Republicans are like Holocaust Deniers.

As long as the dictator is the one *they* want. Imagine them with a Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren dictator. The horrors, the ignominy of being forced to have universal health care, free education through college for your kids, High-speed internet everywhere, bullet trains, non-crumbling bridges and highways, jobs with decent pay, no more gerrymandering, sensible gun regulations, a clean environment. Can you imagine how unfree they will be?

Generally agree, with the single caveat that there is no such thing as "sensible gun regulations". At least, not in the sense that you mean. "Sensible gun regulations" would include universal gun safety education and widespread availability of proper gun handling education. There would also be fewer restrictions on law-abiding gun owners. All of which I'm pretty sure is just the opposite of what you have in mind when you mention "sensible gun regulations".

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I have just a few questions for all of this: Who pays for the universal health care, free education, high speed internet? Who provides the jobs with decent pay? Can you define "sensible gun regulations" which do not include running afoul of the 2nd Amendment? If I am forced by higher taxes to pay for your health care, education etc then I am not free am I? If you chip away at the Constitution I am always in fear of having more of my freedoms taken away. Liberal socialism (and you can call it whatever you want but what you are promoting is socialism, democratic, American, Gobbly Gookian, it doesn't matter, its still socialism) always leads to death and destruction, always.
Obviously, universal health care is paid for with taxes. OTOH you wouldn't be paying insurance premiums any more. So you might be paying less than you are now.

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it so nice that i have the low grade nimrod on ignore

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Ich auch! And for quite a while. But I still see Earl. I've been mulling putting that pendejo on ignore as well.

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I don't think so. Nor are we liberals the godless commie gulag-lovers that your side frequently paints us as being, eh? I've never been able to figure out how expecting the ultra wealthy to cough up their fair share in taxes so that we can provide all our citizens with infrastructure, education, food inspections, help for the elderly and disabled, etc. = Commie Socialist Evil.
Many on the right appear to believe that the conditions we faced at the end of the 19th century are good and proper. Conditions such as a few extremely wealthy families, widespread poverty and environmental degradation. We were on the verge of becoming just another banana republic. But the demand for government regulation of business and the rise of unions pulled us back from disaster and gave us the healthy economy that has made so many of us well off.

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Not with liberals. Since I am not even sure what a credible source according to liberals may be I am already at a disadvantage. Liberals don't debate, they preach. You either believe what they want you to believe without question or you are willfully ignorant in their eyes.

BTW, a lie to a liberal is anything that does not agree with their Holy Writ. Bullshit is the same only spelled differently.

No, you people are worthless.

You appear to be talking about yourself. You certainly aren't debating, you're just preaching. You certainly don't have any facts, just your Holy Writ. Completely worthless.

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Care to share what those "Freudian slips" were or are you just another troll??

As if this Christian Nation master race of old glory & old testament arsonists Holycosts in US 9/11 liberty & justice for all Christians Freedom would be any different than Holocaust deniers.
No where in America can you afford rent on minimum wage

Minimum wage isn't meant to provide someone with a comfortable life. It isn't meant to live your life on.

Get off your ass and learn a trade or two, learn a skill or two, and then gee by golly you'll be worth more than minimum wage...

You are not entitled to other people's money.
It's not a lie. It's just that Mueller wasn't able to find anything criminal in the obvious collusion. Obstruction may be a different story.

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Of course it was all a lie. Obstruction? We back to that again now that Ukrainegate is blowing up on you?
As if this Christian Nation master race of old glory & old testament arsonists Holycosts in US 9/11 liberty & justice for all Christians Freedom would be any different than Holocaust deniers.

Since you don't intend to respond to direct questions; it's become apparent that you're just trolling for responses and therefore will be ignored, right up to the time you make a rules violation.
Minimum wage isn't meant to provide someone with a comfortable life. It isn't meant to live your life on.

Get off your ass and learn a trade or two, learn a skill or two, and then gee by golly you'll be worth more than minimum wage...

You are not entitled to other people's money.

May I suggest that you don't give the troll, the satisfaction of a reply.
Since you don't intend to respond to direct questions; it's become apparent that you're just trolling for responses and therefore will be ignored, right up to the time you make a rules violation.

Typical avoidance - acceptance of compulsive - obsessive innocence proclaiming Holocaust & 9/11 Holycosts deniers regardless if republican or not.
Since you don't intend to respond to direct questions; it's become apparent that you're just trolling for responses and therefore will be ignored, right up to the time you make a rules violation.

Making America great again like KKK lynching enforcement stealing & burning a US Constitution at SCOTUS with denials of Holocaust Kristallnacht tactics only proves stealing and burning the US Constitution off a wall off a Navy hospital is not much different than US 9/11 freedom of those burning Bush's Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" Holycosts health care plan denials.