Republicans in Panic Mode After Trump Trashes Milwaukee

Donald Trump's Milwaukee 'Error' Could Cost Him Election​

Nevertheless, experts suggested that the reports could alienate voters, which may be damaging given polls ahead of the presidential election are so tight. Christopher Phelps, a professor of modern American history at the University of Nottingham in the U.K, told Newsweek that the alleged comment could particularly affect undecided, centrist and independent voters.
Trump running his mouth is the gift that just keeps on giving to the Democrats!

Here, Wisconsin is the one state that might just be the state that decides the election, AND TRUMP JUST INSULTED EVERYONE THAT LIVES IN THAT STATE!

And Democrats are so desperate to help Dementia Joe that they LIE about what Trump said. Meanwhile Biden is out wandering in a field in Italy.

Donald Trump's Milwaukee 'Error' Could Cost Him Election​

Nevertheless, experts suggested that the reports could alienate voters, which may be damaging given polls ahead of the presidential election are so tight. Christopher Phelps, a professor of modern American history at the University of Nottingham in the U.K, told Newsweek that the alleged comment could particularly affect undecided, centrist and independent voters.
Corrupting the legal system to go after your political opponents alienates voters this kind of nonsense doesn't. :laugh:
Trump running his mouth is the gift that just keeps on giving to the Democrats!

Here, Wisconsin is the one state that might just be the state that decides the election, AND TRUMP JUST INSULTED EVERYONE THAT LIVES IN THAT STATE!

They keep having to defend him for comments that would usually get a politician run out of town with torches and pitchforks. I guess they just want to be good little doggies for their master.
And Democrats are so desperate to help Dementia Joe that they LIE about what Trump said. Meanwhile Biden is out wandering in a field in Italy.
Democrats never need to lie about Trump- The truth about him is bad enough already!

Biden is doing the nation's business! Something you and Trump have no clue about!

Republicans in Panic Mode After Trump Trashes Milwaukee​

Donald Trump attacked Milwaukee in a meeting with Republicans on the Hill—and now Republicans are desperately trying to cover for him.​

Donald Trump visited Capitol Hill Thursday to meet with Republicans in Congress and supposedly discuss strategy, but it didn’t take long for him to go off on tangents—and dump on the site of this year’s Republican National Convention, Milwaukee.

Except that he didn't; more leftist lies.

Republicans in Panic Mode After Trump Trashes Milwaukee​

Donald Trump attacked Milwaukee in a meeting with Republicans on the Hill—and now Republicans are desperately trying to cover for him.​

Donald Trump visited Capitol Hill Thursday to meet with Republicans in Congress and supposedly discuss strategy, but it didn’t take long for him to go off on tangents—and dump on the site of this year’s Republican National Convention, Milwaukee.

Let's see the video.