Republicans vs. Democrats

The short answer is once something like that gets implemented it is almost impossible to reverse.

That argument does not hold water if you're referring to the wishes of the majority. When Canada started a universal plan the government made it extremely difficult for private medical facilities to operate so as to give universal medical a chance to get off the ground. If all the qualified doctors worked for private concerns then the government plan would not have succeeded.

That was over 40 years ago. I believe it was last year that the courts started to allow private clinics to open. The point being there will always be someone wanting to make a dollar. The government has to ensure the universal plan is not eroded because the majority of Canadians want the universal plan to remain.

Some doctors want to work privately and charge whatever they can but when things slow down they want a piece of the government action. That results in a government employed doctor not having time to attend to patients who go through the government plan whenever they have a "job" in the private sector.

So, things can be reversed very easily. One has to be vigilant they do not change. Besides, any political party in power that allows the system to erode will be swiftly booted out.
That's why Pelosi will say or do anything right now to get it passed. She doesn't care about the cost or even how good it is. She just wants it to happen. Once it's in place people in the future can attempt how to fix it and pay for it.

So I for one and glad people are putting up a huge fight over letting this happen.

This 1.2 trillion bill is the biggest volume of garbage I have ever seen.
That's why Pelosi will say or do anything right now to get it passed. She doesn't care about the cost or even how good it is. She just wants it to happen. Once it's in place people in the future can attempt how to fix it and pay for it.

So I for one and glad people are putting up a huge fight over letting this happen.

Again, the reality in every country with a universal plan contradicts your argument. Even though we hear stories about countries going broke over universal plans I can't think of one that results in a higher per capita cost as the present US one.

Every universal plan, regardless of the gossip, is supported by the citizens in every country. The exceptionalism of the US would be if they had the first universal plan that didn't work.
Again, the reality in every country with a universal plan contradicts your argument. Even though we hear stories about countries going broke over universal plans I can't think of one that results in a higher per capita cost as the present US one.

Every universal plan, regardless of the gossip, is supported by the citizens in every country. The exceptionalism of the US would be if they had the first universal plan that didn't work.

What do you mean it contradicts my argument? How is anything that you just said contradictory to what Pelosi is trying to do?
I brought the cup to my lips with greed
Begging for longevity, my temporal need
Cup brought its to mine, its secret did feed
Time never returns, drink, of this take heed.

Carpe Diem. Grab the brass ring or the good looking guy beside you!

Follow your heart for your head knoweth not how long thou liveth.
What do you mean it contradicts my argument? How is anything that you just said contradictory to what Pelosi is trying to do?

She and the Dems are trying to get the ball rolling towards a universal plan and evidence throughout the world shows a universal plan is preferable to the current "pay or suffer" system.

Countries can and do afford such systems. The cost is a non-starter as I explained every country with such a plan results in less cost than the current system.
She and the Dems are trying to get the ball rolling towards a universal plan and evidence throughout the world shows a universal plan is preferable to the current "pay or suffer" system.

Countries can and do afford such systems. The cost is a non-starter as I explained every country with such a plan results in less cost than the current system.

Cost is a non-starter??? Ok. Well why are spending only $1.2 trillion, why not $2 trillion?
Cost is a non-starter??? Ok. Well why are spending only $1.2 trillion, why not $2 trillion?

One has to look further down the road.

Again, do a google to see the costs per capita. Check out the countries with universal plans and check the cost.
There was no need to translate your previous post; because you're right, there was noting of substance that could be added to it. :good4u:

That's very true. Have you seen this?
Funny how no mention is made of Japan's slow growth, and they have universal health care.

They also seem to have a high rate of people committing suicide, by stepping in front of commuter trains.

Why would anyone want to do that, in such a utopia??

Commuter Trains are eeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil and should be confiscated.
Please list some things the Democrat party has tried to work with Conservatives on?
Here's a few.

The Emergency Stimulus package
Health Care Reform
Climate Change Legislation
The Medicare Advantage Plan
Middle Class Tax cuts
Alternative Energy Legislation
Bank Re-regulation
The Employee Free Choice act
Immigration Reform
2010 Federal Budget
Define "work with". This scenario has been played out countless times. Whoever is in power says "we'll work with you" as long as you go along with what we want. Then the group out of power says the majority won't "work with us" because they won't include what we want.
Here's a few.

The Emergency Stimulus package
Health Care Reform
Climate Change Legislation
The Medicare Advantage Plan
Middle Class Tax cuts
Alternative Energy Legislation
Bank Re-regulation
The Employee Free Choice act
Immigration Reform
2010 Federal Budget

how, for example, can you say that the Democrats have tried to work with the Republicans on health care reform when the Democrats did not put a single Republican on the committee charged with reconciling the House bill with the Senate bill?.......