Republican Congressman Says Russian propaganda has infected GOP

Joe Capitalist

Racism is a disease
Republican Congressman Michael McCaul, Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee: “I think Russian propaganda has made its way into the United States, unfortunately, and it’s infected a good chunk of my party’s base.”

So it sounds like the Republiclowns are the ones who are COMMUNISTS!!

What a surprise. I'm shocked. SHOCKED I tell ya.
The number of major Republicans trying to get out before the party collapses is amazing.
Russian propaganda has claimed Zelinsky's wife bought millions of dollars of jewelry when they were in America. That is a lie. They also claimed the Zelinsky bought not one, but 2 huge yachts. This crap appeared on right wing gnus to harm America's support of Ukraine. Rusian propaganda is real and well organized.
Russian propaganda has claimed Zelinsky's wife bought millions of dollars of jewelry when they were in America. That is a lie. They also claimed the Zelinsky bought not one, but 2 huge yachts. This crap appeared on right wing gnus to harm America's support of Ukraine. Rusian propaganda is real and well organized.

And I bet the MAGA morons are swallowing it hook, line and sinker.

There are still some reputable, decent Republicans left but not enough to prevent the Team Crazy Republiclowns from taking over.
In Alaska one can register as a ‘Republican’ or a ‘moderate Republican’. IOW, a normal mainstream republican is now considered far right here.
But then again you could say the same about democrats. Does a moderate democrat even exist anymore?
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They are very susceptible to brainwashing

Yep, just look at all the bullshit they've swallowed so far:

Trump won the 2020 election by a lot
The Dems cheated
The FBI BLM and Antifa caused 911
Pelosi was supposed to call out the National Guard
Biden is controlling the DOJ to go after Trump on false charges
Trump never met Stormy Daniels or E. Jean Carroll
Trump reads the Bible and is Godly
HydroChloriquine and injecting disinfectant works better at curing COVID than the vaccine
The Jan 6 insurrectionists are hostages

Did I forget any?
Yep, just look at all the bullshit they've swallowed so far:

Trump won the 2020 election by a lot
The Dems cheated
The FBI BLM and Antifa caused 911
Pelosi was supposed to call out the National Guard
Biden is controlling the DOJ to go after Trump on false charges
Trump never met Stormy Daniels or E. Jean Carroll
Trump reads the Bible and is Godly
HydroChloriquine and injecting disinfectant works better at curing COVID than the vaccine
The Jan 6 insurrectionists are hostages

Did I forget any?

Oh, I forgot one (and it's a good one):

The President can declassify any Top Secret document just by thinking about them.

It has become the party of trump.

GOP Rep. Mike Turner says it's “absolutely true" that Russian propaganda has "infected" a portion of the Republican party:

“We see directly coming from Russia ... communications that are anti-Ukraine and pro-Russia messages, some of which we even hear being uttered on the House floor.”

Fucking Republiclown traitors.

This thread is the best example of leftist projection I have seen. While the Democratic Party implodes on itself with two dunces at the head, one who is a corrupt grifter and senile, the other just a silly idiot, they want to believe that it is the Republican Party that has the issues. Meanwhile, the former President leads in nearly all the major Battleground states and attracts huge crowds to his rallies continues to outperform even with all the frivolous and unconstitutional lawsuits promoted by the autocratic dumbass in the White House.

If one wanted to see what stupid really looks like, look no further than this thread. :laugh:
Republican Congressman Michael McCaul, Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee: “I think Russian propaganda has made its way into the United States, unfortunately, and it’s infected a good chunk of my party’s base.”

So it sounds like the Republiclowns are the ones who are COMMUNISTS!!

What a surprise. I'm shocked. SHOCKED I tell ya.

Maybe one or two of these GOPers actually are not Russian owned
This thread is the best example of leftist projection I have seen. While the Democratic Party implodes on itself with two dunces at the head, one who is a corrupt grifter and senile, the other just a silly idiot, they want to believe that it is the Republican Party that has the issues. Meanwhile, the former President leads in nearly all the major Battleground states and attracts huge crowds to his rallies continues to outperform even with all the frivolous and unconstitutional lawsuits promoted by the autocratic dumbass in the White House.

If one wanted to see what stupid really looks like, look no further than this thread. :laugh:

TRANSLATION: my pants are already shat, now I’m doubling shitting in My underoos
TRANSLATION: my pants are already shat, now I’m doubling shitting in My underoos

Run along you triggered mental case. No one cares what you think or believe. You should kill yourself. No one would notice. No one would care and the worlds collective IQ would increase.
