Republicans in Panic Mode After Trump Trashes Milwaukee

Coming to various locations around Milwaukee in the near future....

Trump running his mouth is the gift that just keeps on giving to the Democrats!

Here, Wisconsin is the one state that might just be the state that decides the election, AND TRUMP JUST INSULTED EVERYONE THAT LIVES IN THAT STATE!

"Conservatives have failed, and they have failed all the way......just look at where we are".
Hawkeye the Wise
Trump only said what is true. Im from Wisconsin, live in Wisconsin, worked and lived in the Milwaukee Metro area,....YUP:......Its a shithole. MASSIVE crime for a small city,...much of it violent. We didnt do this,....the Blue voting bastards did. ALL people of good character who want all people to have better KNOW exactly what Trump is saying and the truth of his statement. We dont run away from his statement, fact we embrace it and wear it as a badge of honor because it absolutely is THE TRUTH.
Trump only said what is true. Im from Wisconsin, live in Wisconsin, worked and lived in the Milwaukee Metro area,....YUP:......Its a shithole. MASSIVE crime for a small city,...much of it violent. We didnt do this,....the Blue voting bastards did. ALL people of good character who want all people to have better KNOW exactly what Trump is saying and the truth of his statement. We dont run away from his statement, fact we embrace it and wear it as a badge of honor because it absolutely is THE TRUTH.
Every major urban area has crime problems, including the ones in red states and with Republican mayors.

The real bullshit part of the Republiclown spin doctors' "explanation" of Trump's gaffe, is that he was talking about voter fraud, something that happens at NOWHERE NEAR the levels the sore loser crybabies of the right FALSELY claim it does.

Statistically almost never aamof.

If being liars and telling lies actually helped this country and its citizens and improved people's lives, I'd vote Republican in a heartbeat because they are the undisputed masters of the art.

But their lies accomplish nothing more than keeping the low educated sheep in the GOP corral.

Republicans in Panic Mode After Trump Trashes Milwaukee​

Donald Trump attacked Milwaukee in a meeting with Republicans on the Hill—and now Republicans are desperately trying to cover for him.​

Donald Trump visited Capitol Hill Thursday to meet with Republicans in Congress and supposedly discuss strategy, but it didn’t take long for him to go off on tangents—and dump on the site of this year’s Republican National Convention, Milwaukee.

So if I underdstand you correctly trump can

Say he can grab women by the p****y
Mock a handicapped person
Say he doesn't like people who get captured in war
Say he could kill someone on 5th Ave and not lose support
"Collude" with the Russians
Be twice impeached
Be called a "rapist"
Be called "felon"
And STILL be in the running for the presidency but "trashing" Milwaukee has repubs panicking? Seems like more leftist hope than reality.