Republicans? What Republicans?

Well sure. You know what the Republicans in office care about today. Corporations and nothing else. They are the Corporate party today, nothing else.

Big pharma, big oil, big banks, big anything or anyone who has the money to donate money for their opinion.

BIG Unions, BIG banks, BIG corporate law firms, BIG AARP big anything or anyone who has the money to donate money for their opinion. Oh! That's right, they're bribing the Democrats, huh Goober?????
Note; I know why are so un-intelligent now. Listening to that without balancing it with education would make you pretty stupid.

Try to be like me and balance your EXTREMELY BIAS information. I couldn't handle MSNBC so I watch Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report. I implore every right winger to watch the daily show and the Colbert report. The small brains always say "it's comedy, it's not politics" which is the most idiotic response you can have. Fox News uses fear mongering and hate mongering to entrap it's audience, the daily show and the Colbert report use humor.

One thing is certain. The RIGHT has absolutely NO knowledge about what the Left wing state of mind is. For some idiotic reason (Rupert Merdock/ Kosh Brothers) they think the Left wants CONTROL and TAXATION and DEBT and HATE THE RICH.

It's pretty basic dude.

Talkin to yourself again moron?
“A simple awakening?” Now that’s rich old friend! Awakening to WHAT is the specifics of the issue isn’t it? Apparently white southern Democrat voters were ”awakened” by the Republican Party to the traitorous ”civil rights for blacks” actions of the national Democrat Party and thereby WHITE southerners switched their party voting identity virtually overnight when Republicans in the south campaigned on a State’s Rights platform, huh old buddy?

Keep trying friend as painful as it surely must be for ya. “Lovin Eyes Never See.”

Again, you need to put yourself into the mindset of those voters who would have switched party affiliation. They were not involved in the power structure of the Democrat Party; they were not die-hard Democrats and not people of privlege. They worked difficult jobs and appreciated others who did the same, including blacks. Their families probably never owned slaves, but may have fought for the confederacy because they got sucked into the whole Northern Aggression spiel that the Democrats invented back then.

Then they read Nixon's proposal, and realized that they were Republicans all along.
Again, you need to put yourself into the mindset of those voters who would have switched party affiliation. They were not involved in the power structure of the Democrat Party; they were not die-hard Democrats and not people of privlege. They worked difficult jobs and appreciated others who did the same, including blacks. Their families probably never owned slaves, but may have fought for the confederacy because they got sucked into the whole Northern Aggression spiel that the Democrats invented back then.

Then they read Nixon's proposal, and realized that they were Republicans all along.

Who are you trying to convince old friend, you or me?

There’s nary a logical thinking soul that believes that the vast majority of the white south wasn’t racist from the founding of the nation through the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and even into the 90’s and still has segments today of white racism therein.

I repeat, the southern whites didn’t change their voting habits because they all of a sudden became “civil rights activist.”

I also contend that they remain mostly Republican voters today because they’re Bible-Belt homophobes, gun owners and religionist ninnies who align themselves politically with the campaigning platform of the southern RINO Republicans like that fucking RINO idiot Lindsey Graham.

I also contend that in today’s world blacks are the most separatist, segregationist, biased, prejudiced and racist people in America today.
Then they read Nixon's proposal, and realized that they were Republicans all along.

If Nixon's proposal convinced them they were Republicans all along then Nixon convinced them he was as racist as they were. Case closed!!!!!
Who are you trying to convince old friend, you or me?

There’s nary a logical thinking soul that believes that the vast majority of the white south wasn’t racist from the founding of the nation through the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and even into the 90’s and still has segments today of white racism therein.

I repeat, the southern whites didn’t change their voting habits because they all of a sudden became “civil rights activist.”

I also contend that they remain mostly Republican voters today because they’re Bible-Belt homophobes, gun owners and religionist ninnies who align themselves politically with the campaigning platform of the southern RINO Republicans like that fucking RINO idiot Lindsey Graham.

