Republicans? What Republicans?

It's reached the point that even Karl Rove of all people is being called a rino and that is much more far fetched that the notion that Sarah Palin had foreign policy experience becasue her houses proximity to Russia!

Carl Rove is the epitome of neo-conservatism, i. e. RINO-ism. What’s far-fetched is any idea that Carl Rove has a traditional conservative Republican bone in his RINO body. He’s a militarist, drug warrior promoter of the Military Industrial Complex, RINO Republican federal socialist programs. He’s homophobic and believes that the federal government has the authority to determine for the minions of the nation who can and who cannot make marriage contracts and what the minions can and cannot put into their own bodies. He opposes State’s Rights and he’s a BIG government federalist.

Sara Palin had at least twice as much foreign policy experience as Barrack Obama, and Sweet Sara is 1000 times more libertarian and traditional conservative than Carl Rove, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Peter King and the rest of the RINOs in Congress.

Sorry Classic, but the Republican party has been attacked by and is fighting the Frankenstien of their own making and the chickens have come home to roost. The only thing that the GOP can do now to save itself is to publicy separate itself from the radical right and go back to the principals of Republicanism.

The traditional principles of Republicanism are the Bill Of Rights, the very “liberal” principles of individual liberty and the very “conservative” principles of limited government. It’s impossible to have one without the other!

The only sane and principled thing for Republicans to do is separate themselves from the neo-communist socialist Democrats, the war mongers, the drug warriors, the religionist nut-cases, the social authoritarians and bigots and embrace the traditional classical liberalism and classical conservatism of Republican constitutionalism. Otherwise Republicans are simply RINO clones of neo-communist Democrats and gutless crooks only interested in retaining their seats of power through the Duopoly bribery system, crony capitalism, unconstitutional socialist vote buying and lining their pockets and those of their cronies by looting the people’s treasury.
I guess that is they they adhere to the Austrian school of economics

The nation should be so lucky! There'd be little to no National Debt and your sorry ass would have to learn the meaning of "personal responsibility."
Look it up anywhere you like! If your head isn't up your ass.

How about here:

The so-called “Dixiecrats” remained Democrats and did not migrate to the Republican Party. The Dixiecrats were a group of Southern Democrats who, in the 1948 national election, formed a third party, the State’s Rights Democratic Party with the slogan: “Segregation Forever!” Even so, they continued to be Democrats for all local and state elections, as well as for all future national elections.
Excellent and Ill go a step further, the far right teaparty faction of the GOP are not republicans they have an entire different agenda and that agenda will not pass the american peoples smell test.

Actually Goober if you had an ounce of intelligence you’d know that the American electorate is so fucking bribed, stupid, brainwashed and brain-dead it can’t even smell a fucking rat like Obama and the Bushwhacker before him and the 90% of RINO & DINO crooks in the Congress & the partisan ideologue bastards on the Courts.

The original agenda of the Tea Party was reducing government spending & the National Debt. IMO anybody opposed to that is simply a brain-dead neo-commie Demorat or an asshole RINO.

The problem with the Tea Party now is it’s been infiltrated by rightwing neo-cons, religionist whackos, BIG government militarist & imperialist & social moralist authoritarians. The Tea Party needs to find its real republicans and libertarians and shit-can the trash.

The only reason the far right has gotten as far as it has is Obama is president. Once Obama is gone and they dont have the hatred for him to feed off of and they dont have him to blame for everything and the mistake that is obamacare tones down. They will fade.

Define the ”far right.”

The Tea Party demise has been predicted since it appeared on the scene. Its several years old now and both the neo-commie Demorats & RINOs are scared to death that the Tea Party will get its act together, take out the trash and unseat more “business as usual” crooks in Republican primaries, take the majority in Congress and possibly even elect a libertarian minded President and prohibit the fucking duopoly racket we now identify as the federal government.

