Republicans? What Republicans?

The Republican party no longer represents traditional conservative values; it has been hijacked and held hostage by radical right-wingers whose concern is only their limited (usually single-issue) agenda. If former Senator Barry Goldwater ("Mr. Conservative") could see what these lunatic fringe groups have done to the GOP, he'd turn over in his grave. Indeed, I doubt that even former President Ronald Reagan ("The Great Communicator") would fare well in today's toxic political climate.

The last real Republican was former Senator Howard Baker (the "Great Conciliator"), a great leader, and who served as our Ambassador to Japan. He exemplifies what the GOP needs.
LMAO; you really are a revisionist historian aren't you shit-for-brains?

LMAO; another dunce who has fallen for the leftist talking point of racist Republicans in the Southern Strategy.

As spoken by the other fucking idiot that's so in love with his RINO party that he's willing to believe that Nixon's Southern Strategy was all about southern democrats voting for Republican candidates because southern Republicans were the champions of Civil Rights for Black folk, Yeah Right!!!! There's a fucking RINO moron born every minute!!!!!
Lincoln and Eisenhower were just two more Presidents that violated the Constitution. Lincoln took the nation to war without a congressional declaration of war and Eisenhower was the instigator of American involvement in Vietnam and he was the institutor of the American attack on Cuba without a congressional declaration of war.

The only thing liberal about modern liberals is their liberal willingness to violate the Constitution.

Well number one. The civil war started out as a rebellion, and Lincoln ordered the firing on Sumpter in attempt to quell the rebellion, and since the south was not a recognized government or foreign invader, the necessity to declare war didn't actully exist. Moreover, the constitution was never very clear about what would be required other than a congressional action to declare war, particularly in a case like this. We could really declare war on ourselves.

As for Viet Nam; Truman actually got us invloved in Viet Nam. We had been rebuilding Europe and in supporting France our involvement was collateral and up until South Viet Nam declared itself we weren't involved as the US, we judst gave Frnce a bunch of money. So, Eisenhower was following in Truman's foot steps. Secondly Eisenhower's man Dulles was an idiot about Ho Chi Mein's popularty all over the country, adn the south having declared itself this was really our first venture into nation building to give us a strong foothold in SE Asia as well as fufilling our Communism policy of containment. In other words it seemed like agood idea at the time. The rest of course is history. So, no Eisenhower did not get us into Viet Nam. We really just wanted our money back. We could have stopped at anytime and no one would really have been the wiser; so I really think it had a lot to do with the landed interest.
Civil Rights Acts, all GOP initiatives: 1868, 1875, 1957, 1960, 1964, 1968....

And that has nothing to do with the issue at hand. The issue and debate is, what changed a Democrat voting stronghold in the south into a stronghold of red state voters? The answer isn’t southerners all of a sudden had a racial change of heart and supported Republicans because they were the champions of civil rights for black folks.

The fact is the neo-conservative movement in the Republican Party and Richard (Tricky Dick) Nixon in particular developed the “Southern Strategy” whereby southern Republican candidates ran their campaigns on a strong “State’s Rights” platform that appealed to southerners unhappy with the leftist Democrat’s and left leaning Court in Washington who were pushing civil rights legislation.

Neo-con RINO denial of those facts is silly and pathetic they have no RATIONAL explanation otherwise how a strong Democrat south switched parties and became the strong Republican south.
And that has nothing to do with the issue at hand. The issue and debate is, what changed a Democrat voting stronghold in the south into a stronghold of red state voters? The answer isn’t southerners all of a sudden had a racial change of heart and supported Republicans because they were the champions of civil rights for black folks.

The fact is the neo-conservative movement in the Republican Party and Richard (Tricky Dick) Nixon in particular developed the “Southern Strategy” whereby southern Republican candidates ran their campaigns on a strong “State’s Rights” platform that appealed to southerners unhappy with the leftist Democrat’s and left leaning Court in Washington who were pushing civil rights legislation.

