Republicans Need to Get Rid of Trump to Win in 2024


There Can be Only One!

Republicans are basically fucked with twump in the mix of candidates. If twump wins the primary, he'll lose in the general. It twump loses the R primary, which he likely will, he'll just switch to Independant, split the conservative vote, allowing the Democrat to sail to victory.

Republican's only prayer to win in 24 is to get rid of twump. Look for someone with information to offer up immunity in exchange for dumping dirt on twump, like Bannon, for example. Others, previously refusing to testify to congress will have a sudden "change of heart".

If Republicans have any prayer for victory nationally, they need to dump twump.

It's their only hope, Obi-wan!
No way will Republicans win with twump as a contender. There are about to be a lot of MAGAs signing to J6 and to the Special Prosecutor.

Republicans are basically fucked with twump in the mix of candidates. If twump wins the primary, he'll lose in the general. It twump loses the R primary, which he likely will, he'll just switch to Independant, split the conservative vote, allowing the Democrat to sail to victory.

Republican's only prayer to win in 24 is to get rid of twump. Look for someone with information to offer up immunity in exchange for dumping dirt on twump, like Bannon, for example. Others, previously refusing to testify to congress will have a sudden "change of heart".

If Republicans have any prayer for victory nationally, they need to dump twump.

It's their only hope, Obi-wan!

The only way they're going to rid themselves of the Toadstool anchor 1) is if he dies before mid-2024, or 2) is convicted and sentenced before then. Otherwise, we'll be looking at at least four more years of (D) leadership bringing us out of the darkness. Maybe they can pay a QNut to assassinate him and make it look like some LW plot. lol
The only way they're going to rid themselves of the Toadstool anchor 1) is if he dies before mid-2024, or 2) is convicted and sentenced before then. Otherwise, we'll be looking at at least four more years of (D) leadership bringing us out of the darkness. Maybe they can pay a QNut to assassinate him and make it look like some LW plot. lol

You know: This is a conspiracy theory thread, but here's my theory #2: Perhaps the DOJ is "slow-walking" twump's indictment just to keep him in the field of candidates, knowing he'll sabotage the Republicans chances. So, Garland will bide his time, let the primaries happen, let twump lose, and take the GOP party with him and when the damage is done, and Biden is reelected, indict twump!

Maybe Garland's been "playing chess" all along?

Republicans are basically fucked with twump in the mix of candidates. If twump wins the primary, he'll lose in the general. It twump loses the R primary, which he likely will, he'll just switch to Independant, split the conservative vote, allowing the Democrat to sail to victory.

Republican's only prayer to win in 24 is to get rid of twump. Look for someone with information to offer up immunity in exchange for dumping dirt on twump, like Bannon, for example. Others, previously refusing to testify to congress will have a sudden "change of heart".

If Republicans have any prayer for victory nationally, they need to dump twump.

It's their only hope, Obi-wan!

If Trump runs against Biden, I think he could win. The average American voter is simply sick and tired of Biden and what's happened to our country with him at the helm, and let's not even talk about the fact that Biden would be 82 years old when starting his second term.

But, frankly, I don't see either Trump or Biden being their party's nominees.

For the GOP I think it'll end up being DeSantis. For the democrats I suspect it could be someone like Gavn Newsom who unseats Biden as the party standard bearer.

And I think DeSantis would win...
If Trump runs against Biden, I think he could win. The average American voter is simply sick and tired of Biden and what's happened to our country with him at the helm, and let's not even talk about the fact that Biden would be 82 years old when starting his second term.

But, frankly, I don't see either Trump or Biden being their party's nominees.

For the GOP I think it'll end up being DeSantis. For the democrats I suspect it could be someone like Gavn Newsom who unseats Biden as the party standard bearer.

And I think DeSantis would win...

Trump cannot win another election. Against a piece of toast he would lose. Zero chance. None. DeSantis, well, he can't run. If he does, his career is over. Trump will eat him up and spit him out. So Republicans face an unsolvable problem. They rubbed the lamp. Now the genie refuses to go back inside. The GOP is doomed. They had best hope like hell that Trump is indicted. It might help a little, but probably not enough. He just becomes a martyr.
If Trump runs against Biden, I think he could win. The average American voter is simply sick and tired of Biden and what's happened to our country with him at the helm, and let's not even talk about the fact that Biden would be 82 years old when starting his second term.

