Republicans Against Sarah Palin

FYI Schadenfreude is not Froggie, nor is Schadenfreude a troll in any normal sense of the definition.
Posting from your daughter's house has only fooled a few toad~
It hasn't "fooled" anybody, Rana and Frogmeister are one in the same, two different computers. That is all.

One shouldn't look for conspiracy in every action from political opponents. Sometimes they just aren't doing anything bad. And she's right, she's not Schadenfreude.
It hasn't "fooled" anybody, Rana and Frogmeister are one in the same, two different computers. That is all.

One shouldn't look for conspiracy in every action from political opponents. Sometimes they just aren't doing anything bad. And she's right, she's not Schadenfreude.
I appreciate this very much Damo! Thanks for clearing this up for her.
It hasn't "fooled" anybody, Rana and Frogmeister are one in the same, two different computers. That is all.

One shouldn't look for conspiracy in every action from political opponents. Sometimes they just aren't doing anything bad. And she's right, she's not Schadenfreude.

Confirmed. Perhaps I shouldn't say this, but I will anyway, we know who Schadenfreude is, and its not Froggie.

So all you armchair gumshoes are just making yourselves look like jackasses. That is all.
the problem with palin is that she has her own reality

but then so do some posters here

in fact most people, if not all, have their own reality - some come closer than others to the true reality

on the other hand, reality is overrated :)
the problem with palin is that she has her own reality

but then so do some posters here

in fact most people, if not all, have their own reality - some come closer than others to the true reality

on the other hand, reality is overrated :)

Yeah, and then, some of us have a reality that is so humiliating and embarrassing it makes us adopt new screen names on our message boards, to avoid the ridicule and scorn we've caused with our stupidity. Shamed out of your moniker... that reality must really blow chunks.
Yeah, and then, some of us have a reality that is so humiliating and embarrassing it makes us adopt new screen names on our message boards, to avoid the ridicule and scorn we've caused with our stupidity. Shamed out of your moniker... that reality must really blow chunks.

and what moniker do you think that is
Yeah, and then, some of us have a reality that is so humiliating and embarrassing it makes us adopt new screen names on our message boards, to avoid the ridicule and scorn we've caused with our stupidity. Shamed out of your moniker... that reality must really blow chunks.

And then there is the other 1/3 of the posters who continue on, regardless of past humiliations.
I appreciate this very much Damo! Thanks for clearing this up for her.

You really think having Damo "clear" this up will put an end to her ridiculous, baseless speculation?

ID without a doubt lives in her own little reality and no amount of facts or proof will get her to admit to everyone here that what she had already convinced herself was "the truth" was, in fact, just more baseless supposition.
and what moniker do you think that is

It doesn't matter who I think you are, your cover has been blown by the admins already. Undoubtedly, you are some punk liberal who got hammered and embarrassed by something stupid you said, and just couldn't take the heat anymore. So now, here you are with a bright shiny new screen name and a clean slate, with the hopes you won't fail again at gaining respect. But alas, it is not meant to be! You've already hopelessly embarrassed yourself, just by picking a new screen name. It's interesting you went with "schadenfreude" ...meaning; A person who derives pleasure in the misery of others. That attribute is what you are most proud of yourself for? This explains your low self esteem and feelings of inadequacy around others.
It doesn't matter who I think you are, your cover has been blown by the admins already. Undoubtedly, you are some punk liberal who got hammered and embarrassed by something stupid you said, and just couldn't take the heat anymore. So now, here you are with a bright shiny new screen name and a clean slate, with the hopes you won't fail again at gaining respect. But alas, it is not meant to be! You've already hopelessly embarrassed yourself, just by picking a new screen name. It's interesting you went with "schadenfreude" ...meaning; A person who derives pleasure in the misery of others. That attribute is what you are most proud of yourself for? This explains your low self esteem and feelings of inadequacy around others.

ANOTHER post long on baseless speculation and short on hard FACTS.

How about you put up or shut up?

You think you "know" who this is/was? Then spit it out and quit playing idiotic games.
ANOTHER post long on baseless speculation and short on hard FACTS.

How about you put up or shut up?

You think you "know" who this is/was? Then spit it out and quit playing idiotic games.

No game playing here, I never said I knew who this is. I know an admin said "we know who Schadenfreude is," which implies this is an old poster with a new name. If they "know" who it is, chances are, it's not someone new who just stumbled across this board one day. Obviously, the IP of Schadenfreude matches up with someone else's IP, otherwise, the admin would have said "we don't know who Schadenfreude is, his IP doesn't match any other user." So basically, this all comes down to common sense, something you are short of.

So Zapped, how many screen names have you been through here? How many times have you been exposed for the idiot you are, changed your screen name and tried again, only to find yourself being exposed as an idiot again? Seems like you morons would understand, it's not your screen name that makes you an idiot, it's what you say! It doesn't matter how many times you change your screen name, if you are still going to spew idiocy.
No game playing here, I never said I knew who this is. I know an admin said "we know who Schadenfreude is," which implies this is an old poster with a new name. If they "know" who it is, chances are, it's not someone new who just stumbled across this board one day. Obviously, the IP of Schadenfreude matches up with someone else's IP, otherwise, the admin would have said "we don't know who Schadenfreude is, his IP doesn't match any other user." So basically, this all comes down to common sense, something you are short of.

So Zapped, how many screen names have you been through here? How many times have you been exposed for the idiot you are, changed your screen name and tried again, only to find yourself being exposed as an idiot again? Seems like you morons would understand, it's not your screen name that makes you an idiot, it's what you say! It doesn't matter how many times you change your screen name, if you are still going to spew idiocy.

Well thank you for admitting all you've got are ASSUMPTIONS about who you think he/she is. ask how many screen names I've been through??

Exactly ONE...UNO!

I know no amount of evidence will convince you your ASSUMPTIONS are wrong...but we all learned LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG ago there's just no discussing the truth with you once your narrow mind is set.