Rep. Adam Schiff becomes the most prominent elected Democrat to publicly call on President Biden to drop out of the race

and now they need to go to the convention throw it into a brokered , open convention and draft a younger qualifier person with not only with a good education but some government expedience and hopefully some Military experience to counter Vance's military experience.
and as I have said before IMO Tammy Duckworth would fit that build.
Have a nice day
and now they need to go to the convention throw it into a brokered , open convention and draft a younger qualifier person with not only with a good education but some government expedience and hopefully some Military experience to counter Vance's military experience.
and as I have said before IMO Tammy Duckworth would fit that build.
Have a nice day
No one knows who the fuck that is. Bad idea.
I think this is more serious than some gaffs?!! We should not even have a 81 and 78 year old running for president?!!
Wasn't the time to discuss this back during the primary?

I personally thought Biden was too old for my comfort level, back when he ran in 2020. Because of that he was not my first choice in 2020!

And unless Biden is convinced that he is too old, it's going to be hard for the super delegates to give their full undivided support to a anyone else. But, for Democrats it always comes down to who the Super Delegates want come Convention time.

So, it is not my opinion that counts, it is theirs. Let's see what they want to do, and I will follow suit!
I've always been a huge fan of Tammy Duckworth. However, the Democratic Party may be setting themselves up for criticism they will not be able to deny. The Democratic party has always been the best advocates for the elderly and minorities. And here we are grappling with the idea that we are stiff-arming an elderly man to step down because some think he is too old to win, and skipping over the next one in line that should have the first shot at taking Biden's place in the lineup, who happens to be a minority.

The combination of those two moves, should that come to be, is going to be a huge bad optic for the Country to have to watch. And prepare yourself for the prospect that the Democrats are going to be called Hypocrites that do not practice what they preach- and that we throw the elderly and minorities under the bus! And it will only further divide the Democratic Party and quite possibly loose the support of the Black voters and elderly among us.

Those are two considerations I want every Democrat to stop right now, and give them a good long hard thought!
well I some what agree, but with Duckworth we get a very educated person, we get somebody that has been in the House and is a two term Senator, has been in the military, is a war vet, a disabled war vet, having her legs shot off in war time.
and from what I see has a very good record for getting things done in both houses of Congress.
I would love to see he become the first woman President of the USA
Have a nice day
Wasn't the time to discuss this back during the primary?

I personally thought Biden was too old for my comfort level, back when he ran in 2020. Because of that he was not my first choice in 2020!

And unless Biden is convinced that he is too old, it's going to be hard for the super delegates to give their full undivided support to a anyone else. But, for Democrats it always comes down to who the Super Delegates want come Convention time.

So, it is not my opinion that counts, it is theirs. Let's see what they want to do, and I will follow suit!
well I some what agree, but with Duckworth we get a very educated person, we get somebody that has been in the House and is a two term Senator, has been in the military, is a war vet, a disabled war vet, having her legs shot off in war time.
and from what I see has a very good record for getting things done in both houses of Congress.
I would love to see he become the first woman President of the USA
Have a nice day
My mom would be a great President. Let's put her on the ticket.
Re Duckworth it is like how the CIA has a what 1.5 hour convo with the current speaker of the house and everything changes....

"They have six way to Sunday to fuck you."
She became a stooge for the Regime, in the military she was not at all.
I don't know she has a good voting record on Vets issues , women's issues , and more.
how do you think she became a " stooge for the regime " ?
I really would like to know I don't see it , IMO she has done a very good job in the House and the Senate.
Have a nice day
I don't know she has a good voting record on Vets issues , women's issues , and more.
how do you think she became a " stooge for the regime " ?
I really would like to know I don't see it , IMO she has done a very good job in the House and the Senate.
Have a nice day
I dont know you.

You must establish some points with me if you expect me to invest into you.
I dont know you.

You must establish some points with me if you expect me to invest into you.
You made a statement that she ( Duckworth ) became a " stooge for the regime " .
and all I wanted is for you to explain to me what she did to become a stooge for the regime.
have a nice day
Feel free to Suck My DICK! if you think that might help.
what the fuck????
you make a statement and I just asked you to explain it and you start acting like an asshole.
if you can't tell me why you said she became a " stooge for the regime " just say so.
you don't have to get hostile about it.
Have a nice day
When Shifty Needle-neck Shift throws you under the bus…

He’s the one who stood on the House floor and knowing lied to the American people about the debunked Russian collusion.

He said he had concrete proof…he lied his head off.
Harry Reid taught him well.
what the fuck????
you make a statement and I just asked you to explain it and you start acting like an asshole.
if you can't tell me why you said she became a " stooge for the regime " just say so.
you don't have to get hostile about it.
Have a nice day
Measure up.....or GO AWAY!