Republicans Against Sarah Palin

My stalker! Every great message board poster has one! She only comments on my posts! And not too brightly, I might add!

What "comments"?

All disloyal's got is her repetitive, spastic clicking of emoticons over and over.

THAT is the extent of her "comment"
So, when a campaign commercial says something like "she took on corruption within the GOP in her home state" automatically believe it, then parrott it?

Actually, these facts have been confirmed by numerous sources. Are you denying them to be true?
Well that's fine Renal! That's what is supposed to happen in elections! Do you think Republicans should nominate someone liberals would not work hard to defeat? That's what we tried with McCain... remember, the Liberal's Favorite Republican? Smart guys like Damo, convinced us that McCain or Romney were the type of conservative we needed to run against Democrats, they didn't seem to rile Democrats like Bush, and this would help us secure the swing vote. We ended up nominating someone conservatives didn't "work hard" to elect!

As long as you beat Sarah Palin fair and square, without having to count dangling chads, or depending on the dead to vote, or finding the ever-popular box of ballots in the trunk during the recount... you know, all the sleazy tricks Democrats pull to win elections? As long as you beat her legitimately, I don't have a problem with it, let the chips fall where they may! And I don't care, nor will I apologize, for nominating a candidate that you don't personally like. I think that was a mistake in 2008, and it will be a mistake again, if we try it in 2012. Our nominee shouldn't be someone who wins a popularity contest by liberals and elitist republicans.
Renal? Of the kidney? That isn't even clever.
So you justify not basing your first allegation by leveling a second baseless allegation.
She is like that, you know, it is projecting, this was her MO at one time, maybe not now, but once upon a time, so she thinks I am guilty of it, also. The only other name I have going at this time is Frogmeister and after clearing cookies, as suggested by Damo, I don't have to use it.and I told everyone I was Frogmeister and I always tell others when I change names!
ID is a little paranoid for no good reason!
She is like that, you know, it is projecting, this was her MO at one time, maybe not now, but once upon a time, so she thinks I am guilty of it, also. The only other name I have going at this time is Frogmeister and after clearing cookies, as suggested by Damo, I don't have to use it.and I told everyone I was Frogmeister and I always tell others when I change names!
ID is a little paranoid for no good reason!

You don't even lie well toad~ You trolled meme for over a month until you got totally busted on it!
She is like that, you know, it is projecting, this was her MO at one time, maybe not now, but once upon a time, so she thinks I am guilty of it, also. The only other name I have going at this time is Frogmeister and after clearing cookies, as suggested by Damo, I don't have to use it.and I told everyone I was Frogmeister and I always tell others when I change names!
ID is a little paranoid for no good reason!

I seem to recall Beefy instructing one of those dim bulbs that you weren't schadenfreude. Guess the news hasn't trickled down to the other one yet.