Republican Congressman Says Russian propaganda has infected GOP

The GOP should be charged with treason.

Triggered MORON alert!!!!


Top GOP Congressional Leaders admit Russian propaganda has infected their parties voters | Mon, Apr 08
Isaac Arnsdorf, National Political Reporter for The Washington Post and Ben Rhodes, former Deputy National Security Advisor for President Obama join Nicolle Wallace on Deadline White House with reaction to some of the top Republicans in Congress when it comes to National Security admitting that much of their party has been swallowed up by Russian propaganda.*

Democrat propagandists say Republicans bad people! Brain dead leftist morons parrot their nonsense.


Sad, but true. They refuse to deal with reality, and are even offended when reality is brought up.

Describing leftist progressive Democrats like yourself again. We call this projection. You seem to be quite full of it and stupid.

The Russian propaganda has been a mainstay on this board. It has accelerated since Putin attacked a neutral neighboring country. Those swallowing it are Trumpys and Repubs. It is real and works on those who know little history.
The Russian propaganda has been a mainstay on this board. It has accelerated since Putin attacked a neutral neighboring country. Those swallowing it are Trumpys and Repubs. It is real and works on those who know little history.

Just look at the MAGA morons and Republiclowns that are anti-Ukraine now. It's shocking.
Before Trump, all the members of Congress, Democrats and Republicans would've been vehemently and overwhelmingly in support of Ukraine.
This is what Trump has done to the Republiclown party. It's disgusting.
Trump and Republiclowns are Putin's puppets.

You prove the veracity of that statement every time you post.

Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.

Any idea what Trump meant by saying "Republicans eat their young".

The second oldest president and second oldest major candidate in American history thinks he is the youngest president and candidate in American history. Seriously, trump keeps saying how young he is... It makes trying to understand him very difficult.

So the "young" in that statement would be a 77 year old man who needs to wear diapers, and wears orange makeup over his entire face. trump is complaining that some Republicans are putting country above trump. he wants all Republicans trying to destroy America to get himself elected.

he is particularly angry that his close ally Putin is being denied conquest in Europe.