Republicans? What Republicans?


Verified User
Dead beat RINOs control the House and believe that by kissing Neo-Commie Democrat asses they’ll somehow gain enough respect to be handed the Senate just because Obama-Care is the shithouse mess that it is. Remember how Obama-Care was supposed to get the other RINO, crony capitalist, corporate raider, political flip-flopper, inventor of Romney-Care Mitt Romney elected President? How’d that work out?

Here’s a little lesson in governance. Listen to a defining lecture on cowardice.
Dead beat RINOs control the House and believe that by kissing Neo-Commie Democrat asses they’ll somehow gain enough respect to be handed the Senate just because Obama-Care is the shithouse mess that it is. Remember how Obama-Care was supposed to get the other RINO, crony capitalist, corporate raider, political flip-flopper, inventor of Romney-Care Mitt Romney elected President? How’d that work out?

Here’s a little lesson in governance. Listen to a defining lecture on cowardice.

LMAO; what is with all these anti-republican posts? Why should you care? Why you're above it all and prove it by not voting.

You're rants are irrelevant. DUH.
LMAO; what is with all these anti-republican posts? Why should you care? Why you're above it all and prove it by not voting.

You're rants are irrelevant. DUH.

What's with all of your pro-Republican post? Why should you give a fuck, since your buddy RINO BIG Money has convinced you 2014 is a Republican sweep?

I figure it's high time here that somebody prove there are damn few real Republicans around these days. Real Republicans are classical liberals that promote the very liberal individual rights verification and limited government restrictions of the Bill Of Rights. The REAL Republicans are the real libertarians, real liberals and real conservatives. Real Republicans/libertarian/ conservitives have the balls to face down the neo-commie Democrats.

I'm not anti-REAL Republican numb-nuts, I'm anti-RINO, but you wouldn't understand the difference.

I don't vote in rigged elections, I expose rigged elections.

You and your RINO buddies and your neo-commie Democrat twin sisters can LYAO all the way to bankruptcy moron!!!!!
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hack that party to bits

Its the best thing for this country that your party crumbles into pieces
What's with all of your pro-Republican post? Why should you give a fuck, since your buddy RINO BIG Money has convinced you 2014 is a Republican sweep?

I figure it's high time here that somebody prove there are damn few real Republicans around these days. Real Republicans are classical liberals that promote the very liberal individual rights verification and limited government restrictions of the Bill Of Rights. The REAL Republicans are the real libertarians, real liberals and real conservatives. Real Republicans/libertarian/ conservitives have the balls to face down the neo-commie Democrats.

I'm not anti-REAL Republican numb-nuts, I'm anti-RINO, but you wouldn't understand the difference.

I don't vote in rigged elections, I expose rigged elections.

You and your RINO buddies and your neo-commie Democrat twin sisters can LYAO all the way to bankruptcy moron!!!!!

Sorry shit-for-brains; but you'd be hard pressed to prove that my posts are pro-Republican. They pro-Constitution and pro-truth. But you're too wrapped up in your anti-intelligence campaign to comprehend the buffoonery of your anti-everything posts. As a matter of fact, you're starting to sound just as dumb as Anti-Party; yay you!!
Sorry shit-for-brains; but you'd be hard pressed to prove that my posts are pro-Republican. They pro-Constitution and pro-truth.

You don’t even know what’s in the Constitution moron! Is the authority for a federal Drug War in the Constitution pea-brain?

Truth? You wouldn’t know the truth if you fell over it! You’re the fucking idiot in denial of the CIA’s aid & comfort in bringing Saddam Hussein into power in Iraq and the CIA’s deposal of an elected leader in Iran and the installation of the brutal Shah. You’ll probably also deny that England and American government handed over the entire nuclear weapons secrets to Israel too, huh Goober? What about the Israeli attack on America’s U. S. S. Liberty? “The combined air and sea attack killed 34 crew members (naval officers, seamen, two Marines, and one civilian), wounded 171 crew members, and severely damaged the ship.” I suppose in your world that never happened either, huh numb-nuts?

