Republicans? What Republicans?

You mean your anecdotal evidence. The facts are on my side.

Yeah right! Like the common sense, common knowledge of every sane folk that the 50’s-60’s white south was a bastion of racism is “anecdotal.” Now that’s funny, I don’t care who ya are.

Your revisionist history of the 50’s-60’s white South only can be righteously compared to the denial of Hitler’s Holocaust.

Your so-called facts incorporate nothing more than writings by a Republican lapdog speech writer and a few Republican civil rights promotions.

Who were those Southern Republicans that voted “yea” on civil rights legislation? I’d be interested in that “fact.”
Actually, my facts include the speech itself that was given by Nixon, and I take those words at face value, unlike you who is trying to find some secret embedded code. Sorry, but I tossed out my secret decoder ring as soon as I finished the box of Cracker Jack.
Bullshit. TEA made huge gains in '10, then again in '12. A revolution is coming.

It will be interesting to see if their strength is still as strong this election cycle. I know they are trying to primary several Republicans senators.
Actually, my facts include the speech itself that was given by Nixon, and I take those words at face value, unlike you who is trying to find some secret embedded code. Sorry, but I tossed out my secret decoder ring as soon as I finished the box of Cracker Jack.

Oh yeah! “Nixon’s words” now there’s some gospel truths for ya! “Your President is no crook!”

Tell ya what you take Tricky Dick’s word and I’ll take the ”FACT” that a white racist south flipped party affiliation virtually overnight from “D” to “R” after Nixon’s speech and his institution of the “Southern Strategy,” OK?

Them dumbassed southerners misconstrued ole Tricky Dicks true intentions, huh? Now that’s funny, I don’t care who ya are!:rofl2::guninmouth:
Oh yeah! “Nixon’s words” now there’s some gospel truths for ya! “Your President is no crook!”

Tell ya what you take Tricky Dick’s word and I’ll take the ”FACT” that a white racist south flipped party affiliation virtually overnight from “D” to “R” after Nixon’s speech and his institution of the “Southern Strategy,” OK?

Them dumbassed southerners misconstrued ole Tricky Dicks true intentions, huh? Now that’s funny, I don’t care who ya are!

Southerners are not "dumbass", nor did they misconstrue Nixon's message. Referenced earlier: "...the enforcement of affirmative action began with Richard Nixon‘s 1969 Philadelphia Plan (crafted by black Republican Art Fletcher who became known as “the father of affirmative action enforcement”) that set the nation‘s first goals and timetables. Nixon was also responsible for the passage of civil rights legislation in the 1970’s, including the Equal Employment Act of 1972."

Southerners voted to re-elect Nixon in 1972:


Interesting that only Massachusetts, that I contend is the most racist state in the nation, didn't vote for Nixon.
The Nixon landslide in 72 was due to the fact that Nixon’s Southern Strategy was working well in the white racist south, he was winding down the Vietnam War that America was sick to death of, incumbents are very difficult to unseat and his Democrat opponent was the fucking commie idiot George McGovern who even most Democrats hated. He talked like he had a mouth full of shit.

“Your President is not a crook!” (Tricky Dick)

The bastard took America off of the Gold Standard, promoted fiat currency, instituted price and wage controls promoted the fucking violent unconstitutional Drug War and was up to his fucking elbows in the Watergate burglary.
Those are all separate issues from what we are discussing.

Maybe so, but they do add the dressing to your hilarious fantasy of the magnificent Tricky Dick Mr. Good Guy. They also make the point that a crooked bastard like Nixon could hardly be seen as a civil rights advocate simply because the bastard was so crooked. I know, I know, Hitler liked dogs, huh?
It will be interesting to see if their strength is still as strong this election cycle. I know they are trying to primary several Republicans senators.

