Remembering Christ at Christmas

As well as calling them pedos (like Stretch *cough cough* does) and otherwise bearing false witness.

I just love it when the nastiest haters post special Xmas messages to show how holy and righteous they are. I guess that's supposed to make us ignore the other 364 days of crazy- and hate-filled posts. lol

No, we don't ignore your 365 days of hate filled posts.
Well done.

You could basically take the testimony of Jesus' brother James, and transcribe it into Marx's communist manifesto, without missing a beat.

The Epistle of James is remarkable for its denunciation of the rich and their material wealth, and it's condemnation of their oppression of the poor.

I guess you haven't read the Communist Manifesto or any of the other of Marx's works. You can find a copy of some of his works here.
Remembering Christ at Christmas. The last thing weirdoes like Stretch ever think about, at Christmas or any other time, is Jesus of Nazareth, a poor person who cared mainly for the poor and oppressed. What Stretch wants, always, is an excuse to bully people, and an irrational one like his 'God' is a perfect justification.
You could basically take the testimony of Jesus' brother James, and transcribe it into Marx's communist manifesto, without missing a beat.

The Epistle of James is remarkable for its denunciation of the rich and their material wealth, and it's condemnation of their oppression of the poor.
I guess you haven't read the Communist Manifesto or any of the other of Marx's works. You can find a copy of some of his works here.
The Apostle James' condemnation of the rich and their oppression of the poor in the NT is as caustic as anything Karl Marx ever wrote about our capitalist overlords.

James 5
New International Version

Warning to Rich Oppressors

Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you.

2 Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes.

3 Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days.

4 Look! The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty.

5 You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.

6 You have condemned and murdered the innocent one, who was not opposing you.
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The parable of Dives and Lazarus tells us what to think about American fundamentalism and its God, Mammon. Just think, too, of all those bullyboys beating their hollow chests and boasting about their money, breaking off to recite, 'He hath exalted the humble and meek, and the rich He hath sent empty away!' :)

Donald Trump is an athesist. The definition of atheism is the disbelief of any gods.

I am convinced Trump does not believe in any gods or any higher spiritual truth whatsoever. He worships money.

It is a reflection on the character of right-wing American Christians that they enthralled themselves to an amoral atheist.

I use the term Christian extremely loosely in this context. Because to the extent rightwing fundamentalists participate in a church, it is more for tribal and social reasons, than for religious and spiritual reasons.
As well as calling them pedos (like Stretch *cough cough* does) and otherwise bearing false witness.

I just love it when the nastiest haters post special Xmas messages to show how holy and righteous they are. I guess that's supposed to make us ignore the other 364 days of crazy- and hate-filled posts. lol

Ignorant on the subject as usual.
It's all about how righteous and holy Christ is. Only by mercy and grace has God reconciled us to himself THROUGH Christ, not by OUR fleshly human efforts.
The Apostle James' condemnation of the rich and their oppression of the poor in the NT is as caustic as anything Karl Marx ever wrote about our capitalist overlords.

Exactly. He was addressing the CHURCH, not the GOVERNMENT. The CHURCH must address this, as we always have. Only the false
teachers/prophets have taken advantage of the poor and lowly. Christ's true church on the earth should always handle the care of the poor and oppressed.
Ignorant on the subject as usual.
It's all about how righteous and holy Christ is. Only by mercy and grace has God reconciled us to himself THROUGH Christ, not by OUR fleshly human efforts.

Whatever, fraud. No one who posts shit like you did to start this thread knows anything about Christ. Nor do they post nonsense like your ridiculous thread about the Rapture occurring in Sept. 2017. :laugh:
Donald Trump is an athesist. The definition of atheism is the disbelief of any gods.

I am convinced Trump does not believe in any gods or any higher spiritual truth whatsoever. He worships money.

It is a reflection on the character of right-wing American Christians that they enthralled themselves to an amoral atheist.

I use the term Christian extremely loosely in this context. Because to the extent rightwing fundamentalists participate in a church, it is more for tribal and social reasons, than for religious and spiritual reasons.

