Republicans are like Holocaust Deniers.

We already have that,it's called minimum wage


So, you think "minimum wage" is slavery? You realize of course that regardless of what level wages may there there will always be that wage which is the lowest paid to anyone, i.e. the "minimum wage". Raising the current minimum wage to some arbitrary level will only amount to even less entry level jobs for those who are unskilled. This will deprive them of any opportunity to gain experience and therefor opportunities for greater income.

Or are you one of those beanheads who think that any wage is "slave wages" and that everyone should just be able to walk into a certified "distribution center" and pick up whatever they need?

So, you think "minimum wage" is slavery? You realize of course that regardless of what level wages may there there will always be that wage which is the lowest paid to anyone, i.e. the "minimum wage". Raising the current minimum wage to some arbitrary level will only amount to even less entry level jobs for those who are unskilled. This will deprive them of any opportunity to gain experience and therefor opportunities for greater income.

Or are you one of those beanheads who think that any wage is "slave wages" and that everyone should just be able to walk into a certified "distribution center" and pick up whatever they need?

No where in America can you afford rent on minimum wage

Interestingly out of the 81 million aged 16 or over earning a salary only about 500,000 were on minimum wage. Of these the majority are teens who are working after school and living at home. The truth is very few people are attempting to live alone or raise a family on minimum wage. I will be the first to admit it would extremely difficult or impossible to live alone on just the $15,080.00 minimum wage will produce per year. However there are many additional income streams for those on minimum wage, Earned Income Tax credits for example can amount to several thousand a year. You would be entitled to various welfare payouts plus housing. So, not only can nobody rent a home on minimum wage, nobody actually makes only minimum wage. Raising the minimum wage to $15.00 will do nothing in the long run except give birth to cries to raise the minimum wage to $20.00 an hour or $25.00 an hour.

If you don't want to make minimum wage, stay in school, learn a trade, don't get pregnant at 15, make yourself useful rather than a burden on the rest of us.
No matter what the evidence, what the facts are, they just deny what's plainly right in front of them. your other socks....lets have a back patting hen party. Its like having the VIEW on 24/7. Funny as hell, a bunch of hens clucking and picking shit. :laugh: your other socks....lets have a back patting hen party. Its like having the VIEW on 24/7. Funny as hell, a bunch of hens clucking and picking shit. :laugh:

All you can do is play the fool, little Ralphie, since you can't rebut the claim. You deny the truth.
Interestingly out of the 81 million aged 16 or over earning a salary only about 500,000 were on minimum wage. Of these the majority are teens who are working after school and living at home. The truth is very few people are attempting to live alone or raise a family on minimum wage. I will be the first to admit it would extremely difficult or impossible to live alone on just the $15,080.00 minimum wage will produce per year. However there are many additional income streams for those on minimum wage, Earned Income Tax credits for example can amount to several thousand a year. You would be entitled to various welfare payouts plus housing. So, not only can nobody rent a home on minimum wage, nobody actually makes only minimum wage. Raising the minimum wage to $15.00 will do nothing in the long run except give birth to cries to raise the minimum wage to $20.00 an hour or $25.00 an hour.

If you don't want to make minimum wage, stay in school, learn a trade, don't get pregnant at 15, make yourself useful rather than a burden on the rest of us.

You're woefully uneducated about "welfare" if you think you will qualify for anything if you are working FT and making minimum wage. It's possible only if you have a large number of dependents. You also don't qualify for EITC unless you have dependents (i.e. children). Tell us how someone can work FT and make $15K/year and support even one child, let alone a number of them? It's pretty much impossible unless you live with other ppl who are helping to share the costs of rent/utilities.

If you want ppl to learn a trade, isn't about high time we taxpayers help fund trade schools the same way we do academic studies? Or set up more high schools so that when kids graduate they have *some* sort of marketable skills, rather than treating h.s. as college prep for all?
You're woefully uneducated about "welfare" if you think you will qualify for anything if you are working FT and making minimum wage. It's possible only if you have a large number of dependents. You also don't qualify for EITC unless you have dependents (i.e. children). Tell us how someone can work FT and make $15K/year and support even one child, let alone a number of them? It's pretty much impossible unless you live with other ppl who are helping to share the costs of rent/utilities.

If you want ppl to learn a trade, isn't about high time we taxpayers help fund trade schools the same way we do academic studies? Or set up more high schools so that when kids graduate they have *some* sort of marketable skills, rather than treating h.s. as college prep for all?
I don't think taxpayers should be paying for any school but yes, I think there is far too much emphasis on going to college when only a small percentage overall are really qualified for higher education. People get out of college owing thousands of dollars with no real job training. I have been saying for years that there should be more trade schools (there was "vocational" classes in high school at one time but the students were portrayed as losers by the "more enlightened progressives" of the day. If everyone gets a college degree who will fix your toilet or install a new air conditioner or fix your car. If we are going to fund education for all then by all means it should be for all, not just the elite who can benefit from a college degree.