I also contend that in today’s world blacks are the most separatist, segregationist, biased, prejudiced and racist people in America today.
I was trying to convince you, but your string of prejudices about the Southern People and blacks shows that to be impossible, because of your prejudiced and closed mind.

If Nixon's proposal convinced them they were Republicans all along then Nixon convinced them he was as racist as they were. Case closed!!!!!
The case is closed but not in the way that you think it is.
I was trying to convince you, but your string of prejudices about the Southern People and blacks shows that to be impossible, because of your prejudiced and closed mind.

The case is closed but not in the way that you think it is.

PREJUDICE: a preformed opinion, usually an unfavorable one, based on insufficient knowledge, irrational feelings, or inaccurate stereotypes. (Encarta English Dictionary)

Of course your opinion that my opinions of white southerners is an unfavorable one, based on insufficient knowledge, irrational feelings, or inaccurate stereotypes, is purely your “prejudiced” opinion of me.

You can live your whole life in a partisan state of denial of truth and reality as you choose, but I know southerners both white and black and have known them for almost 60 years now. I saw “white only” public drinking fountains in the south. I saw blacks restricted to the back of the bus. I saw restaurants that refused to serve blacks. I observed many a “racially bigoted” conversation between white southerners. I knew the majority white southern opinion of blacks.

So pal of mine, if you want me to believe that white southerners had a racial reversal revival enlightenment somewhere in the 60’s or so, you’re shoveling shit against a wall and pissing into the wind. Like I said, “I was born at night, but not LAST night.”
I watch Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report. I implore every right winger to watch the daily show and the Colbert report.

Oh Yeah! The Daily Show, that bastion of “Fair & Balanced” political enlightenment.

You’re the perfect example of an idiot establishing his political opinions by watching idiocy! Stewart and Colbert are so far left a mirror can’t even make them look right.
PREJUDICE: a preformed opinion, usually an unfavorable one, based on insufficient knowledge, irrational feelings, or inaccurate stereotypes. (Encarta English Dictionary)

Of course your opinion that my opinions of white southerners is an unfavorable one, based on insufficient knowledge, irrational feelings, or inaccurate stereotypes, is purely your “prejudiced” opinion of me.

You can live your whole life in a partisan state of denial of truth and reality as you choose, but I know southerners both white and black and have known them for almost 60 years now. I saw “white only” public drinking fountains in the south. I saw blacks restricted to the back of the bus. I saw restaurants that refused to serve blacks. I observed many a “racially bigoted” conversation between white southerners. I knew the majority white southern opinion of blacks.

So pal of mine, if you want me to believe that white southerners had a racial reversal revival enlightenment somewhere in the 60’s or so, you’re shoveling shit against a wall and pissing into the wind. Like I said, “I was born at night, but not LAST night.”

These same Southerners that you've experienced hatred toward blacks also hated the Republican Party, only more so. It was the Party of Lincoln that stole their ancestors slaves and burned their ancestors homes. It was the GOP that put blacks in charge of the Southern legislatures during reconstruction. And then, in the 60's, it was the Republican party that was forcing these racist whites not to segregate themselves from blacks. No one is denying that.

What I am denying is that all Southerners were like that. Many had ancestors who never owned slaves. These were German and Scots-Irish who immigrated to The South for premium agricultural conditions only to be forced into the Piedmont and upper counties by the wealthy landowners who's ancestors had come from England a century before. The ancestors of the Germans and Scots-Irish rarely owned slaves, both for monetary and religious reasons. Add to that descendents of English ancestry that weren't well connected to the Democrat power establishment, but worked hard and appreciated others who did the same, regardless of their color, and you have a significant population ripe for a shift to the GOP.

