Remembering 9/11 and the REAL ENEMY

How do we know violent criminals from ordinary citizens? How do we tell boy scouts from rednecks who will beat a man to death for being gay? How do we tell the honorable soldier doing his duty from the freaks who enjoy torturing innocent civilians.

A free world is NOT a safe place. The only way to guarantee safety is to remove all freedoms.

The ones who preach violence to non-believers are the ones likely to support violence against non-believers. It;s no secret when people are making public screeds. We don't have to identify them from their looks.

You fascists of course WANT to eliminate all freedoms, that's why you're allowing jihadist to permeate the entire american society, so you can lock it down, instead of having sensible immigration and visa policy.
"Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword. Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished." (Isaiah 13:15-16)

Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves." (Numbers 31:16-18)

"Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I remember that which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt. Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass." (I Samuel 15:2-3)

Those seem to advocate violenve pretty well.
And just like the bible has been interpreted to advocate violence, there are those who use the Quran to advocate violence. And those should be fought with every means at our disposal.

Those lunatics that use the bible to back their beliefs while they protest the funerals of soldiers are different from the Salvation Army, there are those who advocate violence and those who practice a peaceful Islam.

Stop the lunatics without persecuting those who do not follow them.

Its not that difficult.

I read you said that to me once. it is not true from what I understand. It says "all infidels" must die (in some language you can't read either). Any non Muslim is a guilty infidel. It is in there dude--plain as day from people I know (yea--lots of hippies, and multi culti experts in my area) who actually studied in a few mooooosks. Think what you want, but it is there. Many Musilems choose not to agree with it. They are not reading it any differently though.
"Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword. Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished." (Isaiah 13:15-16)

Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves." (Numbers 31:16-18)

"Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I remember that which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt. Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass." (I Samuel 15:2-3)

Those seem to advocate violenve pretty well.
But it was in limited battles in the past. It is not a commandment for all time? Do you understand that nuance?
Well, those international students pay top dollars for tuition. That allows the University not to raise tuition on american students, especially on the in-state students. I would think that conservatives would be all for making a profit and helping our students by taking lots of money from international students.

Now you are explaining why a Conservative might be compelled to accept the idea and concept, which is obvious, because that is what happened. The idea and concept it inherently liberal, that was my only point... not that Conservatives don't or wouldn't support it.

And to answer the other idiot's asinine question about whether I would "abolish student visas" if I were in charge... no, I wouldn't, and I never indicated any such notion, although I wouldn't hand them out like candy to every foreigner who came along, without doing some kind of reasonable background check, either.
The ones who preach violence to non-believers are the ones likely to support violence against non-believers. It;s no secret when people are making public screeds. We don't have to identify them from their looks.

You fascists of course WANT to eliminate all freedoms, that's why you're allowing jihadist to permeate the entire american society, so you can lock it down, instead of having sensible immigration and visa policy.

You see, I am arguing AGAINST eliminating freedom. I am the one arguing that there are those who practice terrorism and those who are muslims. And not all muslims are terrorists.
Jihadis have been given full scholarships. It's simply not true that they all pay full fare. If you deny this I will go find proof and embarrass you.
I read you said that to me once. it is not true from what I understand. It says "all infidels" must die (in some language you can't read either). Any non Muslim is a guilty infidel. It is in there dude--plain as day from people I know (yea--lots of hippies, and multi culti experts in my area) who actually studied in a few mooooosks. Think what you want, but it is there. Many Musilems choose not to agree with it. They are not reading it any differently though.

And there are plenty of passages in the bible that command christians to kill all nonbelievers. But we don't follow that.

Just as the muslims do not follow the commands to kill. Or they see the commands as pleas to convert or help infidels.

Do you think we should kill ALL muslims? Do you think we should ban all muslims from the USA?
You see, I am arguing AGAINST eliminating freedom. I am the one arguing that there are those who practice terrorism and those who are muslims. And not all muslims are terrorists.
But Islam teaches violence in no uncertain terms, therefore, a true believe muslim will believe in violence as a vehicle to spread islam. Its a murderous ideology. It's foolishness to consider all ideologies just fine simply because they are called religions.
And to answer the other idiot's asinine question about whether I would "abolish student visas" if I were in charge... no, I wouldn't, and I never indicated any such notion, although I wouldn't hand them out like candy to every foreigner who came along, without doing some kind of reasonable background check, either.

You seem to have intimate knowledge about the percentage of student VISA requests that are granted and the amount of background checking going on, Dixie.
Jihadis have been given full scholarships. It's simply not true that they all pay full fare. If you deny this I will go find proof and embarrass you.

Yes, there are scholarships offered to international students. But the majority of them pay inflated tuitions. My ex-wife works in the international student affairs office of a major university. I'll get the exact figures if you want.

How do you know they are jihadists? Have they committed acts of warfare against infidels?
There are extensive background checks that all international students have to pass. Students coming from countries in the middle east face even tougher checks. In fact, according to my ex-wife, they can spend a year or more getting their visa.
So the idea of student visas is totally liberal, but Dixie doesn't mind having them around. So Dixie is a liberal?
I am taking my beloved out to dinner and perhaps a movie.

If you need any more wisdom from me, just post it and wait till later for an answer.

So helping educate the world is a liberal concept? So, if conservative is the opposite of liberal, then conservatives want the world to be ignorant?

And since the republicans have been in the whitehouse for 20 of the last 28 years, I would submit that it is the republicans that are responsible for the wide open border we have to our south. (which could have just as easily allowed terrorists in, especially prior to 9/11/01)

Dixie, you want to lock our borders and never let anyone else in? You think that will do us good??

Well yes, it is a liberal concept. Just as a liberal arts education is a good thing and a conservative education is an oxymoron.

Don't fall for the trap here. The game of marginalzing liberals. America is and always has been a liberal country and that's a damn good thing. It rejected conservatism in 1776.
You see, I am arguing AGAINST eliminating freedom. I am the one arguing that there are those who practice terrorism and those who are muslims. And not all muslims are terrorists.

You said this once. The freedom of murderers to convert you to their religion by force is like the right to yell fire in a crowded theatre, an argument ad absurdumb.
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You said this once. The freedom of murderers to convert you to their religion by force is like the right to yell fire in a crowded theatre, an argument ad absurdumb.

Until they actually murder someone, they are just people with radical beliefs.

I doubt there is anyone out there who hasn't considered taking a life. (even if that life was their own)

I have no desire to live in a nation that prosecutes people for what they MIGHT do, or what they THINK about doing. If they attempt it or plan it, then nail them to the wall.
Until they actually murder someone, they are just people with radical beliefs.
And therefore we shouldn't let them in. We have a chance to stop them BEFORE They come in. But like i said, you want them in so you can later lock down society. That's the kind of fascist scum you are. There is no "moderate" version of islam. There are merely those who lie about what it teaches. The concept of separation of church and state does not exist in the islamic worldview.
I doubt there is anyone out there who hasn't considered taking a life. (even if that life was their own)

I have no desire to live in a nation that prosecutes people for what they MIGHT do, or what they THINK about doing. If they attempt it or plan it, then nail them to the wall.

But you also want to give up all borders control and sensible immigration and visa policy. Why, I have no idea, other than your desire to import american enemies.