Republicans spent a week throwing a weak softball...

Keneysian QE and ZIRP and now NIRP and soon to be "helicopter money" are not conservative economic policies.

That's what has begat the horrific "income gap", the utter devastation of the middle class and the biggest debt bubble ever that will burst no matter who is in office.

Throw in Dodd-Frank which is crushing small banks who are the main drivers of loans to small businesses which are the main drivers of growth and you see why there is so much economic uncertainty. Of course Desh will say "regulate and then regulate more"
They didn't suck for the 15 million who got jobs in that time. And of course things are going to be tough after Republicans crash the economy like they did in '08.

You should listen more.

they sucked for the millions who lost their jobs during that time......and the ones who gave up trying to get jobs in that time........and the ones who earned less than they previously had during that time.......its a shame Obummer fucked up the recovery so badly......
I'd be a little surprised if Hillary didn't at least flip the lead. I think she'll probably come close to a double-digit lead by this time next week.

But, it's been a surprising election, so who knows.
you have promised us double digits......we are holding you to your promise.....
B. Hussein Yobabymama gives a good speech. But speeches aren't what people want. Poor demalquedacrats of JPP want to ignore all that is going on around them and look at the shiny stuff in Philadelphia.

I hate that Trump might win, but the demalquedacrats and RINOs have nobody to blame but themselves.
It was very entertaining.....
Not one American flag to be seen on the opening day....
Democrats booing their own speakers off the stage....
Democrats booing when Hillary's name was mentioned
Democrats shouting 'lock her up', referring to Hillary....
Then the emails absolutely proving the fix was in....insulting Jews, homos, and some donors....
To say nothing of some speakers contradicting themselves in the same speech.....
And Bernie playing the beaten dog with his tail between his legs and whining.....

Positively entertaining......

on the other hand, I was shocked they opened with prayer and a pledge of allegiance.....they must have decided they had to risk offending their base in order to attract more conservative voters........
they sucked for the millions who lost their jobs during that time......and the ones who gave up trying to get jobs in that time........and the ones who earned less than they previously had during that time.......its a shame Obummer fucked up the recovery so badly......

Most people are able to make basic connections. The impetus for the job losses came at the end of Bush's admin. Obama's policies turned the economy & got hiring started again.

Sorry 'bout that. The question 'are you better off than you were 8 years ago' is kind of a no brainer for most people.
Obama's policies turned the economy & got hiring started again.

and nearly six years later he finally got unemployment back down to what it was when he was inaugurated.......some fucking brilliant policies those were......

The question 'are you better off than you were 8 years ago' is kind of a no brainer for most people

how about, were you better off seven years ago than you were eight years ago? about, were you better off six years ago than you were eight years ago? about, were you better off five years ago than you were eight years ago? about, were you better off four years ago than you were eight years ago? about, were you better off three years ago than you were eight years ago? about, were you better off two years ago than you were eight years ago?....
were you finally better off last year than you were eight years ago?.......