Nixon took advantage of that situation, and Democrats have been lying about it ever since. I'm rather disappointed, my friend, that you choose to believe that lie, instead of looking at the history with logic and reason.
These same Southerners that you've experienced hatred toward blacks also hated the Republican Party, only more so. It was the Party of Lincoln that stole their ancestors slaves and burned their ancestors homes. It was the GOP that put blacks in charge of the Southern legislatures during reconstruction. And then, in the 60's, it was the Republican party that was forcing these racist whites not to segregate themselves from blacks. No one is denying that.

What I am denying is that all Southerners were like that. Many had ancestors who never owned slaves. These were German and Scots-Irish who immigrated to The South for premium agricultural conditions only to be forced into the Piedmont and upper counties by the wealthy landowners who's ancestors had come from England a century before. The ancestors of the Germans and Scots-Irish rarely owned slaves, both for monetary and religious reasons. Add to that descendents of English ancestry that weren't well connected to the Democrat power establishment, but worked hard and appreciated others who did the same, regardless of their color, and you have a significant population ripe for a shift to the GOP.

Nixon took advantage of that situation, and Democrats have been lying about it ever since. I'm rather disappointed, my friend, that you choose to believe that lie, instead of looking at the history with logic and reason.

Nowhere have I ever stated that all southern whites were racist. In-case you’ve never noticed I don’t make ignorant pathetic blanket statements like that.

However I still contend that in the 60’s the vast majority of white southerners were racist and were democrats. To deny that is total ignorance of the facts or just plain lying, take your pick! The FACTS also dictate that before the 60’s the south was a Democrat voting stronghold. And again that all changed with Tricky Dick’s Southern Strategy. And again, to believe that all of a sudden the white south had a great moral conversion and overnight changed its standard bigotry and racism and became some kind of civil rights promoters because Nixon convinced them to repent and become Republicans. I’m not sorry to say that I do believe the reverse happened. It is only logical and by the way “honest” to say that all of a sudden the white south were convinced by Tricky Dick that he and the Republicans were way more in tune with white southern racism than the National Democrat Party was. Walla! Overnight conversion of the white south from Democrat stronghold to Republican stronghold. No other explanation, (as they say down south), “even makes a lick of sense!”

“Germans?” Your kiddin right? After starting 2 world wars and committing the holocaust, seems like Germans just might be genetically bigoted and racist, huh?
No. The radical right is the only thing that can save the party, and the country. we don't need Democrat-lite. We need to slash and burn the huge bloated government that both parties created.

Well, the radical right has driven both the GOP and the country right into the toilet so I can't imagine how you're going to save the Republican party.
As spoken by the other fucking idiot that's so in love with his RINO party that he's willing to believe that Nixon's Southern Strategy was all about southern democrats voting for Republican candidates because southern Republicans were the champions of Civil Rights for Black folk, Yeah Right!!!! There's a fucking RINO moron born every minute!!!!!

LMAO; surely this is the definition of a lunatic rant.
Well, the radical right has driven both the GOP and the country right into the toilet so I can't imagine how you're going to save the Republican party.

I would like to see how you think they drove the country into the toilet; please elaborate.
I would like to see how you think they drove the country into the toilet; please elaborate.

As a result of the radical right wages and benifits in thsi country have not pace with inflation, the GOP econimc policy of laissez faire the coporate welfare state has been developed into a huge cost to the American people, that same economic policy led directly to the collapse of Enron, the Savings and Loan scandal, the hiusing collapse and this new phrase too big to fail: that should never have happened in this country but anti trust laws have been all but ignored. Then we can talks about the huge debacle in Iraq which has led to its take over by sectarian interests. I hate to oput it like this, but any people who aren't aware of these on the record facts are either stupid or lying. The radical right has their own media blitzkreig whenever they need to put pressure those Republicans who don't play the game and together they have lost almost all credibility in the world and have made my coun try a laughing stock. The radical right is shameful and they done absolutely nothing good for this country or anybody in it.
So in your world if you can’t refute and disprove the message, you just shoot the messenger, right?