But, frankly, I don't see either Trump or Biden being their party's nominees.

For the GOP I think it'll end up being DeSantis. For the democrats I suspect it could be someone like Gavn Newsom who unseats Biden as the party standard bearer.

And I think DeSantis would win...

Given the tarnish MAGA has on it, especially lately with trump entertaining white supremacists and the damage he's done to America, I think he'll get votes in the GOP primary, but no way can he win. And when he loses, as usual, he won't accept it, and run as an "I". trump will tear any institution down rather than accept a loss. The only thing that matters to trump is trump.
Trump cannot win another election. Against a piece of toast he would lose. Zero chance. None. DeSantis, well, he can't run. If he does, his career is over. Trump will eat him up and spit him out. So Republicans face an unsolvable problem. They rubbed the lamp. Now the genie refuses to go back inside. The GOP is doomed. They had best hope like hell that Trump is indicted. It might help a little, but probably not enough. He just becomes a martyr.

His own family's not on board with his decision. Ivanka and Jarod are likely moles working with the DOJ. Jr. didn't even make it to his "announcement". But twumps still has a huge base of voters within the GOP. He'll leverage that support and use it to attack anyone or everyone who gets in his way. He's already started attacking the new Special Prosecutor, a registered Independant and calling him a "partisan Democrat". It's going to be a shit show until twump either loses again or is in prison.
But twumps still has a huge base of voters within the GOP.

If Trump runs as an independent, you'll see a large percentage of his loyal base shift to whoever the GOP candidate is.

If the GOP runs a viable candidate, Trump's faithful will have to make a decision: Do you they vote for Trump out of some odd loyalty to him and watch him lose, or do they throw their support to the GOP candidate who
might actually have a shot at winning?

I have to believe it is most definitely the latter...

Republicans are basically fucked with twump in the mix of candidates.
Trump represents an actual opposition party. Without Trump in the mix, there is no actual opposition party. There is only a Uniparty (re: economics) in which both parties pretend to oppose each other via social issues. Trump is the national level representative of We The People.

If twump wins the primary, he'll lose in the general.
IF the RNC can't stop him from winning the primary via rigging their rules against him, then Trump will likely "lose" the general due to election fraud. That's not actually losing since no valid election is being held TO lose.

It twump loses the R primary, which he likely will,
We'll see what happens. The RNC will do whatever they can to rig their rules against him though. And watch for them to put up their obvious RINO candidates (e.g. Haley, Sununu, Christie, etc) first to attack Trump, and then watch for them to save their bought and paid for "MAGA-lite" candidates (e.g. Noem & DeSantis) for the end (meaning they'll announce their candidacies after the others do).

he'll just switch to Independant, split the conservative vote, allowing the Democrat to sail to victory.
We'll see what happens. There would be a lot of people like myself who would purposely write in Trump's name (whether he's running an Independent/write-in campaign or not) because we refuse to vote for the RINO candidate. That scenario would almost assuredly lead to a D victory.

Even without that scenario, D's would just fraud away the (s)election anyway unless R's start resorting to out-frauding the D's.

Republican's only prayer to win in 24 is to get rid of twump.
Wrong. It has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with (s)electioneering. Republican voters cannot beat Democrat ballots. Republicans, especially in States such as MN, MI, PA, GA, AZ, WA, and NV), need to fight ballots with ballots or forever "lose"... or turn to the cartridge box as D's have effectively removed the ballot box and the jury box.

Look for someone with information to offer up immunity in exchange for dumping dirt on twump, like Bannon, for example. Others, previously refusing to testify to congress will have a sudden "change of heart".
Nah. Actually look for someone who knows someone who has ties to someone who is "close to Trump" to supposedly provide media with a fabricated story about him.

If Republicans have any prayer for victory nationally, they need to dump twump.

It's their only hope, Obi-wan!
Nope. Trump represents the only true opposition party. Without Trump, there is no opposition party (re: economics).

Trump represents an actual opposition party. Without Trump in the mix, there is no actual opposition party. There is only a Uniparty (re: economics) in which both parties pretend to oppose each other via social issues. Trump is the national level representative of We The People.

