Remembering Christ at Christmas

We are not God. Only God is God. His will shall be done...thankfully. Always.


Agreed. Let's hope more people remember that when they are calling others demmycunts.

We are not God. Only God is God. His will shall be done...thankfully. Always.

I had to stop it the minute the narrator insisted that everyone on the planet needs to be a Catholic or forever be damned

That is the weirdest, creepiest, and most exclusionary Christmas post I have ever seen on this forum.

The message of this video seems only two steps removed from the Spanish Inquisition.

I can see why Christian fundamentalists scare the crap out of Jewish people, Muslims, atheists, and Buddhists
The parable of Dives and Lazarus tells us what to think about American fundamentalism and its God, Mammon. Just think, too, of all those bullyboys beating their hollow chests and boasting about their money, breaking off to recite, 'He hath exalted the humble and meek, and the rich He hath sent empty away!' :)
The parable of Dives and Lazarus tells us what to think about American fundamentalism and its God, Mammon. Just think, too, of all those bullyboys beating their hollow chests and boasting about their money, breaking off to recite, 'He hath exalted the humble and meek, and the rich He hath sent empty away!' :)

I find things things to admire about Protestantism - its democratic posture and rejection of the infallibility of received authority. On the downside, the prosperity gospel of the fundamentalists and it's assertion that the elect are entitled to a life of wealth and material possession is an obvious corruption of the message of Jesus and the apostles
Agreed. Let's hope more people remember that when they are calling others demmycunts.


As well as calling them pedos (like Stretch *cough cough* does) and otherwise bearing false witness.

I just love it when the nastiest haters post special Xmas messages to show how holy and righteous they are. I guess that's supposed to make us ignore the other 364 days of crazy- and hate-filled posts. lol
I find things things to admire about Protestantism - its democratic posture and rejection of the infallibility of received authority. On the downside, the prosperity gospel of the fundamentalists and it's assertion that the elect are entitled to a life of wealth and material possession is an obvious corruption of the message of Jesus and the apostles


“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." -- Matt. 6: 19-21
As well as calling them pedos (like Stretch *cough cough* does) and otherwise bearing false witness.

I just love it when the nastiest haters post special Xmas messages to show how holy and righteous they are. I guess that's supposed to make us ignore the other 364 days of crazy- and hate-filled posts. lol

1 out of 365 is an improvement. :D

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." -- Matt. 6: 19-21
Well done.

You could basically take the testimony of Jesus' brother James, and transcribe it into Marx's communist manifesto, without missing a beat.

The Epistle of James is remarkable for its denunciation of the rich and their material wealth, and it's condemnation of their oppression of the poor.
I had to stop it the minute the narrator insisted that everyone on the planet needs to be a Catholic or forever be damned

That is the weirdest, creepiest, and most exclusionary Christmas post I have ever seen on this forum.

The message of this video seems only two steps removed from the Spanish Inquisition.

I can see why Christian fundamentalists scare the crap out of Jewish people, Muslims, atheists, and Buddhists

The Remnant are considered an anti-semitic hate group and often disavowed by mainstream Catholics.
Catholic apologist Dave Armstrong has described The Remnant as "radical Catholic reactionary."[4][5]

The Southern Poverty Law Center have attacked The Remnant and the Remnant Press as "hate groups" under a category they describe as "Radical Traditionalist Catholic", which the SPLC defines as "organizations that embrace anti-Semitism and whose theology is typically rejected by the Vatican and mainstream Catholics in general."
This paper consists of critical commentary on particularly objectionable, questionable, and revealing portions of the following articles. All are connected with The Remnant organization.
The Remnant are considered an anti-semitic hate group and often disavowed by mainstream Catholics.
Catholic apologist Dave Armstrong has described The Remnant as "radical Catholic reactionary."[4][5]

The Southern Poverty Law Center have attacked The Remnant and the Remnant Press as "hate groups" under a category they describe as "Radical Traditionalist Catholic", which the SPLC defines as "organizations that embrace anti-Semitism and whose theology is typically rejected by the Vatican and mainstream Catholics in general."
This paper consists of critical commentary on particularly objectionable, questionable, and revealing portions of the following articles. All are connected with The Remnant organization.

Holy smoke

I knew there was a reason I felt unclean and creeped out by Stetch's Christmas card message of brotherly love.
I feel obligated to alleviate and offset the evil vibes given by the original video, with a perfectly benign mysticism of Orthodox Christmas hymns and chants.
I had to stop it the minute the narrator insisted that everyone on the planet needs to be a Catholic or forever be damned

That is the weirdest, creepiest, and most exclusionary Christmas post I have ever seen on this forum.

The message of this video seems only two steps removed from the Spanish Inquisition.

I can see why Christian fundamentalists scare the crap out of Jewish people, Muslims, atheists, and Buddhists

I agree 100% and I'm Catholic. This is like something that was preached a hundred years ago, not the present day. There's just so much wrong with this homily.