I think that there will be something of a sea change this November. The radical right; by that I mean the Tea Baggers, Ted Cruz, Mitch Mcconell, Paul Ryan and the rest, are going to find themselves way out on a lonely limb and that teh right is going to lose. I think that the Dems will win a majority in both houses and set Hillary up for 2016. NOT becasue I think that dems deserve it, or that they have a better idea: clearly they don't. But they're not the radical right. I voted for Obama in 2012 because he he wasn't a radical right-wing wing nut.

I think that if there are any real third parties out there that think they can move up, this next presidential cycle will their time in the batter's box. I don't think that the Libertarians however stand a chance because of Ayn Rand and those like Paul Ryan. Again, too radical.

The entire Republican party is going to have to go back to Dwight Eisenhower level headed, fair, and sustainable policy driven republicanism if they ever expect to have a chance again.
I think that there will be something of a sea change this November. The radical right; by that I mean the Tea Baggers, Ted Cruz, Mitch Mcconell, Paul Ryan and the rest, are going to find themselves way out on a lonely limb and that teh right is going to lose. I think that the Dems will win a majority in both houses and set Hillary up for 2016. NOT becasue I think that dems deserve it, or that they have a better idea: clearly they don't. But they're not the radical right. I voted for Obama in 2012 because he he wasn't a radical right-wing wing nut.

I think that if there are any real third parties out there that think they can move up, this next presidential cycle will their time in the batter's box. I don't think that the Libertarians however stand a chance because of Ayn Rand and those like Paul Ryan. Again, too radical.

The entire Republican party is going to have to go back to Dwight Eisenhower level headed, fair, and sustainable policy driven republicanism if they ever expect to have a chance again.

It's a long time until the election but if today's polls are to be believed the Republicans will hold onto the House and have a very good chance at winning the Senate. I guess depending how far to the left one is all Republicans are radical right. In the Republican world Cruz and the Tea Party are trying to primary McConnel.
It's a long time until the election but if today's polls are to be believed the Republicans will hold onto the House and have a very good chance at winning the Senate. I guess depending how far to the left one is all Republicans are radical right. In the Republican world Cruz and the Tea Party are trying to primary McConnel.

I'm actually a centrist, but the radical right in the Republican party has had me voting Democratic. I did however vote for two Republicans in state elections. I don't think those polls are going to be correct though.
I'm actually a centrist, but the radical right in the Republican party has had me voting Democratic. I did however vote for two Republicans in state elections. I don't think those polls are going to be correct though.

Reagan, H.W. Bush, Clinton, and W. Bush all ended their terms with an opposition Congress. If you believe it's going to be the different this time you stand to make yourself some good money if you are willing to bet it.
I'm actually a centrist, but the radical right in the Republican party has had me voting Democratic. I did however vote for two Republicans in state elections. I don't think those polls are going to be correct though.

According to Democrats, there are radicals in the Republican Party. For actual conservatives like me, they are far, far from radical. You ain't fooling anybody pretending to listen to both sides.
Reagan, H.W. Bush, Clinton, and W. Bush all ended their terms with an opposition Congress. If you believe it's going to be the different this time you stand to make yourself some good money if you are willing to bet it.

The way that the Republicans have behaved, I just can't see them with a majority.
According to Democrats, there are radicals in the Republican Party. For actual conservatives like me, they are far, far from radical. You ain't fooling anybody pretending to listen to both sides.

Apparently he’s not the only one not listening to both sides. Why do you ignore the RINOs in your party like McCain, Graham, King and your ever-lovin idiot Carl Rove that have been shouting from the rooftops that their beloved RINO Party is infested with radicals like Rand Paul and Ted Cruz?
Apparently he’s not the only one not listening to both sides. Why do you ignore the RINOs in your party like McCain, Graham, King and your ever-lovin idiot Carl Rove that have been shouting from the rooftops that their beloved RINO Party is infested with radicals like Rand Paul and Ted Cruz?
Because they are RINOs, duh. Republican In Name Only, in other words, Democrat-lite.