IF the RNC can't stop him from winning the primary via rigging their rules against him, then Trump will likely "lose" the general due to election fraud. That's not actually losing since no valid election is being held TO lose.

We'll see what happens. The RNC will do whatever they can to rig their rules against him though. And watch for them to put up their obvious RINO candidates (e.g. Haley, Sununu, Christie, etc) first to attack Trump, and then watch for them to save their bought and paid for "MAGA-lite" candidates (e.g. Noem & DeSantis) for the end (meaning they'll announce their candidacies after the others do).

We'll see what happens. There would be a lot of people like myself who would purposely write in Trump's name (whether he's running an Independent/write-in campaign or not) because we refuse to vote for the RINO candidate. That scenario would almost assuredly lead to a D victory.

Even without that scenario, D's would just fraud away the (s)election anyway unless R's start resorting to out-frauding the D's.

Wrong. It has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with (s)electioneering. Republican voters cannot beat Democrat ballots. Republicans, especially in States such as MN, MI, PA, GA, AZ, WA, and NV), need to fight ballots with ballots or forever "lose"... or turn to the cartridge box as D's have effectively removed the ballot box and the jury box.

Nah. Actually look for someone who knows someone who has ties to someone who is "close to Trump" to supposedly provide media with a fabricated story about him.

Nope. Trump represents the only true opposition party. Without Trump, there is no opposition party (re: economics).

I'd appreciate it if your sock would leave me alone too, Into the Night. I'm serious. I do not wish to hear from you anymore.

Thank you.
If Trump runs against Biden, I think he could win.
Only if a valid election is held. Without a valid election, and without any adjustment in (s)electioneering tactics by Republicans, Democrats would just (s)elect themselves again.

The average American voter is simply sick and tired of Biden and what's happened to our country with him at the helm, and let's not even talk about the fact that Biden would be 82 years old when starting his second term.
True, but voters no longer matter in this day and age. They are disenfranchised via ballots and the mass printing, distribution, harvesting, counting, and adjudicating of those ballots.

But, frankly, I don't see either Trump or Biden being their party's nominees.
That's the desire of the RNC/DNC clubs, anyway. I will be voting for Trump whether he's the Republican nominee or not. The RNC club and their bought-and-paid-for RINO and MAGA-lite candidates can kiss my ass.

For the GOP I think it'll end up being DeSantis.
That's the desire of the RNC club, anyway. They've already bought him out to the tune of over $200M...

For the democrats I suspect it could be someone like Gavn Newsom who unseats Biden as the party standard bearer.
That's the desire of the DNC club, anyway.

And I think DeSantis would win...
DeSantis would DEFINITELY "lose", whether via election fraud or via people such as myself who would refuse to vote for him and would cast their vote for Trump instead.
Trump cannot win another election.
Trump won the 2016 election. There was no valid election held in 2020.

Against a piece of toast he would lose. Zero chance. None.
Let's hold a VALID ELECTION and see then, shall we? ;)

DeSantis, well, he can't run.
He can and will run, but it will be political suicide for him.

If he does, his career is over. Trump will eat him up and spit him out.
This is true.

So Republicans face an unsolvable problem.
The problem is easily solved by purging the party of RINOs and putting MAGA into positions of power within it.

They rubbed the lamp. Now the genie refuses to go back inside. The GOP is doomed.
Without Trump (and MAGA), they are doomed. Too many people such as myself simply refuse to vote for RINOs anymore. For me, it is MAGA or the highway.

They had best hope like hell that Trump is indicted. It might help a little, but probably not enough. He just becomes a martyr.
Democrats will indict Trump eventually, and yes it will backfire on them like it always does.
I will be voting for Trump whether he's the Republican nominee or not.

And, by doing so, you could be a large part of the reason for a democrat victory in 2024.

If Trump runs 3rd party (and, remember, a 3rd party candidate has never won) would you vote for Trump knowing that his victory is highly unlikely, and that splitting the GOP would likely put a democrat in the Oval Office for another four years?

Loyalty is great. Blind loyalty is not...
If Trump runs as an independent, you'll see a large percentage of his loyal base shift to whoever the GOP candidate is.
Then they aren't loyal, eh?

If the GOP runs a viable candidate,
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :laugh::laugh::laugh:

You just made a funny.