But you're too wrapped up in your anti-intelligence campaign to comprehend the buffoonery of your anti-everything posts. As a matter of fact, you're starting to sound just as dumb as Anti-Party; yay you!!

And of course that’s why you never respond to any of my post with any facts or any evidence for a counter argument either, because you have no rational arguments for what I post, all you have is personal insults and irrational blather, denial without fact or evidence and phony cover for your ineptitude by claiming you’re laughing your ass off when in fact you’re a lost sad irrelevant clueless piece of shit.
Republicans? What Republicans? Indeed!

Dead beat RINOs control the House and believe that by kissing Neo-Commie Democrat asses they’ll somehow gain enough respect to be handed the Senate just because Obama-Care is the shithouse mess that it is. Remember how Obama-Care was supposed to get the other RINO, crony capitalist, corporate raider, political flip-flopper, inventor of Romney-Care Mitt Romney elected President? How’d that work out?

Here’s a little lesson in governance. Listen to a defining lecture on cowardice.

Yeah; Levin was the guy who a couple of days ago said that the only two conservative Republican presidents have been Calvin Coolidge and Ronald Regan. That means of course that from Abe Lincoln through GW Bush. That means for 147 years, not one other Republican was any good - in Levin's opinion. From what I've heard of Levin, he certainly is not a constitutional scholar: but I'm sure he'll tell you is; just ask 'em. . .

There were very good Republicans, Dwight Eisenhower being the best of them in my view. The radical right however, beginning with Jerry Fallwell; were given a megaphone and they have since infiltrated the Republican party and have used their media machine to punsih non conforming Republicans ever since. The radical right has recreated the Red Scare, making use of words like socialism and the collective to describe things that just simply don't exist in this country and never have because they are not American ideas.

It's reached the point that even Karl Rove of all people is being called a rino and that is much more far fetched that the notion that Sarah Palin had foreign policy experience becasue her houses proximity to Russia!

Sorry Classic, but the Republican party has been attacked by and is fighting the Frankenstien of their own making and the chickens have come home to roost. The only thing that the GOP can do now to save itself is to publicy separate itself from the radical right and go back to the principals of Republicanism.
Yeah; Levin was the guy who a couple of days ago said that the only two conservative Republican presidents have been Calvin Coolidge and Ronald Regan. That means of course that from Abe Lincoln through GW Bush. That means for 147 years, not one other Republican was any good - in Levin's opinion. From what I've heard of Levin, he certainly is not a constitutional scholar: but I'm sure he'll tell you is; just ask 'em. . .

There were very good Republicans, Dwight Eisenhower being the best of them in my view. The radical right however, beginning with Jerry Fallwell; were given a megaphone and they have since infiltrated the Republican party and have used their media machine to punsih non conforming Republicans ever since. The radical right has recreated the Red Scare, making use of words like socialism and the collective to describe things that just simply don't exist in this country and never have because they are not American ideas.

It's reached the point that even Karl Rove of all people is being called a rino and that is much more far fetched that the notion that Sarah Palin had foreign policy experience becasue her houses proximity to Russia!

Sorry Classic, but the Republican party has been attacked by and is fighting the Frankenstien of their own making and the chickens have come home to roost. The only thing that the GOP can do now to save itself is to publicy separate itself from the radical right and go back to the principals of Republicanism.

Excellent and Ill go a step further, the far right teaparty faction of the GOP are not republicans they have an entire different agenda and that agenda will not pass the american peoples smell test.

The only reason the far right has gotten as far as it has is Obama is president. Once Obama is gone and they dont have the hatred for him to feed off of and they dont have him to blame for everything and the mistake that is obamacare tones down. They will fade.