Agree with all of the above. The "Christians" in this forum are perfect examples of easily-beguiled dupes who follow an amoral, corrupt creature who could not care less about the things they claim to value. In reality they worship and adore Trump far more than the mere lip service that they pay to their god. Sister Stench is a great example, along with Iewitness, PMP, and that Peas&Carrots guy.
Whatever, fraud. No one who posts shit like you did to start this thread knows anything about Christ. Nor do they post nonsense like your ridiculous thread about the Rapture occurring in Sept. 2017. :laugh:

So ignorant. And can't read either after all this time, too. People post daily on what they would be "hopeful" for. Get over it.
So ignorant. And can't read either after all this time, too. People post daily on what they would be "hopeful" for. Get over it.

Get over what? How stupid you are? lol

I know far more about the Bible, the history of Christianity, and Christ than you ever will. This is actually fairly common among both atheists and those who have chosen a different path. It is quite obvious from what you've posted here that your version of Jesus, and Scripture, is warped and twisted by your political POV. You possess no agape, no lovingkindness, no compassion or empathy for others outside of your tribe. You are a Pharisee.
The Apostle James' condemnation of the rich and their oppression of the poor in the NT is as caustic as anything Karl Marx ever wrote about our capitalist overlords.
Exactly. He was addressing the CHURCH,

The CHURCH must address this, as we always have. Only the false
teachers/prophets have taken advantage of the poor and lowly. Christ's true church on the earth should always handle the care of the poor and oppressed.

Here is a history lesson for you, take out a pad and pen if you wish.

Your thinking is utterly anachronistic. Your brain is accustomed to to context and political phikosophy of western liberal democracy and post-enlightenment thinking.

The social construct you are accustomed to has only existed for a couple of centuries.

In the time of the Apostle James, there was no distinction between government and religion. There were not two sets of rules - one for a secular government and one for religion.

In that historical context, the Apostle James made it clear that oppression of the poor by the wealthy is everyone's business. There is no modern distinction between the secular and the religious.
Here is a history lesson for you, take out a pad and pen if you wish.

Your thinking is utterly anachronistic. Your brain is accustomed to to context and political phikosophy of western liberal democracy and post-enlightenment thinking.

The social construct you are accustomed to has only existed for a couple of centuries.

In the time of the Apostle James, there was no distinction between government and religion. There were not two sets of rules - one for a secular government and one for religion.

In that historical context, the Apostle James made it clear that oppression of the poor by the wealthy is everyone's business. There is no modern distinction between the secular and the religious.

Exactly. All followers of Christ were commanded to give to the poor, even unto the shirt off your back if necessary.

"Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what is yours, do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you. If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them." -- Luke 6:30-32

American evangelicals think this means that the secular government should have no role in helping the underprivileged. My guess is that this is because they have churned religion and government together and come out with some warped version of the Gospels that allow them to cry about paying taxes because the poor shouldn't be receiving the proceeds of taxation, according to these erroneous ideas. I'm fairly sure that after telling us to render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, that He would have instructed us to stop begrudging the poor their food and shelter. Your take?
Exactly. All followers of Christ were commanded to give to the poor, even unto the shirt off your back if necessary.

"Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what is yours, do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you. If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them." -- Luke 6:30-32

American evangelicals think this means that the secular government should have no role in helping the underprivileged. My guess is that this is because they have churned religion and government together and come out with some warped version of the Gospels that allow them to cry about paying taxes because the poor shouldn't be receiving the proceeds of taxation, according to these erroneous ideas. I'm fairly sure that after telling us to render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, that He would have instructed us to stop begrudging the poor their food and shelter. Your take?

Nice work.

Rightwing Christians have been corrupted by the prosperity gospel, and by capitalists and profiteers posing as Christian televangelists
Get over what? How stupid you are? lol

I know far more about the Bible, the history of Christianity, and Christ than you ever will. This is actually fairly common among both atheists and those who have chosen a different path. It is quite obvious from what you've posted here that your version of Jesus, and Scripture, is warped and twisted by your political POV. You possess no agape, no lovingkindness, no compassion or empathy for others outside of your tribe. You are a Pharisee.

Get a hobby.