Trump's faithful will have to make a decision: Do you they vote for Trump out of some odd loyalty to him and watch him lose, or do they throw their support to the GOP candidate who
might actually have a shot at winning?
That's just RNC club language meant to manipulate you into voting for the club-chosen candidate instead of someone who is not beholden to the club (and actually represents YOU rather than the club), such as Trump.

I have to believe it is most definitely the latter...
Plenty of people will do the latter because they are easily manipulated by club tactics such as the example above. However, plenty of people have also woken up to how the club operates and will not vote for the club candidate.

I think that a Trump independent candidacy would have a showing that bests Perot's runs in 1992 and 1996.
I'd appreciate it if your sock would leave me alone too, Into the Night. I'm serious. I do not wish to hear from you anymore.

Thank you.
I have no socks, and you can't tell me what to do. This is a public forum, thus I can respond to any post that I feel like responding to, whether you happen to like it or not.
And, by doing so, you could be a large part of the reason for a democrat victory in 2024.
More RNC club language from you, I see.

A "DNC club victory" in 2024 is no different than a "RNC club victory" in 2024. They both will implement the same shitty economic policies that have harmed the working class for a number of decades now. Ever wonder how and why the "Rust Belt" got its name? And yes, I live in the Rust Belt so I have seen firsthand how the DNC/RNC club economic policies have harmed manufacturing in my State.

I am not to blame for the leadership failings of the Republican Party. I am not to blame for actually taking a stand against the Uniparty DNC/RNC club system that doesn't give a damn about me.

If Trump runs 3rd party (and, remember, a 3rd party candidate has never won) would you vote for Trump knowing that his victory is highly unlikely, and that splitting the GOP would likely put a democrat in the Oval Office for another four years?
Yes, I would, and I would feel good about it too, knowing that I would no longer be voting for my abusers within the RNC club.

We are sooooo far beyond Democrat vs Republican, dude, and (s)elections have now gotten to the point where voters don't even matter anymore (ballots are all that matter now).

Loyalty is great. Blind loyalty is not...
Your blind loyalty to the Republican Party is pathetic.

My eyes are wide open to the corrupt Uniparty system, dude. I am loyal to the MAGA movement that actually represents me, not to the RNC club faction of the Uniparty that abhors me.
More RNC club language from you, I see.

A "DNC club victory" in 2024 is no different than a "RNC club victory" in 2024. They both will implement the same shitty economic policies that have harmed the working class for a number of decades now. Ever wonder how and why the "Rust Belt" got its name? And yes, I live in the Rust Belt so I have seen firsthand how the DNC/RNC club economic policies have harmed manufacturing in my State.

I am not to blame for the leadership failings of the Republican Party. I am not to blame for actually taking a stand against the Uniparty DNC/RNC club system that doesn't give a damn about me.

Yes, I would, and I would feel good about it too, knowing that I would no longer be voting for my abusers within the RNC club.

We are sooooo far beyond Democrat vs Republican, dude, and (s)elections have now gotten to the point where voters don't even matter anymore (ballots are all that matter now).

Your blind loyalty to the Republican Party is pathetic.

My eyes are wide open to the corrupt Uniparty system, dude. I am loyal to the MAGA movement that actually represents me, not to the RNC club faction of the Uniparty that abhors me.

I wonder what policies you refer to that have hurt the working class?

Could it be republican failure to raise the minimum wage?
Could it be the anti union stance of republicans
Could it be the inability to produce a better health care plan, as they promised?
Could it be the massive debt incurred by the last administration?
Could it be their attempt to provide private school vouchers for those fleeing public education?

Republicans are basically fucked with twump in the mix of candidates. If twump wins the primary, he'll lose in the general. It twump loses the R primary, which he likely will, he'll just switch to Independant, split the conservative vote, allowing the Democrat to sail to victory.

Republican's only prayer to win in 24 is to get rid of twump. Look for someone with information to offer up immunity in exchange for dumping dirt on twump, like Bannon, for example. Others, previously refusing to testify to congress will have a sudden "change of heart".

If Republicans have any prayer for victory nationally, they need to dump twump.

It's their only hope, Obi-wan!

Shhhhh, the Democrats dream is for Trump to run, don’t reinforce the reality that America is sick of Trump and his MAGA schtick, let’s encourage the right to support the Orange man to their fullest