Republicans vs. Democrats


New member
This may be a partisan video, but it is very revealing about today's Republican Party. As it is, the Democratic Party has bent over backwards to try work with the Conservatives, but it would seem that the right thinks that it is their way or the hi-way. It was bad enough when they were in the majority and wanted to make all the calls, but now as the minority, they want to defy the democratic will of the American People. They have rightly earned the title of the Party of No. Their only goal seems to be to see the President and the Country fail, even if that means disaster. Maybe I am bias, but this seems just unpatriotic.

[ame=""]YouTube- The GOP Plan -[/ame]
Here is how they are working with Republicans..

[ame=""]YouTube- Obama: I don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking[/ame]
This may be a partisan video, but it is very revealing about today's Republican Party. As it is, the Democratic Party has bent over backwards to try work with the Conservatives, but it would seem that the right thinks that it is their way or the hi-way. It was bad enough when they were in the majority and wanted to make all the calls, but now as the minority, they want to defy the democratic will of the American People. They have rightly earned the title of the Party of No. Their only goal seems to be to see the President and the Country fail, even if that means disaster. Maybe I am bias, but this seems just unpatriotic.

YouTube- The GOP Plan -

Gee; that all sounds familiar, only this time the shoes on the other foot.
You fail, again.

So protesting against the war during the Bush administration wasn't wanting to see President Bush and the country fail and was PATROTIC..

If I hear this line again from a leftie I'm gonna puke all over them..
Their only goal seems to be to see the President and the Country fail, even if that means disaster. Maybe I am bias, but this seems just unpatriotic.
Todd and I use to play Democrats vs Republican and boy, he could really bend me over backwards, if you know what I mean.
I know, it makes me want to spew my moose chili chucks all over the place. Patriotism is loving this great nation and doing what we need to do to protect the states and the country at the expense of everything and wearing that little flag pin is also very patriotic.
To want the President to fail is wanting the country to succeed or something like that, I mean if you really think about it, if the President succeeds then who will be left to run the country. The ex first dude and I thought about succeeding at one time, but now, well, we are trying to run for President through the backdoor, if you know what I mean.

We just have to watch those rascally varmints and keeping beating them down one at a time, until it is our turn to be beat down.
This may be a partisan video, but it is very revealing about today's Republican Party. As it is, the Democratic Party has bent over backwards to try work with the Conservatives, but it would seem that the right thinks that it is their way or the hi-way. It was bad enough when they were in the majority and wanted to make all the calls, but now as the minority, they want to defy the democratic will of the American People. They have rightly earned the title of the Party of No. Their only goal seems to be to see the President and the Country fail, even if that means disaster. Maybe I am bias, but this seems just unpatriotic.

why do you consider an attack ad produced by Democrats to be revealing about Republicans instead of revealing about Democrats?......
Gee; that all sounds familiar, only this time the shoes on the other foot.
You fail, again.

Well just like I knew that you would respond to this, I also knew that you would say nothing of relevance. If there were any Democrats in either the House or the Senate that said that they wanted Mr. Bush to fail I would like to see the quote. They didn't even filibuster those Judges that you guys were so afraid that they would. I think the American People know which party is on their side and that is why they have added two new Democratic votes to the House. BTW, one of those new Democratic seats has been in Republican hands ever since there was a Republican Party. Do you get just how significant this is? So long as you guys are ruled by the Teabaggers you will only continue to lose ground. Personally, I cannot wait until 2010!
why do you consider an attack ad produced by Democrats to be revealing about Republicans instead of revealing about Democrats?......

Funny when Republicans call the President of the United States a terrorist/ a Nazi/ a Commie... they are only exercising their Constitutional right of Freedom of Speech, but when the Democratic Party tells the truth about what the Republicans have been doing, that is attacking them. Just amazing!
Well just like I knew that you would respond to this, I also knew that you would say nothing of relevance. If there were any Democrats in either the House or the Senate that said that they wanted Mr. Bush to fail I would like to see the quote. They didn't even filibuster those Judges that you guys were so afraid that they would. I think the American People know which party is on their side and that is why they have added two new Democratic votes to the House. BTW, one of those new Democratic seats has been in Republican hands ever since there was a Republican Party. Do you get just how significant this is? So long as you guys are ruled by the Teabaggers you will only continue to lose ground. Personally, I cannot wait until 2010!