I also would disagree with Levin about Reagan. Reagan and his drinking buddy House Speaker and Democrat Tip O’Neal together more than doubled the National Debt relative to GDP.

“Constitutional scholar?” How long does it take to read the Constitution and how smart doers one need be to recognize when bastard politicians are violating it? Constitutional lawyers and scholars are only necessary to interpret the linguistic gymnastics of the politician’s written law to confirm or deny its conformity with the Constitution. Most 10 year olds can understand the Constitution.

It's very easy to refute Levin's double talk: that's all it is.
As I have said, Eisenhower was the original instigator that involved America in Vietnam and he instituted the American backed attack on Cuba that attempted to oust Fidel Castro all without any Congressional declaration of war.

I have pointd out to you that you were wrong on Eisenhower and Viet Nam. Viet Nam was under way in 1946. As for Cuba, JFK followed on that same policy and Cuba: against the monroe docterine, was direct infiltration of communism in our hemousphere. We have seen over and again; including Iraq that the president alone can call police actions. So this violation of the constitution that you charge is just an empty hat.

Actually, the Republican party was taken over by way more than just Jerry Falwell and the religious rightwing religionist nutcases. It was also infiltrated by a whole gang of racist southern Democrats who switched parties during the civil rights debate. Look it up. There was an endless stream of them who Nixon pampered and managed to swing the once strong Democrat South into the Republican Party. Then there came the majority infiltration by the Imperialist neo-conservatives North & South, (see Irving Kristol), who were also X-Democrats who promoted foreign intervention and the Military Industrial ,Complex, the American World Police Force and the folly of Nation Building. They fled the Democrat Party when the Hippies, Peaceniks, extreme environmentalist and neo-communist took over the Democrat Party.[/QUOTE]
As a result of the radical right wages and benifits in thsi country have not pace with inflation, the GOP econimc policy of laissez faire the coporate welfare state has been developed into a huge cost to the American people, that same economic policy led directly to the collapse of Enron, the Savings and Loan scandal, the hiusing collapse and this new phrase too big to fail: that should never have happened in this country but anti trust laws have been all but ignored. Then we can talks about the huge debacle in Iraq which has led to its take over by sectarian interests. I hate to oput it like this, but any people who aren't aware of these on the record facts are either stupid or lying. The radical right has their own media blitzkreig whenever they need to put pressure those Republicans who don't play the game and together they have lost almost all credibility in the world and have made my coun try a laughing stock. The radical right is shameful and they done absolutely nothing good for this country or anybody in it.

I'm curious to hear more about the economic policy you feel led to the collapse of Enron and when were anti-trust laws ignored?
I have pointd out to you that you were wrong on Eisenhower and Viet Nam. Viet Nam was under way in 1946.

Eisenhower was the first American President to send military advisors to Vietnam, thus unnecessary American involvement where it didn’t belong.

As for Cuba, JFK followed on that same policy and Cuba: against the monroe docterine, was direct infiltration of communism in our hemousphere.

The Cuban invasion was the creation of the Eisenhower administration. Just because Kennedy followed through with it then called it off is totally irrelevant to its constitutionality, (without Congressional declaration), or any other excuse you want to throw at it.

We have seen over and again; including Iraq that the president alone can call police actions. So this violation of the constitution that you charge is just an empty hat.

The “empty hat” belongs to you until you can come up with the article or amendment in our Constitution that authorizes Presidents to declare “police actions.” Until then you're all hat and no cattle. America is supposed to be a Constitutional Republic operated and governed by the rule of constitutional law and not the whims of Presidents. Only the Congress has the constitutional authority to declare wars, (Article One, Section Eight, United States Constitution.

BTW all legislation authorizing Presidents to enter into wars for any reason without a congressional declaration of war, i. e. “War Powers Act” is unconstitutional because there’s no constitutional authority for the Congress to proxy their sworn duty and authority to declare war to anybody. That can only be done by amending the Constitution thusly.