Remembering 9/11 and the REAL ENEMY

That is such bullshit. The liberals didn't allow them to enter the country undetected. They weren't undetected. They had visas, for chrissakes, how much more "detected" can they be?

No one expected them to hijack airplaves and fly them into buildings. And prior to 9/11/01, it would have been laughable to suggest such a thing to most people.

Today---we still can't call them a radical fucking dirt bag muslims---because you get offended. No---FUCK YOU!

Liberial Columbia University invites the Hitler of Iran to speak to their liberial homo audiance. He tells yolu you would be dead in his country--and you stupid fucking homo liberials don't say a thing. FUCK YOU--ya fucking French frogs.
Today---we still can't call them a radical fucking dirt bag muslim---because you get offended. No---FUCK YOU!

What the hell are you talking about? You think calling them names is accomplishing anything at all?

That is the kind of nonsense that shows how well you understand the situation. You think because someone doesn't want you calling everyone in the middle east a "radical fucking dirt bag muslim" that it shows some sympathizing with the enemy?

How about losing the "fucking dirt bag" part? Extremist muslim or radical muslim is used in newspapers all over the country.
That is such bullshit. The liberals didn't allow them to enter the country undetected. They weren't undetected. They had visas, for chrissakes, how much more "detected" can they be?

No one expected them to hijack airplaves and fly them into buildings. And prior to 9/11/01, it would have been laughable to suggest such a thing to most people.

Today---we still can't call them a radical fucking dirt bag muslim---because you get offended. No---FUCK YOU!

By the way --Palin was right again. They do a attack on us--and liberials want to make sure they are read their rights. I thought the rights applies to real American citizens.

Stupid hippy liberials are going to let us get hurt again.
Today---we still can't call them a radical fucking dirt bag muslims---because you get offended. No---FUCK YOU!

Liberial Columbia University invites the Hitler of Iran to speak to their liberial homo audiance. He tells yolu you would be dead in his country--and you stupid fucking homo liberials don't say a thing. FUCK YOU--ya fucking French frogs.

Got a lotta names there, sparky. I guess you represent the intellectuals in your party?

Letting him speak didn't kill anyone. He claims there are no homosexuals in Iran. That was laughable to everyone.

Why is it that you keep trying to brand me as gay? Is it easier to lose an argument with someone who is gay? Your idiocy simply astounds me.

And you think the mullahs are dangerous? lol
What the hell are you talking about? You think calling them names is accomplishing anything at all?

That is the kind of nonsense that shows how well you understand the situation. You think because someone doesn't want you calling everyone in the middle east a "radical fucking dirt bag muslim" that it shows some sympathizing with the enemy?

How about losing the "fucking dirt bag" part? Extremist muslim or radical muslim is used in newspapers all over the country.

Not by Bush--you fusking liberials don't want him to say "radical islamic terrorists"--so he isn't. I would have told the libs to screw off with eachother. He can't say it---but I can still call you a fucking commie.

Unless you saw a actual beheading for not being a muslim---don't tell me I don't undestand the situation. kool-aid drinker.
I am guessing that most applications for syudents visas do not contain paragraphs of rants calling for the destruction of our nation.

Those who advocate our destruction will never be the ones driving the planes into buildings.

there could be more thorough vetting, regardless of your idiocy.

and as for the second statement, it's just idiotic.
Wow so now Dixie the hairdresser faggot and Thor the self hating jesus faggot both want to blame liberals for what a bunch of terrorists did.

I blame the terrorists. If anyone else contributed, I think it'd be the idiot in the sexy jeans and his dumbfuck administration that ignored all the warnings. I do not blame them for the attacks though. That is reserved for the terrorists that did it and planned it. You know this guy named Bin Laden.

I'll never forget when the sexy jeans man said it doesn't matter where Bin Laden is and that he doesn't care.
So helping educate the world is a liberal concept? So, if conservative is the opposite of liberal, then conservatives want the world to be ignorant?

And since the republicans have been in the whitehouse for 20 of the last 28 years, I would submit that it is the republicans that are responsible for the wide open border we have to our south. (which could have just as easily allowed terrorists in, especially prior to 9/11/01)

Dixie, you want to lock our borders and never let anyone else in? You think that will do us good??

OK--But I think it is pretty well known that our universities keep their students ignorant about the basis for this country. Commie. You were taught USA sucks---commie.
Not by Bush--you fusking liberials don't want him to say "radical islamic terrorists"--so he isn't. I would have told the libs to screw off with eachother. He can't say it---but I can still call you a fucking commie.

LMAO!! Oh the ignorance of some folks. You are actually making my argument easier.

Look retread, lets see if I can make this as simple as possible. I'll use small words so you can follow me.

We are hated in the middle east for decades of meddling in their politics, funding their enemies, funding the worst despots they have had, and for trying to walk all over them.

What you CALL them is irrelevant. But when you slur the entire faith, you only compound the problem and add to the number of enemies.