Neo-con RINO denial of those facts is silly and pathetic they have no RATIONAL explanation otherwise how a strong Democrat south switched parties and became the strong Republican south.

Again you paint The South with a broad brush. The South has never been 100% Democrat and is not currently 100% Republican. Wealthy Democrats of English ancestry, inhabiting the rich farmland counties have historically been in power, while Republicans of German and Irish ancestry were forced to the upper Piedmont and mountain counties with poor agricultural soils. This polarization of The South took place during it's initial settlement and is still apparent.

A substantial population of poor to middle class folk simply "went along" with the power structure and voted Democrat. Nixon was able to reach these folk and convince them that they were naturally Republicans. I'll remind you of this fact:
Nixon kicked off his historic comeback in 1966 with a column about the South (written by Buchanan), Nixon declared that the Republican Party would be built on a foundation of states rights, human rights, small government and a strong national defense, and leave it to the “party of Maddox, Mahoney and Wallace to squeeze the last ounce of political juice out of the rotting fruit of racial injustice”.

It wasn't the Democrats pushing civil rights legislation, but the GOP, specifically: the Nixon presidential campaign.

Because of the nature of winner takes all, a relatively small shift in party affiliation has changed Southern States to a solid GOP voting bloc.
”Nixon kicked off his historic comeback in 1966 with a column about the South (written by Buchanan), Nixon declared that the Republican Party would be built on a foundation of states rights, human rights, small government and a strong national defense, and leave it to the “party of Maddox, Mahoney and Wallace to squeeze the last ounce of political juice out of the rotting fruit of racial injustice”.

All of which was interpreted by the white ignorant, racist southern Democrats as,
“State’s Rights in opposition to Civil Rights”, and the “rotting fruit of racial injustice” as the racial injustice being imposed and championed by leftist northern Democrats promoting black equality with whites.

What Buchanan wrote became another Nixon scam. Southern Republicans convinced ignorant racist southern Democrats that racial injustice was the Washington Democrats forcing black equality on to the white race and State’s Rights was the answer to that rotting fruit.

The end result is proof positive of how the message was spun in the South by southern Republicans inspired by Nixon and how it was RECEIVED by poor and middle-class and rich white southerners. To pretend otherwise is simply stupid stubborn partisan denial.
All of which was interpreted by the white ignorant, racist southern Democrats as,
“State’s Rights in opposition to Civil Rights”, and the “rotting fruit of racial injustice” as the racial injustice being imposed and championed by leftist northern Democrats promoting black equality with whites.
Perhaps, except that these racist Southern Democrats would be blaming the Republicans that burned their ancestors out of their plantation homes and "stole" their slaves during the civil war.

You really need to better understand the Southern mindset. Resentment carries through generations.
Perhaps, except that these racist Southern Democrats would be blaming the Republicans that burned their ancestors out of their plantation homes and "stole" their slaves during the civil war.

You really need to better understand the Southern mindset. Resentment carries through generations.

That my friend is the specificity of my argument. The south was a Democrat stronghold because white southerner’s ”resentment through the generations” was aimed precisely at the Republican Lincoln’s victory over the south in the Civil War & the Republican Party in general because of that war. That’s what Nixon’s Southern Strategy was all about. Nixon and the neo-cons saw the opportunity to turn the tables on the leftist Democrats in Washington and the southern Democrats all with one simple agenda. Convince southern white Democrats that the Democrats having control of Washington were politically two-timing their asses and shoving black equality down their throats. Bingo!!!! Worked like a charm! The white southerners remain a Republican Party white majority in the south to this very day in most southern States. You can thank Nixon for eradicating the Republican black vote nationwide. The Democrats swooped in and exchanged the white south for the national vote of folks of color who will soon be the majority in America. Congratulations!!!!!

