Republicans Are Classy!


Summary: On the day it was announced that Sen. Ted Kennedy had been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor, nationally syndicated radio host Michael Savage opened his show by interspersing audio of Kennedy singing "Ay Jalisco No Te Rajes" with clips of news reporters discussing Kennedy's diagnosis and audio from Kindergarten Cop in which Arnold Schwarzenegger's character says, "It's not a tumor." Later, Savage played the Dead Kennedys song "California Über Alles" after stating: "The poor guy's been suffering for years, you know? Unfairly he's been accused of alcoholism, but we see now that it was something much more deep-seated. And so, to cut this out in some respect for Ted Kennedy, here's a tune coming at you from the Dead Kennedys. Go ahead and play it, please."
What was it I heard recently from the democrats on the board? "I've never wished for the death of another, but I have read some obituaries with great delight.." something like that.
Savage is a pretty poor excuse for a human being. Just like Coulter, though, he has a legion of fans on the right, who tune in every day & put his books on the bestseller list....
The guy is not dead yet.
And? It doesn't change the sentiment and the fact that there are many a thread on this board of D's being just as "classy".

(And yes, it is partially admitting to the fact that Savage is an ass and a Republican)...
It certainly wasn't moi!

But keep deflecting.
LOL. It wasn't?

I'm not deflecting, I'm entertaining myself!

I have no self-delusion that my party is any more "classy" than yours, nor a need to attempt to justify this because he is in the same political party.
we have been absolutely inundated with him locally. Local sports announcers are doing shout outs. local news leading off with pics of him sailing and leaving hospital and so on.
we have been absolutely inundated with him locally. Local sports announcers are doing shout outs. local news leading off with pics of him sailing and leaving hospital and so on.
We have too, and we don't even live there.
Oh stop whining. Any day now one of the senior bush’s are going to kick off. Either Barbara or H W, and then we will have to hear about those dysfunctional freaks for weeks. I’m sure that’ll make you happy. You can all have a good cry.
Isn't Savage a shock jock? He's intentionally being a scumbag. Congrats on spotting his schtick. If savage were trying to pass it off as serious commentary it would be different, but it was meant to be humorous. Just because the joke is not for you doesn't make it wrong. Get a life and ignore stuff like this if it bothers you. What's the point? I'd compare it to getting upset about something Howard Stern said, but that too would be pointless, since everyone understands without the need for an analogy.
Oh stop whining. Any day now one of the senior bush’s are going to kick off. Either Barbara or H W, and then we will have to hear about those dysfunctional freaks for weeks. I’m sure that’ll make you happy. You can all have a good cry.
I'm sure I'll post something about how "classy" y'all are and forget promptly about Savage, ignoring all attempts to be reminded. I will be having fun then too!
Of what? That I am a Republican? No, that is common information. That Savage is? No again, that is also common information.

Must I quote my post from earlier? Really?

It’s funny how you think it’s “common knowledge” that you are a republican, yet so many have the impression that you aren’t a republican. That you’re a libertarian-leaning independent.
Where do you think they get that impression from?
Of what? That I am a Republican? No, that is common information. That Savage is? No again, that is also common information.

Must I quote my post from earlier? Really?

That you're a republican is news to me.

I knew you're conservative and you voted for Bush, but damn man .. I thought you grew up. :)