The far right teaparty has accomplished nothing all theyve done is stymy all progress on anything. How the right can believe their stand bearer Ted Cruz is a hero is beyond my comprehension. This country will never go far left OR far right, it takes a while to get our mass's moving but they always do, and they are easily bullshitted ibut only in the short term.

“Progress” is for the “progressive” minded neo-communist bastards, socialist demorats & BIG government RINOs. America is supposed to be a Constitutional Republic whereby progress is reserved to the individual and the States, (read amendment 10) The only righteous constitutional actions of the federal government is to protect the nation’s citizens from enemies foreign and domestic and referee peaceful actions between the States.

What you see and call “progress” in the federal government is 90% unconstitutional racketeering. I’m sure I can find plenty to disagree with Ted Cruz about, but I give him my “KUDOS” for standing up in the face of the “business as usual” bastards in Congress. A few more politicians with balls like Ted Cruz would be a breath of fresh air. The “Good Old Boy” racket in Washington is bankrupting the nation, while fucking idiots like you cheer the bastards raising the debt ceiling.

You don’t have a fucking clue, do you Goober?

Actually it was the ”neo-con infiltration” of the Republican party that I referenced to wiki not the infiltration of Democrat ”voters” in the south that switched parties and voted for Republicans because of Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” which promoted State’s Rights over civil rights and strongly supported racist republican candidates in the South. I never mentioned the Dixiecrats although there were some that did officially switched from the Democrat Party into the Republican Party, like Strom Thurmond and Trent Lott who come immediately to mind. I’m sure I could find others if I wanted to bother.

Southern strategy
In American politics, the Southern strategy refers to a Republican Party strategy of gaining political support for certain candidates in the Southern United States by appealing to racism against African Americans

Though the "Solid South" had been a longtime Democratic Party stronghold due to the Democratic Party's defense of slavery before the American Civil War and segregation for a century thereafter, many white Southern Democrats stopped supporting the party following the civil rights plank of the Democratic campaign in 1948 (triggering the Dixiecrats), the African-American Civil Rights Movement, the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965, and desegregation.
Actually it was the ”neo-con infiltration” of the Republican party that I referenced to wiki not the infiltration of Democrat ”voters” in the south that switched parties and voted for Republicans because of Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” which promoted State’s Rights over civil rights and strongly supported racist republican candidates in the South. I never mentioned the Dixiecrats although there were some that did officially switched from the Democrat Party into the Republican Party, like Strom Thurmond and Trent Lott who come immediately to mind. I’m sure I could find others if I wanted to bother.

Southern strategy
In American politics, the Southern strategy refers to a Republican Party strategy of gaining political support for certain candidates in the Southern United States by appealing to racism against African Americans

Though the "Solid South" had been a longtime Democratic Party stronghold due to the Democratic Party's defense of slavery before the American Civil War and segregation for a century thereafter, many white Southern Democrats stopped supporting the party following the civil rights plank of the Democratic campaign in 1948 (triggering the Dixiecrats), the African-American Civil Rights Movement, the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965, and desegregation.
Wiki again? :rofl2:

Here's the real deal, same link as earlier, just scroll down:

Nixon’s Southern Strategy Was Not A Racist Appeal

In the arsenal of the Democrats is a condemnation of Republican President Richard Nixon for his so-called “Southern Strategy.” These same Democrats expressed no concern when the racially segregated South voted solidly for Democrats for over 100 years, yet unfairly deride Republicans because of the thirty-year odyssey of the South switching to the Republican Party that began in the 1970's. Nixon's "Southern Strategy” was an effort on his part to get fair-minded people in the South to stop voting for Democrats who did not share their values and were discriminating against blacks. Georgia did not switch until 2004, and Louisiana was controlled by Democrats until the election of Republican Governor Bobby Jindal in 2007.

As the co-architect of Nixon’s “Southern Strategy”, Pat Buchanan provided a first-hand account of the origin and intent of that strategy in a 2002 article that can be found on the Internet at:

In that article, Buchanan wrote that when Nixon kicked off his historic comeback in 1966 with a column about the South (written by Buchanan), Nixon declared that the Republican Party would be built on a foundation of states rights, human rights, small government and a strong national defense, and leave it to the “party of Maddox, Mahoney and Wallace to squeeze the last ounce of political juice out of the rotting fruit of racial injustice”.