The radical muslims and extremist muslims are able to recruit new fools to kill themselves because of how we have treated them. That aids their cause and does absolutely NOTHING to help ours.

We know that there are muslim terrorists. WE have known it for years.
OK--But I think it is pretty well known that our universities keep their students ignorant about the basis for this country. Commie. You were taught USA sucks---commie.


YOU are the one advocating taking away free speech, not the liberal universities.

I was taught to be proud of my country. I was taught to think for myself. And I was taught to learn the TRUTH in history, not just what one side wants you to know.

YOu might try some of that yourself.

I went to the same university that my 3 kids attend or attended. Its still the same there. YOu can be a liberal, a conservative, or a centrist. Or you can even avoid politics altogether.

I know that might bust your bubble and go against what the talking heads on the radio tell you. But its the truth.
Got a lotta names there, sparky. I guess you represent the intellectuals in your party?

Letting him speak didn't kill anyone. He claims there are no homosexuals in Iran. That was laughable to everyone.

Why is it that you keep trying to brand me as gay? Is it easier to lose an argument with someone who is gay? Your idiocy simply astounds me.

And you think the mullahs are dangerous? lol

What flavor kool-aid did you drink? I did not hear anybody laughing at Hamad amadashaw (what ever his hilter name is)" joke!

if you had half the common sense I have---you would not be a commie liberial--our enemy of the USA.

Not by Bush--you fusking liberials don't want him to say "radical islamic terrorists"--so he isn't. I would have told the libs to screw off with eachother. He can't say it---but I can still call you a fucking commie.

Unless you saw a actual beheading for not being a muslim---don't tell me I don't undestand the situation. kool-aid drinker.

Yes I have seen it on film. I have also spent time with families and students who sought refuge here. They do not want to be a part of that sort of radical behavior. But that same family told me similar stories about the Shah.

Both sides have blood on their hands. Calling names is not a solution. And neither is trying to slaughter every american or every muslim.
Oh, so you would throw out the entire notion of freedom of speech, just because of a handful of mullahs???

Those rights don't mean much to you, do they?

They are not doing it with the full protection of the elitist establishment. They do it with the protection of the US Constitution.


YOU are the one advocating taking away free speech, not the liberal universities.

I was taught to be proud of my country. I was taught to think for myself. And I was taught to learn the TRUTH in history, not just what one side wants you to know.

YOu might try some of that yourself.

I went to the same university that my 3 kids attend or attended. Its still the same there. YOu can be a liberal, a conservative, or a centrist. Or you can even avoid politics altogether.

I know that might bust your bubble and go against what the talking heads on the radio tell you. But its the truth.

Do you know anybody that is not a muslim is quilty of being a infidel? And that they are to be either inslaved, forced to change their religion--or killed? Did you learn that in school?--or did they miss that part?

your nothing but a condesending moron--blinded by your own self induced ego. GO over to Pakistan, and shake some hands. Get a real education.
What flavor kool-aid did you drink? I did not hear anybody laughing at Hamad amadashaw (what ever his hilter name is)" joke!

if you had half the common sense I have---you would not be a commie liberial--our enemy of the USA.


I am not the enemy. I have served in the military, paid taxes for 30+ years, and voted in every election since 1978. I am proud to be an american.

I am simply ashamed of the ignorance of some of my countrymen.

You didn't see people laughing when he said there are no homosexuals in Iran? You should have been paying more attention to the laughs and worrying less about calling people names.
Do you know anybody that is not a muslim is quilty of being a infidel? And that they are to be either inslaved, forced to change their religion--or killed? Did you learn that in school?--or did they miss that part?

Do you know how many muslims there are in the USA? Look up the figures. And the interpretation of the Quran is like the interpretation of the bible.
Oh, so you would throw out the entire notion of freedom of speech, just because of a handful of mullahs???

Those rights don't mean much to you, do they?

They are not doing it with the full protection of the elitist establishment. They do it with the protection of the US Constitution.

Make sure you read that guy his rights---that guy over there--the one with the bloody blade, and a head in his other hand. He has rights to ya know? tears for killers.
Do you know how many muslims there are in the USA? Look up the figures. And the interpretation of the Quran is like the interpretation of the bible.

Way to many--and I am sure many of them want to do some damage.

go shake some hands in Pakistan---are ya sure you know what your talking about. Go on a vacation--to embrase a shitty culture. lets see if you make it back to report to your university professors the facts you find. One professor that can go to Pakistan, and shake some hand--is obama good fiiend--Bill Ayres. He, like Obama, would be a heros to our enemies. Is that a fact you missed also?

your head is so burried in Marksist inspired writes---you forgot what America really is. so shut the fuck up--and go shakle some hands in Pakistan if you want to proove me wrong.

I will even pay for your air fair and yiour time off work--while your still alive there. Have we got a deal?

If you want to sit on a computer board, and tell me I am wrong--I have a free vacation for you.
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What?? YOU are talking about taking away one of the most fundamental rights bestowed on us by our Constitution, and you say that I hate america??

Talk about twisting the facts.