Remembering Christ at Christmas


“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." -- Matt. 6: 19-21

I have a lot of things myself but they are more liking to just be surrounded by things enjoyable. Hard to get out and enjoy things so I like to bring outside beauty indoors with the rocks. As for a lot of my other stuff, I'm trying a local Facebook thing for selling. I only have a few Star Wars things I'd really like to keep. It's nice to own things but it's not nice to have things own you.
I have a lot of things myself but they are more liking to just be surrounded by things enjoyable. Hard to get out and enjoy things so I like to bring outside beauty indoors with the rocks. As for a lot of my other stuff, I'm trying a local Facebook thing for selling. I only have a few Star Wars things I'd really like to keep. It's nice to own things but it's not nice to have things own you.

I'm fairly sure that we're allowed to enjoy the physical senses and emotional satisfactions that are part of our being. Sometimes though people go overboard and start loving their things over other people. You don't do that.
I have a lot of things myself but they are more liking to just be surrounded by things enjoyable. Hard to get out and enjoy things so I like to bring outside beauty indoors with the rocks. As for a lot of my other stuff, I'm trying a local Facebook thing for selling. I only have a few Star Wars things I'd really like to keep. It's nice to own things but it's not nice to have things own you.

Yes that’s called idol worship

What do you call a fake noodle? An Impasta!

A Rabbi who had a orthodox synagogue in Brooklyn. Small one. Not much money. He always wanted to go to visit Israel and one day an offering came thru w/that designation. He told his wife and she said she can’t go w/out her mother.
Rabbi says we don’t get along I can’t take her.
His wife wins and they bring his mother in law.
While on the trip suddenly the mother in law dies.
As they are at the morgue the Israeli representative asks the Rabbi to bury his mother in law here because sending her back to the states would be extremely costly about 30 thousand dollars. She could be buried here for about $3k dollars.
The Rabbi tells him no.
Rabbi rabbi you must really loved your mother in law to go through all this expense?

Rabbi - no no. I heard a story once about a Jewish guy who died here and was buried and then rose from the dead. I just can’t take that chance.

Agreed. Let's hope more people remember that when they are calling others demmycunts.


Democrats are filled with hate, not love. they are filled with greed, not charity. They destroy hope, they don't provide it. They deny faith. They don't embrace it.

Do I hate them? No. I hate what they want to take this nation to. I will fight fascism. I will defend this great nation and it's Constitution. Democrats want to destroy both.

Yes. I will denounce Satan as well. It is not out of hate. It is out of my love of fellow men, to save as many as I can from such tyranny.
I had to stop it the minute the narrator insisted that everyone on the planet needs to be a Catholic or forever be damned

That is the weirdest, creepiest, and most exclusionary Christmas post I have ever seen on this forum.

The message of this video seems only two steps removed from the Spanish Inquisition.

I can see why Christian fundamentalists scare the crap out of Jewish people, Muslims, atheists, and Buddhists

Fundamentalists occur in every religion.