During the 1966 campaign, Nixon was personally thanked by Dr. King for his help in passing the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Nixon also endorsed all Republicans, except the members of the John Birch Society.

Notably, the enforcement of affirmative action began with Richard Nixon‘s 1969 Philadelphia Plan (crafted by black Republican Art Fletcher who became known as “the father of affirmative action enforcement”) that set the nation‘s first goals and timetables. Nixon was also responsible for the passage of civil rights legislation in the 1970’s, including the Equal Employment Act of 1972.

Fletcher, as president of the United Negro College Fund, coined the phrase “the mind is a terrible thing to waste.” Fletcher was also one of the original nine plaintiffs in the famous “Brown v. Topeka Board of Education” decision. Fletcher briefly pursued a bid for the Republican presidential nomination in 1995.

Nixon began his merit-based affirmative action program to overcome the harm caused by Democrat President Woodrow Wilson who, after he was elected in 1912, kicked blacks out of federal government jobs and prevented blacks from obtaining federal contracts. Also, while Wilson was president and Congress was controlled by the Democrats, more discriminatory bills were introduced in Congress than ever before in our nation’s history. Today, Democrats have turned affirmative action into an unfair quota system that even most blacks do not support.
Wiki again? :rofl2:

Here's the real deal, same link as earlier, just scroll down:

Nixon’s Southern Strategy Was Not A Racist Appeal

In the arsenal of the Democrats is a condemnation of Republican President Richard Nixon for his so-called “Southern Strategy.” These same Democrats expressed no concern when the racially segregated South voted solidly for Democrats for over 100 years, yet unfairly deride Republicans because of the thirty-year odyssey of the South switching to the Republican Party that began in the 1970's. Nixon's "Southern Strategy” was an effort on his part to get fair-minded people in the South to stop voting for Democrats who did not share their values and were discriminating against blacks. Georgia did not switch until 2004, and Louisiana was controlled by Democrats until the election of Republican Governor Bobby Jindal in 2007.

As the co-architect of Nixon’s “Southern Strategy”, Pat Buchanan provided a first-hand account of the origin and intent of that strategy in a 2002 article that can be found on the Internet at:

In that article, Buchanan wrote that when Nixon kicked off his historic comeback in 1966 with a column about the South (written by Buchanan), Nixon declared that the Republican Party would be built on a foundation of states rights, human rights, small government and a strong national defense, and leave it to the “party of Maddox, Mahoney and Wallace to squeeze the last ounce of political juice out of the rotting fruit of racial injustice”.

During the 1966 campaign, Nixon was personally thanked by Dr. King for his help in passing the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Nixon also endorsed all Republicans, except the members of the John Birch Society.

Notably, the enforcement of affirmative action began with Richard Nixon‘s 1969 Philadelphia Plan (crafted by black Republican Art Fletcher who became known as “the father of affirmative action enforcement”) that set the nation‘s first goals and timetables. Nixon was also responsible for the passage of civil rights legislation in the 1970’s, including the Equal Employment Act of 1972.

Fletcher, as president of the United Negro College Fund, coined the phrase “the mind is a terrible thing to waste.” Fletcher was also one of the original nine plaintiffs in the famous “Brown v. Topeka Board of Education” decision. Fletcher briefly pursued a bid for the Republican presidential nomination in 1995.

Nixon began his merit-based affirmative action program to overcome the harm caused by Democrat President Woodrow Wilson who, after he was elected in 1912, kicked blacks out of federal government jobs and prevented blacks from obtaining federal contracts. Also, while Wilson was president and Congress was controlled by the Democrats, more discriminatory bills were introduced in Congress than ever before in our nation’s history. Today, Democrats have turned affirmative action into an unfair quota system that even most blacks do not support.

