can they be?

No one expected them to hijack airplaves and fly them into buildings. And prior to 9/11/01, it would have been laughable to suggest such a thing to most people.
That is such bullshit. The liberals didn't allow them to enter the country undetected. They weren't undetected. They had visas, for chrissakes, how much more "detected" can they be?

No one expected them to hijack airplaves and fly them into buildings. And prior to 9/11/01, it would have been laughable to suggest such a thing to most people.

But here's the silly thing. The people we're shooting in iraq can shave their beard, take a shower, and then get on a plane and come here and spread their anti-western bullshit, with full protection from the elitist establishments, it's not just liberals, it's a bipartisan touch of idiocy.
"If you objectively look at the 'complaint' of radical Islamic Fundamentals, it is their disapproval of decadent western lifestyle"

Fuck you. If that was the case, they would be attacking Europe all the time, because they're far more liberal than us. Amsterdam would be a shambles. What a fucking myth.

The "complaint" of terrorists is that we're in the Middle East, and have tried to influence the politics & gov't there for over 3 decades.


Umm--they are attacking Europe all the time. Wasn't there a driver with a passeneger in a bomb truvck--that hit a building, blew up, and only killed the terrorists inside?

Look fucker--those fuckers are here too. If you support their action in 911--I think we all know who to fuck like a terrorists whore.

See what I mean about these fucking homo liberrials that hate America?
But here's the silly thing. The people we're shooting in iraq can shave their beard, take a shower, and then get on a plane and come here and spread their anti-western bullshit, with full protection from the elitist establishments, it's not just liberals, it's a bipartisan touch of idiocy.

Oh, so you would throw out the entire notion of freedom of speech, just because of a handful of mullahs???

Those rights don't mean much to you, do they?

They are not doing it with the full protection of the elitist establishment. They do it with the protection of the US Constitution.
Oh, so you would throw out the entire notion of freedom of speech, just because of a handful of mullahs???
No. I would restrict visas to foreigners who do NOT advocate destroying our nation.
Those rights don't mean much to you, do they?
they do actually. read above to deprogram yourself from your own idiotic spin.
They are not doing it with the full protection of the elitist establishment. They do it with the protection of the US Constitution.

I reiterate. I would restrict visas to foreigners who do NOT agitate for our destruction.
Done---I will never confuse Dixie---with the facts.

Excellent, so maybe you will educate him as to WHY 9/11 happened? Its not our decadent life styles or our lack of morals. Its our international politics.
No. I would restrict visas to foreigners who do NOT advocate destroying our nation.

they do actually. read above to deprogram yourself from your own idiotic spin.

I reiterate. I would restrict visas to foreigners who do NOT agitate for our destruction.

I am guessing that most applications for syudents visas do not contain paragraphs of rants calling for the destruction of our nation.

Those who advocate our destruction will never be the ones driving the planes into buildings.