Republicans Against Sarah Palin

Dix only has a 1 pound cake....try again?

A "pound" is a man-made unit of measure, not a "value." I have never said a cake can't be divided into even thirds, or a ruler which is 12 inches, can't be divided into 3 equal 4 inch sections. Things are divided into thirds all the time, we use the fractional representation "1/3" to define them. None of this changes the fact that 1 can't be divided equally into 3 parts without producing a remainder. Pounds and inches are inadequate to record the remainder, as it is infinitesimal. For most practical purposes, our units of measure and representational "1/3" is adequate to sufficiently divide anything into thirds, with satisfactory results. But 1 still can't be divided equally by 3 without producing a remainder, that's just a fact of life, and it doesn't matter if Damo agrees with it or not.
I never assumed to know who he/she is, apparently you're having those reading comprehension troubles again. Based on what the admin said, I determined Schadenfreude is an old poster with a new name. I don't care who they were, or what stupid thing they said which shamed them into changing their name, that's up to them... I just don't appreciate dishonesty, and when you come here acting like you're new and haven't posted before, and that is not the case, you are a liar.

For the record, I don't buy that this is the only screen name you've posted under, and I have my reasons for that as well. You've not been around as "Zapped" long enough to develop the deep-rooted hatred you display towards me daily. Obviously, you are some moron I chewed up and spit out long ago, and you just don't want to admit that. It's okay, I don't blame you, I wouldn't admit I had been shamed out of my moniker either.

When Zap is going places he thinks he KNOWS, there's no stopping him with facts!

Let 'em rip! He's had a tough time lately and needs to release some hot air!
Please don't feed the ogre! I mean troll...

Thank you Foggy! Why don't you resurrect Meme-me, Frogmeister, Froggie, and all the rest of your trolls you've used?

So how long did we have you chasing Schadenfreude's tail before you determined he was DQ?

Eh,old girl?
i am the brother of someone who used to be here
Is is suppose to not matter who you once were, the ones who are after you on your identity use to swack about this on a regular basis when one of their friends changed names on a regular basis to avoid detection, but I guess they have once again, changed their minds and it does matter who is who! unless it is one of their friends, again, and then it does't matter and we aren't suppose to comment!

ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, life is like a box of chocolates and some of them just suck, those are the ones you taste and put back in the box!