So, Wiki is laughable in your world while the rightist World Net Daily is Gospel? Apparently World Net Daily’s Gospel and Buchanan’s apology and revised history of Nixon’s Southern Strategy backfired and the code “State’s Rights” Nixon style was received by millions of racist democrats in the south that voted for racist Republicans based on all of the civil rights actions going on by northern Democrats in the federal government, huh? And You and Buchanan want everybody to believe southern democrats began voting for Republicans because southern Republicans were all of a sudden civil rights activist? Now that’s what is laughable!!!!!

I'll remind you that Buchanan was a Nixon flunky speech writer and Nixon gave us the Drug War, Watergate and took us off of the gold standard and resigned the Presidency in disgrace.

Richard Nixon. :rofl2:
So what? None of those issues are relevant to my point, that your assertion that "racist southern Democrats ... switched parties during the civil rights debate" is pure bullshit.
That article was from, not world net daily.

And yes, wiki is not a reliable source on political issues, since anyone, even you, can write or edit the articles.

Nor are any rightist or leftist so-called news articles reliable Much of history is biased and unreliable, contradicted and debatable. My observation of the party voting switch in the south in no way convinces me that all of a sudden southerners started voting Republican because Republican politicians in the south were civil rights activist. Good God man, use some common sense. I lived through all of the civil rights legislation, the racist south and even the racism in the north. Nixon was a mentally defective crook and LBJ's famous words after signing civil rights legislation, (never reveled by MSM), were, "That'll have them niggers voting Democrat for the next 100 years." I've seen it all man! Believe only half of what you see, a quarter of what you think and as little as possible about what you think you know. Politicians and their flunkies make a living lying, covering up and fucking the nation up the ass!
So what? None of those issues are relevant to my point, that your assertion that "racist southern Democrats ... switched parties during the civil rights debate" is pure bullshit.

And your assertion that southern democrats started voting for Republicans because southern Republicans all of a sudden became civil rights activist is the stupidst thing I've ever seen you post. So, in your world Nixon's Southern Strategy was all about convincing southerners that Republicans were the REAL civil rights promoters, right? Evidently, they never got THAT message, huh?
Nor are any rightist or leftist so-called news articles reliable Much of history is biased and unreliable, contradicted and debatable. My observation of the party voting switch in the south in no way convinces me that all of a sudden southerners started voting Republican because Republican politicians in the south were civil rights activist. Good God man, use some common sense. I lived through all of the civil rights legislation, the racist south and even the racism in the north. Nixon was a mentally defective crook and LBJ's famous words after signing civil rights legislation, (never reveled by MSM), were, "That'll have them niggers voting Democrat for the next 100 years." I've seen it all man! Believe only half of what you see, a quarter of what you think and as little as possible about what you think you know. Politicians and their flunkies make a living lying, covering up and fucking the nation up the ass!

What portion of the history in that article is incorrect? Most of it is simple facts.
And your assertion that southern democrats started voting for Republicans because southern Republicans all of a sudden became civil rights activist is the stupidst thing I've ever seen you post. So, in your world Nixon's Southern Strategy was all about convincing southerners that Republicans were the REAL civil rights promoters, right? Evidently, they never got THAT message, huh?

You obviously don't know The South, painting with a broad brush like that. Nor your history of the Republican Party, which was started on a platform of civil rights.

Many Southerners were anti-racist, even during the civil war era. These folks didn't find their political party until Buchanan eloquently wrote about it.
The Republican party no longer represents traditional conservative values; it has been hijacked and held hostage by radical right-wingers whose concern is only their limited (usually single-issue) agenda. If former Senator Barry Goldwater ("Mr. Conservative") could see what these lunatic fringe groups have done to the GOP, he'd turn over in his grave. Indeed, I doubt that even former President Ronald Reagan ("The Great Communicator") would fare well in today's toxic political climate.
The Republican party no longer represents traditional conservative values; it has been hijacked and held hostage by radical right-wingers whose concern is only their limited (usually single-issue) agenda. If former Senator Barry Goldwater ("Mr. Conservative") could see what these lunatic fringe groups have done to the GOP, he'd turn over in his grave. Indeed, I doubt that even former President Ronald Reagan ("The Great Communicator") would fare well in today's toxic political climate.
Actually, the power brokers in the GOP are anything but radical right-wingers. Instead they try to be Democrat-lite.
You don’t even know what’s in the Constitution moron! Is the authority for a federal Drug War in the Constitution pea-brain?