When it comes to understanding the ”southern mindset,” seems I’m a generation ahead of you friend. You should know I lived through Roosevelt’s socialism, Truman’s unconstitutional war, Eisenhower’s unconstitutional ,attack on Cuba, Eisenhower & Kennedy’s institution of involvement in the Vietnam war, Johnson’s institution of radical socialist policies and escalation of the unconstitutional Vietnam war, then the “trickery” and contempt for justice and the unconstitutional actions and criminality of Tricky Dick Nixon and plenty more to be outraged about since then till now. I don’t need many modern history books friend, I lived American modern political history.
That my friend is the specificity of my argument. The south was a Democrat stronghold because white southerner’s ”resentment through the generations” was aimed precisely at the Republican Lincoln’s victory over the south in the Civil War & the Republican Party in general because of that war. That’s what Nixon’s Southern Strategy was all about. Nixon and the neo-cons saw the opportunity to turn the tables on the leftist Democrats in Washington and the southern Democrats all with one simple agenda. Convince southern white Democrats that the Democrats having control of Washington were politically two-timing their asses and shoving black equality down their throats. Bingo!!!! Worked like a charm! The white southerners remain a Republican Party white majority in the south to this very day in most southern States. You can thank Nixon for eradicating the Republican black vote nationwide. The Democrats swooped in and exchanged the white south for the national vote of folks of color who will soon be the majority in America. Congratulations!!!!!

When it comes to understanding the ”southern mindset,” seems I’m a generation ahead of you friend. You should know I lived through Roosevelt’s socialism, Truman’s unconstitutional war, Eisenhower’s unconstitutional ,attack on Cuba, Eisenhower & Kennedy’s institution of involvement in the Vietnam war, Johnson’s institution of radical socialist policies and escalation of the unconstitutional Vietnam war, then the “trickery” and contempt for justice and the unconstitutional actions and criminality of Tricky Dick Nixon and plenty more to be outraged about since then till now. I don’t need many modern history books friend, I lived American modern political history.

You didn't live it in The South my friend, because, again, The South has never been 100% Democrat. Many, during the Civil War, were sympathetic to the Republican cause. Many fought with the Union. Many spied against the Confederacy. These resentments were in place in the 60's and are still in place today. Many still live where their ancestors settled.

This is from 2008:


You see that blue band? That is historically the rich farmland that the English settled.
You didn't live it in The South my friend, because, again, The South has never been 100% Democrat. Many, during the Civil War, were sympathetic to the Republican cause. Many fought with the Union. Many spied against the Confederacy. These resentments were in place in the 60's and are still in place today. Many still live where their ancestors settled.

You know not of what you type friend. I’ve lived in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland both Carolinas and spent some time in Georgia, Florida, Mississippi and Alabama. I know well the “southern mind set” of the 1950s, 60,s 70,s 80;s 90’s and am still familiar with the evolution of the southern mind set since I still have family and or friends in the south.

This is from 2008:


You see that blue band? That is historically the rich farmland that the English settled.

Observe friend! I said I have observed the EVOLUTION of the “southern mind set.” The southern mind set of the one-time white Democrats that became Republicans has evolved! Today, the white southern political mind set of those converted democrats and their ignorant offspring is way more focused on religion, gay-bashing, the Drug War, gay marriage, promoting The Military Industrial Complex moonshining and playing with poisonous snakes in church than it is on the segregation of the black race. Some are even evolving back into southern Democrats.

I like most southerners because they mostly all promote gun rights and they’ll invite anybody into their homes for some “shine” and some wonderful southern cooking. They’re genetically hospitable folks. But no matter how hard you try to keep your head up your ass and deny southern racism of yesteryear and Nixon’s hoodwinking of the southern democrats, the actual facts remain that the denial is pure folly to anybody who knows/knew the south.

So, keep digging for cover friend. I was born at night, but not last night!!!!!
You know not of what you type friend. I’ve lived in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland both Carolinas and spent some time in Georgia, Florida, Mississippi and Alabama. I know well the “southern mind set” of the 1950s, 60,s 70,s 80;s 90’s and am still familiar with the evolution of the southern mind set since I still have family and or friends in the south.