So much in one post, so I'll deal with one at a time. No need to filibuster, none were allowed out of committee.
Well just like I knew that you would respond to this, I also knew that you would say nothing of relevance. If there were any Democrats in either the House or the Senate that said that they wanted Mr. Bush to fail I would like to see the quote. They didn't even filibuster those Judges that you guys were so afraid that they would. I think the American People know which party is on their side and that is why they have added two new Democratic votes to the House. BTW, one of those new Democratic seats has been in Republican hands ever since there was a Republican Party. Do you get just how significant this is? So long as you guys are ruled by the Teabaggers you will only continue to lose ground. Personally, I cannot wait until 2010!

You have become delusional, drinking that DNC kool-ade.
But you are correct, regarding 2010; only not for the reasons you expect.
This may be a partisan video, but it is very revealing about today's Republican Party. As it is, the Democratic Party has bent over backwards to try work with the Conservatives, but it would seem that the right thinks that it is their way or the hi-way. It was bad enough when they were in the majority and wanted to make all the calls, but now as the minority, they want to defy the democratic will of the American People. They have rightly earned the title of the Party of No. Their only goal seems to be to see the President and the Country fail, even if that means disaster. Maybe I am bias, but this seems just unpatriotic.

YouTube- The GOP Plan -

LOL... seriously DeMart? Do you not remember both sides making the opposite arguments when the role were reversed earlier this decade?

So yes at least you can acknowledge it is your bias leading you to your conclusion. I'm a partisan hack but I also have a modicum of ability to step and realize both parties do and say the same thing depending on which role they are in.

The irony in this case is the Democrats don't need a singal Republican vote to pass anything. So if Democrats can't convince blue dog Democrats to go along with their ideas how do you expect them to get Republicans to support them?
So much in one post, so I'll deal with one at a time. No need to filibuster, none were allowed out of committee.

Why was that? Answer is that the Democratic Senate wanted to work in a bi-partisan why with the White House and the Republicans. Do note that it was the Democrats who chose not to filibuster. I must thank you though for confirming what I posted, the Democratic Senate did not filibuster those Judges which the Right was all worried about.
Here is how they are working with Republicans..

YouTube- Obama: I don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking

Exactly. It's no different than when Obama was first elected and said he'd listen to the Republicans but didn't want to hear the same old, tired, worn out ideas.

The Republicans are doing anything they can to stop changes to the medical services/insurance plans. It's a disgrace for the richest nation on the face of the earth.

The Republicans know that once the medical ball gets rolling things will never change back as the ball is rolling towards a universal plan. Every single country that implemented a universal plan never reverted to their old "pay or suffer" system. Not one country.

Once the people experience what the citizens of other countries have enjoyed the medical scam will be over and people will remember the dinosaurs, the greedy, the rip-off artists who fought against it just like the other Republicans who fought against every other social improvement in the past.

Once people taste medical reform those opposed to further reforms will be looked upon with scorn. That's the fear that drives the Republicans.
LOL... seriously DeMart? Do you not remember both sides making the opposite arguments when the role were reversed earlier this decade?

So yes at least you can acknowledge it is your bias leading you to your conclusion. I'm a partisan hack but I also have a modicum of ability to step and realize both parties do and say the same thing depending on which role they are in.

The irony in this case is the Democrats don't need a singal Republican vote to pass anything. So if Democrats can't convince blue dog Democrats to go along with their ideas how do you expect them to get Republicans to support them?

It is very simple, those Democrats in Congress really thought that Republicans would put the interests on the American People over their own political goals and greed for wealth, they were wrong.
It is very simple, those Democrats in Congress really thought that Republicans would put the interests on the American People over their own political goals and greed for wealth, they were wrong.

So we're back to either you agree with my agenda or your 'against the American people'?

Sort of like Bush's your with us or against us Democrats are so fond of?
It is very simple, those Democrats in Congress really thought that Republicans would put the interests on the American People over their own political goals and greed for wealth, they were wrong.

And since the Democrats don't need a single Republican vote to pass anything why aren't the Democrats putting the needs of the people first?