Republicans stopped being conservative, and paid the price

Se·mit·ic (s-mtk)
1. Of or relating to the Semites or their languages or cultures.
2. Of, relating to, or constituting a subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic language group that includes Arabic, Hebrew, Amharic, and Aramaic.
1. The Semitic languages.
2. Any one of the Semitic languages.

However if you look up antisemitic it will likely just mention Joos.
run away spending and increasing the size of government is NOT tradionally conservative principles watermark, suck it.
I know the definition of semitic.

But look at this note:

Usage notes

Though Semitic refers in a broader sense to those who speak Semitic languages (e.g. Arabs or Assyrians), the term anti-semitism has historically referred to prejudice against Jews alone. To avoid the confusion of the misnomer, many scholars on the subject (such as Emil Fackenheim) now favor the unhyphenated antisemitism in order to emphasize that the word should be read as a single unified term, not as a meaningful root word-prefix combination.[1][2][3] See Wikipedia: Antisemitism:Etymology and Usage

Of course, Emil is a JOO.
What I said technical vs common useage.
Yeah I hope the Republican Party pays close attention to this defeat.

It's what you get when you stop caring about limited government, individual liberty, and personal responsibility.

Maybe we will see them return to their principles and be the party they need to be.
What I fear is they'll somehow push forward the idea that they weren't religious nutacular enough and they'll wind up pushing the party into obscurity.
Obama deserves all the credit in the world for winning. He ran an amazing campaign in both the primaries and the general election. He made history and he and his supporters have every right to celebrate.

The idea that voters will now forever vote Democratic regardless of results is an extremely tough sell. The Republicans were entrusted with power and did not do the job and were rightly voted out. The belief that because now people have voted and 'felt power' they will never vote Democrats out if they don't perform will only sell to a select few.
The idea that the nation will always vote that way now is as preposterous as those who said it in 2000 about the Rs, and in 2002 when they got the majority in the Senate too.

It's short-sighted.
What I fear is they'll somehow push forward the idea that they weren't religious nutacular enough and they'll wind up pushing the party into obscurity.
The managing partner at our firm said just this thing yesterday. He said that the Republicans abandoned their christian roots to try to "out democrat the democrats." He is a new earther, believes the earth is no more than 10k years old, thought that Sarah Palin was a great choice and thinks that the only way to gain power back in 2010 is to be "god's party on earth". I am telling you Damo, you need to work quietly within the party to get those people out of the party and move to the fiscally conservative, religiously neutral party. Show the evangelicals where the Constitution party is and tell em to have a nice time with their brethern over there. Do that and the republican party will explode in membership.
Like I said its a brand new electorate.

Come up with good ideas that work in the American peoples favor and you will win over some of these voters in time.

This is why having the biggest number of Americans voting is good for our coutnry in the long term.

Dont let your party be the party of Keeping people from voting with sleazy tactics any more.

Make your party so honest and smart that I want to become a republican.
The election was a statement about failure of conservative ideology. The middle class of this country has realized that trickle down economics is a lie and to stay out of poverty they must put an end to it now and change the direction of this country. They also realized that the policies of the Republicon party benefits only the very rich at the expense of the rest of us. All the 'conservative values' you extremists spout is just empty rhetoric drilled into your diddo heads by Hannity, Limbaugh and the Fox propaganda machine. Suck it up, it will be a cold day in hell until you see another Republicon Prez.

This time, 'the revolution WAS be televised!'
The election was a statement about failure of conservative ideology. The middle class of this country has realized that trickle down economics is a lie and to stay out of poverty they must put an end to it now and change the direction of this country. They also realized that the policies of the Republicon party benefits only the very rich at the expense of the rest of us. All the 'conservative values' you extremists spout is just empty rhetoric drilled into your diddo heads by Hannity, Limbaugh and the Fox propaganda machine. Suck it up, it will be a cold day in hell until you see another Republicon Prez.

This time, 'the revolution WAS be televised!'

lol okay.
The election was a statement about failure of conservative ideology. The middle class of this country has realized that trickle down economics is a lie and to stay out of poverty they must put an end to it now and change the direction of this country. They also realized that the policies of the Republicon party benefits only the very rich at the expense of the rest of us. All the 'conservative values' you extremists spout is just empty rhetoric drilled into your diddo heads by Hannity, Limbaugh and the Fox propaganda machine. Suck it up, it will be a cold day in hell until you see another Republicon Prez.

This time, 'the revolution WAS be televised!'
This is equally inane as those who thought we'd always have an R majority and that it was a testament to the failure of liberalism when GWB won again in 2004.

It's just plain short-sighted and misapplied to reality.
The election was a statement about failure of conservative ideology. The middle class of this country has realized that trickle down economics is a lie and to stay out of poverty they must put an end to it now and change the direction of this country. They also realized that the policies of the Republicon party benefits only the very rich at the expense of the rest of us. All the 'conservative values' you extremists spout is just empty rhetoric drilled into your diddo heads by Hannity, Limbaugh and the Fox propaganda machine. Suck it up, it will be a cold day in hell until you see another Republicon Prez.

This time, 'the revolution WAS be televised!'

You are right crash and if they want the American peoples respect again they will need to make the new R party so honest and intelligent that even me and you want to become republicans.

He just said the same thing I did guys , I just said it softer.
You are right crash and if they want the American peoples respect again they will need to make the new R party so honest and intelligent that even me and you want to become republicans.

He just said the same thing I did guys , I just said it softer.

It's the same hubris the Republicans showed when they thought they had a permanent majority etc. Democrats are not immune from that.

You are riding high and feeling good as you should right now. Reality will ultimately set in however.
Does that mean you wont make the republican party so honest and intelligent that even I want to be a Republican?
Does that mean you wont make the republican party so honest and intelligent that even I want to be a Republican?

I personally can do very little about it.

Republicans are politicians. No politicians or political party are going to be honest. It's not how they operate.

You won't want to be a Republican because you disagree with their basic principles and there's nothing wrong with that.

Has the Republicon party ever been honest and intelligent? Have they ever cared about the average citizen of this country or done anything that didn't line their own pockets or gain wealth and power for their corporate backers? From Bush's oil war, to Reagan declaring war on unions to the whole string of Rep. Presidents that caused the Great Republican Depression of 1929 to plotting a coup attempt against FDR. The last decent Rep. prez was Eisenhower and by todays skewed Rep. standards he would be considered a socialist because he believed in our society. Which is more that I can say about some people around here.

Hey neo cons... Remember Remember the 5th of November...

Has the Republicon party ever been honest and intelligent? Have they ever cared about the average citizen of this country or done anything that didn't line their own pockets or gain wealth and power for their corporate backers? From Bush's oil war, to Reagan declaring war on unions to the whole string of Rep. Presidents that caused the Great Republican Depression of 1929 to plotting a coup attempt against FDR. The last decent Rep. prez was Eisenhower and by todays skewed Rep. standards he would be considered a socialist because he believed in our society. Which is more that I can say about some people around here.

Hey neo cons... Remember Remember the 5th of November...

:lmao: oh god, you kill me. :lmao:
yea, I'm vindictive and enjoy a victory. Now Let the Investigations Begin! Time to prove guilt and treason and punish the offenders.

laugh all you want, but just remember forever how you felt on the 5th of November when your party was overthrown and conservative ideology started to trickle down.


you're still killing me. First, in you thinking that i'm a republican and Second, that you actually feel that as a socialist you can lay claim to a phrase that epitomizes a fight against government tyranny.

I like you, you make me laugh. :cof1: