Republicans Need to Get Rid of Trump to Win in 2024


Republicans are basically fucked with twump in the mix of candidates. If twump wins the primary, he'll lose in the general. It twump loses the R primary, which he likely will, he'll just switch to Independant, split the conservative vote, allowing the Democrat to sail to victory.

Republican's only prayer to win in 24 is to get rid of twump. Look for someone with information to offer up immunity in exchange for dumping dirt on twump, like Bannon, for example. Others, previously refusing to testify to congress will have a sudden "change of heart".

If Republicans have any prayer for victory nationally, they need to dump twump.

It's their only hope, Obi-wan!

Republicans need to throw Trump under the bus
No you are not to blame for the leadership failings of the republican party.

You and your kind may well be credit for the success of the democratic party
Nope. That "credit" has already been given to election fraud.

That "credit" has already been given to the process of temporarily changing zip codes on voter rolls to undeliverable zip codes (thus those people continue receiving all of their mail per usual except for a mail-in/absentee ballot), then harvesting those undeliverable ballots, changing the zip codes on the voter rolls back to the correct ones, filling out those ballots for whatever D candidate needs to be frauded into power, and "finding" truckloads of those harvested ballots so there's ultimately just enough ballots to put the D candidate into power.

but you won't be blamed for the republicans.

Thank you and make sure if those nasty republicans don't nominate your Velveeta man you show them by writing in his name.;)
I will. The RNC can kiss my ass.
We are currently producing more crude oil than at ANY time under Trump. He has already broken that record. The right likes to say he has a bad energy policy while we are harvesting more fossil fuels right now than we ever have.
No we aren't.

That is fucking stupid.
No, that is the proven result of price controls. Shortages happen every single time.

Biden is the one who just told rail workers to get fucked, you aren't striking and republicans are pissed he is doing what they would want him to do.
I'm not familiar with the situation, so I have no comment on it.

There is no uniparty and we would have universal healthcare now if it were not for republicans.
There IS a Uniparty, and universal healthcare would be even shitter healthcare yet.

No such animal
The DNC/RNC are just two wings of the same bird, dude. Two branches of the same tree.

Without public education being funded by everyone we would end up with a population with your intelligence and we would be doomed.
No, we would have people pay their own way for their own education or indoctrination, and only for the time period that they make use of those institutions, and then people wouldn't spend their whole lives paying for other people's education or indoctrination.
You won;t accept any criticism of mine towards him unless I parrot your criticisms and, well, that's just not gonna' happen, so this is really just a waste of time. You're a total waste of time (and, frankly, oxygen).

I can't help it that you don't even know what you believe or what you're saying from post to post.

That's a YOU problem, not a ME problem.
I think you may be right there. Republican support from minorities really sucks because repubs are a bunch of fucking bigots and those minorities won't be the minority much longer. Hispanics will be the majority by 2050 so the closer we get to that the less chance you will see any republican win a national election.
Orrrrrrrrrrrrr, maybe Democrats have perfected the art of temporarily changing zip codes on voter rolls to make many tens of thousands of mail-in/absentee ballots "undeliverable" so that they can then harvest those ballots, fill them out for whatever Dem candidate they wish to fraud into power, and then voila, Dems keep "winning".

Ever hear this conversation before? "You already voted". "No I didn't." "You voted by mail". "I have never voted by mail." "Here's a provisional ballot (that we won't count because you "already voted")." "Okay."
For that reason, I'm going to answer this, and then I'm going to put you back on ignore. These past couple of days has reminded me why I put your whiny, bedwetting ass there in the first place.

You never put me on ignore under this sock of yours, so you're once again telling lies because while you never put me on ignore under this sock, you have under others...and you just let it slip.

I told you that you were going to compulsively fall right back into your shitty bad habits that are so fucking transparent.

You're Sailor, aren't you?
You never put me on ignore under this sock of yours, so you're once again telling lies because while you never put me on ignore under this sock, you have under others...and you just let it slip.

You're Sailor, aren't you?

You'll be there in about thirty seconds, dumb-fuck...
I don't feel his policies failed.

Well that's because you're in a cult.