LMAO; another “classic” stupid claim. Dunce.

Truth? You wouldn’t know the truth if you fell over it!

Another “classic” stupid comment.

You’re the fucking idiot in denial of the CIA’s aid & comfort in bringing Saddam Hussein into power in Iraq and the CIA’s deposal of an elected leader in Iran and the installation of the brutal Shah.

They didn’t you uninformed dunce. But alas, you’re stuck on stupid and Evince agrees with you; how not surprising.

You’ll probably also deny that England and American government handed over the entire nuclear weapons secrets to Israel too, huh Goober? What about the Israeli attack on America’s U. S. S. Liberty? “The combined air and sea attack killed 34 crew members (naval officers, seamen, two Marines, and one civilian), wounded 171 crew members, and severely damaged the ship.” I suppose in your world that never happened either, huh numb-nuts?

LMAO; so you hate Jews too??!! No shocker there.

And of course that’s why you never respond to any of my post with any facts or any evidence for a counter argument either, because you have no rational arguments for what I post, all you have is personal insults and irrational blather, denial without fact or evidence and phony cover for your ineptitude by claiming you’re laughing your ass off when in fact you’re a lost sad irrelevant clueless piece of shit.

You’re apparently immune from facts or rational arguments. You would rather rant naively and stupid about those big bad parties.
I point and laugh at you because you’re an irrelevant dunce who thinks that you can make change by whining and ranting about parties. How sad and pathetic for a dunce like you.

You know you’re an idiot when lunatics like Evince agree with you. LOL
Excellent and Ill go a step further, the far right teaparty faction of the GOP are not republicans they have an entire different agenda and that agenda will not pass the american peoples smell test.

The only reason the far right has gotten as far as it has is Obama is president. Once Obama is gone and they dont have the hatred for him to feed off of and they dont have him to blame for everything and the mistake that is obamacare tones down. They will fade.

The far right teaparty has accomplished nothing all theyve done is stymy all progress on anything. How the right can believe their stand bearer Ted Cruz is a hero is beyond my comprehension. This country will never go far left OR far right, it takes a while to get our mass's moving but they always do, and they are easily bullshitted ibut only in the short term.

I am amused by the dimwitted leftist meme that the Tea Party is "far right". So based on the leftist media, the definition of "far right" is wanting Government to be contained within its original Constitutional limitations, eliminating Government welfare and allowing the citizens to keep more of what they earn instead of confiscating it through political cronyism.
As I have said, Eisenhower was the original instigator that involved America in Vietnam and he instituted the American backed attack on Cuba that attempted to oust Fidel Castro all without any Congressional declaration of war.

LMAO; you really are a revisionist historian aren't you shit-for-brains?

Actually, the Republican party was taken over by way more than just Jerry Falwell and the religious rightwing religionist nutcases. It was also infiltrated by a whole gang of racist southern Democrats who switched parties during the civil rights debate. Look it up. There was an endless stream of them who Nixon pampered and managed to swing the once strong Democrat South into the Republican Party. Then there came the majority infiltration by the Imperialist neo-conservatives North & South, (see Irving Kristol), who were also X-Democrats who promoted foreign intervention and the Military Industrial ,Complex, the American World Police Force and the folly of Nation Building. They fled the Democrat Party when the Hippies, Peaceniks, extreme environmentalist and neo-communist took over the Democrat Party.

LMAO; another dunce who has fallen for the leftist talking point of racist Republicans in the Southern Strategy.