Observe friend! I said I have observed the EVOLUTION of the “southern mind set.” The southern mind set of the one-time white Democrats that became Republicans has evolved! Today, the white southern political mind set of those converted democrats and their ignorant offspring is way more focused on religion, gay-bashing, the Drug War, gay marriage, promoting The Military Industrial Complex moonshining and playing with poisonous snakes in church than it is on the segregation of the black race. Some are even evolving back into southern Democrats.

I like most southerners because they mostly all promote gun rights and they’ll invite anybody into their homes for some “shine” and some wonderful southern cooking. They’re genetically hospitable folks. But no matter how hard you try to keep your head up your ass and deny southern racism of yesteryear and Nixon’s hoodwinking of the southern democrats, the actual facts remain that the denial is pure folly to anybody who knows/knew the south.

So, keep digging for cover friend. I was born at night, but not last night!!!!!

You offer anecdotal evidence and I offer historical and present day facts. Perhaps you've lived in the blue counties or so get your opinions from that narrow perspective.
You offer anecdotal evidence and I offer historical and present day facts. Perhaps you've lived in the blue counties or so get your opinions from that narrow perspective.

Only a partisan in denial can imagine the magnificent political party flip-flop vote of the South as anything other than a racially motivated Republican victory and call it a "narrow prospective.":rofl2:
Only a partisan in denial can imagine the magnificent political party flip-flop vote of the South as anything other than a racially motivated Republican victory and call it a "narrow prospective.":rofl2:
As I showed, using historical as well as current facts, it was hardly a "magnificent political party flip-flop", but a simple awakening of a small minority.
Dead beat RINOs control the House and believe that by kissing Neo-Commie Democrat asses they’ll somehow gain enough respect to be handed the Senate just because Obama-Care is the shithouse mess that it is. Remember how Obama-Care was supposed to get the other RINO, crony capitalist, corporate raider, political flip-flopper, inventor of Romney-Care Mitt Romney elected President? How’d that work out?

Here’s a little lesson in governance. Listen to a defining lecture on cowardice.

Well sure. You know what the Republicans in office care about today. Corporations and nothing else. They are the Corporate party today, nothing else.

Big pharma, big oil, big banks, big anything or anyone who has the money to donate money for their opinion.

Who stands against this? Democrats. Democrats state they are against it, yet don't do anything about it. NO Libertarian I've ever met has stood against Citizens United. But that's because they see a small problem in a big picture and want to erase the big picture instead of dealing with the headache of "thinking".
Note; I know why are so un-intelligent now. Listening to that without balancing it with education would make you pretty stupid.

Try to be like me and balance your EXTREMELY BIAS information. I couldn't handle MSNBC so I watch Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report. I implore every right winger to watch the daily show and the Colbert report. The small brains always say "it's comedy, it's not politics" which is the most idiotic response you can have. Fox News uses fear mongering and hate mongering to entrap it's audience, the daily show and the Colbert report use humor.

One thing is certain. The RIGHT has absolutely NO knowledge about what the Left wing state of mind is. For some idiotic reason (Rupert Merdock/ Kosh Brothers) they think the Left wants CONTROL and TAXATION and DEBT and HATE THE RICH.

It's pretty basic dude.
As I showed, using historical as well as current facts, it was hardly a "magnificent political party flip-flop", but a simple awakening of a small minority.

“A simple awakening?” Now that’s rich old friend! Awakening to WHAT is the specifics of the issue isn’t it? Apparently white southern Democrat voters were ”awakened” by the Republican Party to the traitorous ”civil rights for blacks” actions of the national Democrat Party and thereby WHITE southerners switched their party voting identity virtually overnight when Republicans in the south campaigned on a State’s Rights platform, huh old buddy?

Keep trying friend as painful as it surely must be for ya. “Lovin Eyes Never See.”