1. He ended the longest bull market
2. He ended the longest streak of consecutive job growth
3. He ended the longest period of economic expansion
4. He added $8T to the debt in 4 years
5. He lost 30M jobs
6. His tax cut plunged manufacturing into a recession for all of 2019 and the rest of the economy was plunged into a recession the month before COVID lockdows
7. Business investment declined
8. Fentanyl from Mexico came pouring into the country
9. Russians put bounties on our troops and he did nothing
10. He failed to extort Ukraine
11. He lied about election fraud
12. He released 5,000 Taliban prisoners
13. He never exceeded Obama's best annual GDP growth
14. His tariffs led to a $30B bailout of farmer trash that we will never get back
15. His NAFTA 2.0 deal was directly responsible for the baby formula shortage
16. He lied about COVID and as a result, millions of people died or became permanently disabled, and he lost the 2020 election for himself and several 2022 elections because he killed a lot of Conservative pervert voters by calling COVID a hoax
17. He called Nazis "very fine people" and told the Proud Boys to "Stand back and stand by"
18. 500,000 excess deaths in 2020
19. Trade deal with China failed and increased the trade deficit to a record high

Shall I keep going?
I think it's hysterical.

Even after knowing he's on ignore, the idiot LV426 still quotes me. People with no actual friends will often do that.

What a little pointed-headed dolt...
I absolutely supported pulling out of the Paris Accord

That's not a policy.

It was unfair to us. I supported Trump's border policies

Why? While Trump was President, more fentanyl came into the country than is coming in today and more people died of drug overdoses during Trump than any President before him.

We had far fewer illegal aliens coming across the border

You don't know that AT ALL. You have no fucking idea of that. There's also no way you could know that. So you're lying to me again.

We had far fewer illegal aliens coming across the border during Trump's last year in office than we did in Biden's first.

Well that's because of the pandemic your guy Trump called a hoax.

And while you don't know for sure how many came across the border, your border policies didn't deter a single migrant from making the trip up from Central and South America.

You just kept them all in Mexico, but the volume of migrants never declined despite you thinking your dumb policies were deterrents.
Inflation was down

NO! Inflation started growing in 2020 because of the pandemic.

unemployment was down

No it wasn't. Trump lost 30M jobs. And BTW - Obama created more jobs in his last three years as POTUS than Trump did in his first three years. Bet you didn't know that, did ya? Well, that's what happens when you're in a cult.

You're welcome.

and people were happy.

Ah, so is that why millions of people all across the country took to the streets and protested Trump the day after his inauguration?
We were [paying less for gas, groceries, plane tickets; everything.

Because of the pandemic driving down demand.

Right now, corporations are making record profits...don't you think that's a good thing?

Or are you now realizing that the reason things are so expensive isn't because of inflation but rather corporate greed?

You scream about inflation and the price of products yet you don't seem to be making the connection between the increase in the price of those products and the record profits those corporations are currently making.

Two years ago I paid $1.89 for a dozen eggs. Last week I paid $5.69, and it's now over $6 a dozen.

I find this very hard to believe because when I go on Instacart, I see a dozen of eggs at Publix for $4.41. So once again, you're fucking lying to me.

You are a compulsive fucking liar and I can tell when you're lying.

And also, how could it be inflation causing prices to go that high when corporations are making record high profits?

So it's not inflation that's causing your eggs to be too expensive for you, it's corporate greed.

Do you understand the connection between high prices and record profits, or are you a fucking moron?
Orrrrrrrrrrrrr, maybe Democrats have perfected the art of temporarily changing zip codes on voter rolls to make many tens of thousands of mail-in/absentee ballots "undeliverable" so that they can then harvest those ballots, fill them out for whatever Dem candidate they wish to fraud into power, and then voila, Dems keep "winning".

Ever hear this conversation before? "You already voted". "No I didn't." "You voted by mail". "I have never voted by mail." "Here's a provisional ballot (that we won't count because you "already voted")." "Okay."

Nope. No voter're just fucking terrible and that's why you lost and why you keep losing.

If you did believe there was voter fraud, you would have done something more about it than sitting on JPP and switching between your multiple socks, pervert.
I think it's hysterical.

Even after knowing he's on ignore, the idiot LV426 still quotes me. People with no actual friends will often do that.

What a little pointed-headed dolt...

Well the thing is we know you're a liar and that you're reading every single one of my posts while posturing that you aren't because you're an insecure turd.