Republicans spent a week throwing a weak softball...

I think he reminded indies of where America was 8 years ago, after 8 years of Republican leadership. And he did a great job of contrasting that to where we are now.

And you seem to think that indies will believe Trump, simply because he says "believe me."

Everyone will judge it from their own lense but we were at such a low point eight years ago it's almost impossible to be much worse today. So the fact among historical recoveries this was not all that good of one shows the true reality
Interesting that Obama blames deregulation for the crash. First that's not the case and then it was legislation signed by Clinton.
Interesting that Obama blames deregulation for the crash. First that's not the case and then it was legislation signed by Clinton.

what are your thoughts on this email leak and trump forcing all the media attention on it? :)

Surely you see how that helps the downticket?
what are your thoughts on this email leak and trump forcing all the media attention on it? :)

Surely you see how that helps the downticket?

Haven't had a chance to pay much attention to it. Can't see how it affects anything down ticket.
And Obama just teed up & blasted it out of the park.

Hope vs. fear. Light vs. dark. The best of who we are vs. anger.

Incredible speaker. So inspirational. Such a contrast to the doom-fest last week.
The Republicans lamented, "this use to be us"
Amen. This convention couldn't get any better. And what a contrast with the sleazemeister of doom.

Trump for Prison 2016

It was very entertaining.....
Not one American flag to be seen on the opening day....
Democrats booing their own speakers off the stage....
Democrats booing when Hillary's name was mentioned
Democrats shouting 'lock her up', referring to Hillary....
Then the emails absolutely proving the fix was in....insulting Jews, homos, and some donors....
To say nothing of some speakers contradicting themselves in the same speech.....
And Bernie playing the beaten dog with his tail between his legs and whining.....

Positively entertaining......
How NOVA sees the convention is how he sees the world.

Through an extreme right-wing prism. This is one of the best conventions Democrats have ever put together.
Thanks for adding all of the space to the thread, desh.

I'm so, so glad she's one of you.....the poster girl for Democrats.....what a hoot.....

Too bad you can't see just how alike you all are....hate filled, ignorant, uninformed, narrow minded bigots.....

ALL Democrats can look in any mirror and they'll see desh in the reflected image.....
I'm so, so glad she's one of you.....the poster girl for Democrats.....what a hoot.....

Too bad you can't see just how alike you all are....hate filled, ignorant, uninformed, narrow minded bigots.....

ALL Democrats can look in any mirror and they'll see desh in the reflected image.....

No self-awareness whatsoever.

Bravs, you ARE the desh of the right. What you described above? It's who you are, and what you do. You don't have to look any further than the threads you've started the past few days.
Everyone will judge it from their own lense but we were at such a low point eight years ago it's almost impossible to be much worse today. So the fact among historical recoveries this was not all that good of one shows the true reality
Different times cawacko, there are more players in the game.
I'm so, so glad she's one of you.....the poster girl for Democrats.....what a hoot.....

Too bad you can't see just how alike you all are....hate filled, ignorant, uninformed, narrow minded bigots.....

ALL Democrats can look in any mirror and they'll see desh in the reflected image.....
And you can see Trump, or Putin, not sure which is in control.
Haven't had a chance to pay much attention to it. Can't see how it affects anything down ticket.

you dont see how the dnc being percieved as the curropt organization it is drives down turnout particularly from the bernie side and you dont see how that helps down ticket races?
I'm talking about his speech. You think he's going to be negative?

personally i think that for a lot of people under crushing debt whether its credit card student loan or something else feel that the america trump is describing exists and the ones the democrats describe dont.
personally i think that for a lot of people under crushing debt whether its credit card student loan or something else feel that the america trump is describing exists and the ones the democrats describe dont.

Most people can do math. Trump's proposals combined w/ the massive tax cut he has suggested would make our debt far worse that it is today. None of what he says adds up.

And he has given no concrete plans whatsoever for helping individuals w/ their debt. "Believe me" is starting to wear thin. And his business history is one of putting workers out of business and paying them pennies on the dollar for their hard work.