Republicans? What Republicans?

As a result of the radical right wages and benifits in thsi country have not pace with inflation, the GOP econimc policy of laissez faire the coporate welfare state has been developed into a huge cost to the American people, that same economic policy led directly to the collapse of Enron, the Savings and Loan scandal, the hiusing collapse and this new phrase too big to fail: that should never have happened in this country but anti trust laws have been all but ignored. Then we can talks about the huge debacle in Iraq which has led to its take over by sectarian interests. I hate to oput it like this, but any people who aren't aware of these on the record facts are either stupid or lying. The radical right has their own media blitzkreig whenever they need to put pressure those Republicans who don't play the game and together they have lost almost all credibility in the world and have made my coun try a laughing stock. The radical right is shameful and they done absolutely nothing good for this country or anybody in it.

Just as I thought; you don't have the slightest clue of what you are talking about. Thank you for confirming that.
Eisenhower was the first American President to send military advisors to Vietnam, thus unnecessary American involvement where it didn’t belong.

The Cuban invasion was the creation of the Eisenhower administration. Just because Kennedy followed through with it then called it off is totally irrelevant to its constitutionality, (without Congressional declaration), or any other excuse you want to throw at it.

The “empty hat” belongs to you until you can come up with the article or amendment in our Constitution that authorizes Presidents to declare “police actions.” Until then you're all hat and no cattle. America is supposed to be a Constitutional Republic operated and governed by the rule of constitutional law and not the whims of Presidents. Only the Congress has the constitutional authority to declare wars, (Article One, Section Eight, United States Constitution.

BTW all legislation authorizing Presidents to enter into wars for any reason without a congressional declaration of war, i. e. “War Powers Act” is unconstitutional because there’s no constitutional authority for the Congress to proxy their sworn duty and authority to declare war to anybody. That can only be done by amending the Constitution thusly.

A un charter allowed us into Viet Nam and the war powers act allowed everything else.

So the empty hat is back at you.
I'm curious to hear more about the economic policy you feel led to the collapse of Enron and when were anti-trust laws ignored?

I've already outlined that. The monopolization of banking, insurance and oil and transportation in this country ignores the reasons for the anti trust act as it existed. This monopolization leads to less choices and higher prices that we all suffer with now.
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I've alreadt outlined that. The monopolization of banking, insurance and oil and transportation in this country ignores the reasons for the anti trust act as it existed. This monopolization leads to less choices and higher prices that we all suffer with now.

I'm not following how you don't feel we have choices in banking or insurance.
I'm not following how you don't feel we have choices in banking or insurance.

Banking and health insurance companies have bought out all their competition and now own them as subsidiaries: it only looks like you have more choices. Since the 90s they've been caling that brand loyalty. There are only seven health care companies operating in the country; United Health, and about six others: they own about everything else. Look or instance at AIG; too big to fail!?! How'd that happen . . .
Banking and health insurance companies have bought out all their competition and now own them as subsidiaries: it only looks like you have more choices. Since the 90s they've been caling that brand loyalty. There are only seven health care companies operating in the country; United Health, and about six others: they own about everything else. Look or instance at AIG; too big to fail!?! How'd that happen . . .

So you feel you don't have a choice with the seven health care firms? How many choices will we have if we go to single payer?

There are numerous banks. How do you feel you don't have a choice? Do you live in a remote area with only one bank in town?
Dead beat RINOs control the House and believe that by kissing Neo-Commie Democrat asses they’ll somehow gain enough respect to be handed the Senate just because Obama-Care is the shithouse mess that it is. Remember how Obama-Care was supposed to get the other RINO, crony capitalist, corporate raider, political flip-flopper, inventor of Romney-Care Mitt Romney elected President? How’d that work out?

Here’s a little lesson in governance. Listen to a defining lecture on cowardice.

I love to see the righties fighting it out amongst themselves. I love to see them imploding like this! I can't get enough of this. caeacko fretting Cruz, and now this shit! SWEET!
A un charter allowed us into Viet Nam and the war powers act allowed everything else.

So the empty hat is back at you.

Again you'll need to provide the constitutional amendment that allowed for UN charters to conduct American foreign policy and the other constitutional amendment that allowed the Congress to proxy their duty and power to DECLARE WAR to a President, i. e. "War Powers Act."

"The Congress shall have the make all laws which shall be necessary AND PROPER for carrying into execution THE FORGOING powers VESTED BY THIS CONSTITUTION in the Government of the United States....." (Article One Section Eight, United States Constitution)

In other words, if the power isn't enumerated in the Constitution for the federal government it can't do it constitutionally without a constitutional amendment,

"The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution,......." (Article Five, United States Constitution)

The "empty hat" belongs to you!
So you feel you don't have a choice with the seven health care firms? How many choices will we have if we go to single payer?

There are numerous banks. How do you feel you don't have a choice? Do you live in a remote area with only one bank in town?

I love to see the righties fighting it out amongst themselves. I love to see them imploding like this! I can't get enough of this. caeacko fretting Cruz, and now this shit! SWEET!

WHO are the righties you'rev talking about? Have you even a clue?
Nowhere have I ever stated that all southern whites were racist. In-case you’ve never noticed I don’t make ignorant pathetic blanket statements like that.

However I still contend that in the 60’s the vast majority of white southerners were racist and were democrats. To deny that is total ignorance of the facts or just plain lying, take your pick! The FACTS also dictate that before the 60’s the south was a Democrat voting stronghold. And again that all changed with Tricky Dick’s Southern Strategy. And again, to believe that all of a sudden the white south had a great moral conversion and overnight changed its standard bigotry and racism and became some kind of civil rights promoters because Nixon convinced them to repent and become Republicans. I’m not sorry to say that I do believe the reverse happened. It is only logical and by the way “honest” to say that all of a sudden the white south were convinced by Tricky Dick that he and the Republicans were way more in tune with white southern racism than the National Democrat Party was. Walla! Overnight conversion of the white south from Democrat stronghold to Republican stronghold. No other explanation, (as they say down south), “even makes a lick of sense!”

“Germans?” Your kiddin right? After starting 2 world wars and committing the holocaust, seems like Germans just might be genetically bigoted and racist, huh?

I'll let these two bolded terms speak for themselves with regards to your ability to understand human nature.
I'll let these two bolded terms speak for themselves with regards to your ability to understand human nature.

I understand human nature perfectly, but I have several reservations about you. All of the evidence is on my side!!!!!
Dead beat RINOs control the House and believe that by kissing Neo-Commie Democrat asses they’ll somehow gain enough respect to be handed the Senate just because Obama-Care is the shithouse mess that it is. Remember how Obama-Care was supposed to get the other RINO, crony capitalist, corporate raider, political flip-flopper, inventor of Romney-Care Mitt Romney elected President? How’d that work out?

Here’s a little lesson in governance. Listen to a defining lecture on cowardice.

What a mad man!
Libertarians are too wired for the republicans.
No. The radical right is the only thing that can save the party, and the country. we don't need Democrat-lite. We need to slash and burn the huge bloated government that both parties created.

You have no chance of the far right taking over any time soon. Not at the minimum until all the babyboomer are gone and that will be 20 yrs.
The country isnt far left or far right, its moderate and independents that win elections. You need to face the reality that a Ted Cruz cannot get elected Potus