The far right teaparty has accomplished nothing all theyve done is stymy all progress on anything. How the right can believe their stand bearer Ted Cruz is a hero is beyond my comprehension. This country will never go far left OR far right, it takes a while to get our mass's moving but they always do, and they are easily bullshitted ibut only in the short term.

Lincoln and Eisenhower were just two more Presidents that violated the Constitution. Lincoln took the nation to war without a congressional declaration of war and Eisenhower was the instigator of American involvement in Vietnam and he was the institutor of the American attack on Cuba without a congressional declaration of war.

The only thing liberal about modern liberals is their liberal willingness to violate the Constitution.
Yeah; Levin was the guy who a couple of days ago said that the only two conservative Republican presidents have been Calvin Coolidge and Ronald Regan. That means of course that from Abe Lincoln through GW Bush. That means for 147 years, not one other Republican was any good - in Levin's opinion. From what I've heard of Levin, he certainly is not a constitutional scholar: but I'm sure he'll tell you is; just ask 'em. . .

So in your world if you can’t refute and disprove the message, you just shoot the messenger, right?

I also would disagree with Levin about Reagan. Reagan and his drinking buddy House Speaker and Democrat Tip O’Neal together more than doubled the National Debt relative to GDP.

“Constitutional scholar?” How long does it take to read the Constitution and how smart doers one need be to recognize when bastard politicians are violating it? Constitutional lawyers and scholars are only necessary to interpret the linguistic gymnastics of the politician’s written law to confirm or deny its conformity with the Constitution. Most 10 year olds can understand the Constitution.
.. The only thing that the GOP can do now to save itself is to publicy separate itself from the radical right and go back to the principals of Republicanism.
No. The radical right is the only thing that can save the party, and the country. we don't need Democrat-lite. We need to slash and burn the huge bloated government that both parties created.
Lincoln and Eisenhower were just two more Presidents that violated the Constitution. Lincoln took the nation to war without a congressional declaration of war and Eisenhower was the instigator of American involvement in Vietnam and he was the institutor of the American attack on Cuba without a congressional declaration of war.

The only thing liberal about modern liberals is their liberal willingness to violate the Constitution.

Lincoln ended slavery in the United States! & Ike created the US interstate system and warned us about the Military-Industrial Complex!
No. The radical right is the only thing that can save the party, and the country. we don't need Democrat-lite. We need to slash and burn the huge bloated government that both parties created.

and you are willing to cheat even more than you do now to get what you want?

You cant win an election with too few people you idiot
There were very good Republicans, Dwight Eisenhower being the best of them in my view.

As I have said, Eisenhower was the original instigator that involved America in Vietnam and he instituted the American backed attack on Cuba that attempted to oust Fidel Castro all without any Congressional declaration of war.

The radical right however, beginning with Jerry Fallwell; were given a megaphone and they have since infiltrated the Republican party and have used their media machine to punsih non conforming Republicans ever since. The radical right has recreated the Red Scare, making use of words like socialism and the collective to describe things that just simply don't exist in this country and never have because they are not American ideas.

Actually, the Republican party was taken over by way more than just Jerry Falwell and the religious rightwing religionist nutcases. It was also infiltrated by a whole gang of racist southern Democrats who switched parties during the civil rights debate. Look it up. There was an endless stream of them who Nixon pampered and managed to swing the once strong Democrat South into the Republican Party. Then there came the majority infiltration by the Imperialist neo-conservatives North & South, (see Irving Kristol), who were also X-Democrats who promoted foreign intervention and the Military Industrial ,Complex, the American World Police Force and the folly of Nation Building. They fled the Democrat Party when the Hippies, Peaceniks, extreme environmentalist and neo-communist took over the Democrat Party.
Its like these tea tards cant count.

they have no idea what numbers mean.

I guess that is they they adhere to the Austrian school of economics
dear fucking idiot tea tards,

your numbers are too small for you to win elections on a national scale.

pretending EVERYONE agrees with your idiot stances is not going to get you votes