As I said in my initial post on this subject you can't live on $15,000.00 a year but an extremely small number of people do. Its far more efficient to help those who sincerely need help and are willing to put in the effort to better their chances at success than to require businesses to pay higher wages to everyone regardless of the circumstances.

As an aside my son worked in Manhattan about 15 years ago. He made exceptional money as an IT Technician. He made well over $100,000.00 a year but could not afford to live in "The City" and had to get an apartment in New Jersey. When he was transferred to Boston at even more money he had to live in Merrimack NH since rents were outrageous in Boston. The only people who can afford to live in either city are the very rich or those getting subsidies from the government.

Wages should be what the employer is willing to pay and you are willing to work for. When I first started my business I paid minimum wage to people with no experience. Within a short period of time I was paying almost twice minimum but needed only a third as many people because the higher paid workers were not the former minimum wage workers but those with experience and ability. So, they ,made a good salary, I made a higher profit and the minimum wage workers went to the next minimum wage gig unless they made an attempt at learning more about the business.

Higher minimum wage is a job killer for the minimum wage workers.
Interestingly out of the 81 million aged 16 or over earning a salary only about 500,000 were on minimum wage. Of these the majority are teens who are working after school and living at home. The truth is very few people are attempting to live alone or raise a family on minimum wage. I will be the first to admit it would extremely difficult or impossible to live alone on just the $15,080.00 minimum wage will produce per year. However there are many additional income streams for those on minimum wage, Earned Income Tax credits for example can amount to several thousand a year. You would be entitled to various welfare payouts plus housing. So, not only can nobody rent a home on minimum wage, nobody actually makes only minimum wage. Raising the minimum wage to $15.00 will do nothing in the long run except give birth to cries to raise the minimum wage to $20.00 an hour or $25.00 an hour.

If you don't want to make minimum wage, stay in school, learn a trade, don't get pregnant at 15, make yourself useful rather than a burden on the rest of us.

You obviously are stuck in the 60's!
That's the last time teens were whole made minimum wage
No matter what the evidence, what the facts are, they just deny what's plainly right in front of them.

Rites of the national religion it's no wonder the master race of Islamophobia Christiananality pedophilia cognitive dissonance avoidance of the National Archives being aware of more than 24 US Constitutions being stolen & in all probability burned just as more than 24 of Eisenhower's old glories presented for business excellence most likely succuming to the same fate along with the National Election Commission being aware of a couple absentee ballots also stolen & in all probability burned certainly leaves acceptance of this Christian Nation Islamidiotocracy tarded for this suicidal super ego master race that there's no equal justice under law in Christiananality pedophilia nation national religion of Islamophobia with their diatribe of one nation under God lynching enforcement; which for some reason doesn't include theft & in all probability burning of more than 24 Israel hand scribed old testaments along with a same number of Holocaust survivors old glories presented by Ike for business excellence. Guess they also were all expendable in their schizoid master plan "man is God" cognitive dissonance homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming of a supreme swastika up Uranus court.
Rites of the national religion it's no wonder the master race of Islamophobia Christiananality pedophilia cognitive dissonance avoidance of the National Archives being aware of more than 24 US Constitutions being stolen & in all probability burned just as more than 24 of Eisenhower's old glories presented for business excellence most likely succuming to the same fate along with the National Election Commission being aware of a couple absentee ballots also stolen & in all probability burned certainly leaves acceptance of this Christian Nation Islamidiotocracy tarded for this suicidal super ego master race that there's no equal justice under law in Christiananality pedophilia nation national religion of Islamophobia with their diatribe of one nation under God lynching enforcement; which for some reason doesn't include theft & in all probability burning of more than 24 Israel hand scribed old testaments along with a same number of Holocaust survivors old glories presented by Ike for business excellence. Guess they also were all expendable in their schizoid master plan "man is God" cognitive dissonance homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming of a supreme swastika up Uranus court.







That national religion condescending arrogance of a Christian Nation where it doesn't matter how many old glories purchased in D.C. were stolen by clues clucks duh clans to be burned where said old glories were first switched out for Eisenhower presented old glories for business excellence to Holocaust survivors; unbeknownst until years later. 21st century Islamophobia Christiananality pedophilia Neanderthal business super egos.
That national religion condescending arrogance of a Christian Nation where it doesn't matter how many old glories purchased in D.C. were stolen by clues clucks duh clans to be burned where said old glories were first switched out for Eisenhower presented old glories for business excellence to Holocaust survivors; unbeknownst until years later. 21st century Islamophobia Christiananality pedophilia Neanderthal business super egos.







Same old US one nation under God Fourth Reich national religion of thieving hand scribed old testament arsonists propaganda in some suicidal super ego Christiananality Neanderthal Mengele "Angel of Death" megalomaniacal pedophilia crusade jihad is just so......ancient Islamophobia in the 21st century.
Same old US one nation under God Fourth Reich national religion of thieving hand scribed old testament arsonists propaganda in some suicidal super ego Christiananality Neanderthal Mengele "Angel of Death" megalomaniacal pedophilia crusade jihad is just so......ancient Islamophobia in the 21st century.





