Retired (Republican) Justice Stevens argues for repeal of Second Amendment

What a smart guy argument you present.
Is this where I am supposed to counter with "No I'm correct"?

i don't care. you've been shown numerous times where your information is erroneous. stick to your incorrect assumptions, I don't care. when it comes down to it though, you will have to kill millions to obtain your objective. i'm betting that most liberals don't have that in them.
i don't care. you've been shown numerous times where your information is erroneous. stick to your incorrect assumptions, I don't care. when it comes down to it though, you will have to kill millions to obtain your objective. i'm betting that most liberals don't have that in them.

You wouldn't even bring snacks.
Are we to believe that you will kill?
I encourage you to hold your breath waiting for it

Guess the old dumbfuck didnt know The 2nd Amendment was ratified as an inseparable part of the Constitution itself and cannot be repealed without repealing the entire Constitution..

What Constitution are you reading? The 2nd can be repealed, and most certainly should be.
But it was his possession of that shotgun that was illegal.

Absolutely, who is challenging that? The shotgun had a barrel length less than 18 inches and the NFA-34 required such guns have a $200 tax stamp affixed. They didn't have it.

It would also be illegal for him to possess a fully automatic weapon against federal law but you could not argue that weapon had no usefulness in battle.

Again correct, if he did not have the tax stamp . . . But given the same circumstances (no briefs, no oral argument or appearance for appellees) for that weapon, it could be argued that it would be "within judicial notice" that such an arm was "part of the ordinary military equipment or that its use could contribute to the common defense". If so, the NFA-34 would be invalidated as a violation of the 2nd Amenmdent.

His possession of either weapon would be illegal even though their usefulness in a militia was very different. The court would have found both cases constitutional regulations.

No. If someone had briefed the Court or made an oral argument demonstrating that a shotgun with a barrel under 18 inches does have militia usefullness, its possession and use under the 2nd would have been held and the fed's power to regulate that weapon, would be invalidated.

From Miller: . . .


Since no evidence was presented (we only heard the U.S. Attorney's arguments) and since we Justices have no independent knowledge (and we didn't go looking for any) that a shotgun having a barrel of less than eighteen inches in length has militia usefulness, we can't say at this time (maybe evidence will come to the Court in the future) that this type of gun is any part of the ordinary military equipment, or that its use could contribute to the common defense. We are forced to hold that the possession and use by private citizens, of this type of arm, is not protected by the 2nd Amendment.

sorry. fail on me. I did not even know what jury nullification is. I do now. sorry. again. please excuse me. I am for jury nullification. the stream of thought in my head was that the courts have become so lawless that it is necessary for duly commissioned officers under oath to wage war against the outlaws in robes with gavels. any better ? I am for freedom from gov. oppression at any and every level. I have stated that I will likely be murdered by the establishment tyrants for my instinctive belief system. of course I do fight tyranny with my testimonies, for now. I hope I never must take up arms. / I don't want to, but I will if I have to.

Jury nullification is bullshit. It amounts to the same thing as individuals taking the law into their own hands. This isn't "Along Came Bronson" where you have vigilantes deciding who receives "justice". Jury nullification is nothing more than a slap i the face to the rule of law and a very slippery slope.
Your argument is shredded when you understand that because the right to arms is not granted, given, created or established by the 2nd Amendment, the right to arms does not depend IN ANY MANNER on the words of the 2nd Amendment.

SCOTUS has been boringly consistent -- never wavering -- from that principle for going on 150 years.

Why do you give such import and power to words that the right in no manner depends upon?

Hmmm. So countries without a 2nd DO have a right to bear arms. That's where your absurd logic takes you.
Jury nullification is bullshit. It amounts to the same thing as individuals taking the law into their own hands. This isn't "Along Came Bronson" where you have vigilantes deciding who receives "justice". Jury nullification is nothing more than a slap i the face to the rule of law and a very slippery slope.

I agree. It certainly has no constitutional basis and defies the rule of law and constitutional government. Of course, we cannot force a jury to convict someone if they believe it it is an unrighteous law, but most will follow the law. Nullification is pushed by the same people who do not think we have a legal obligation to pay income taxes or that the income tax is unconstitutional.
We are a society of 350 million people in a country that spans 3,000 miles from coast to coast and a good couple of thousand miles from border to border.

Anyone who thinks there is something that can be done to change our violent culture is dreaming.

Decisive governmental action is the only thing that will put an end to this shit.

Our only chance lies in the possibility of enough voters getting fed up enough with it, to vote Republicans far enough out of power that they can no longer stand in the way of sanity and reason.

Bullshit! The majority of the nation doesn't have a violence problem, it certainly doesn't need decisive liberal governmental action. You fucktards are in control in the Hellholes where the problem is!

Unless you are calling for the National Guard to take control of Democrat-run, hug-a-thug, urban minority criminal theme parks, STFU.

Over 60% of gun murders occur in just 2% of counties and even in those counties, the murders happen in small pockets of Hell.

Here's the nation by county shaded for muder rate:


Black males aged 15-24 are 0.011415 (1.1%) of the nation's population but account for 3001 murders (15.49%). To put that another way, if the rest of the nation was murdered at the same rate as Black males aged 15-24 (81.36/100K), there would be over 260,000 murders every year.

Do you really want to export that success to the rest of the nation?

How do you propose to rein in the criminality in Democrat-run cities with their "social justice" revolving door criminal justice systems?

Hmmm. So countries without a 2nd DO have a right to bear arms. That's where your absurd logic takes you.

Unless the citizens of those other nations have established a government founded on the intermingled principles of conferred powers and retained rights . . . No, they may not possess a claimable, actionable right against their government, to keep and bear arms.
Liberals just don't get it.

We are the militia, we can buy any gun we want. The government can't restrict which guns are available to us.
Unless the citizens of those other nations have established a government founded on the intermingled principles of conferred powers and retained rights . . . No, they may not possess a claimable, actionable right against their government, to keep and bear arms.

Looks like you’re indicating we’re the only country in the world meeting that requirement.

Still absurd logic. Had there been 9 original rights, or, if the Federalists had their way, none, your right to bears arms doesn’t exist. Same result in a repeal of the 2nd. Merely a privilege at that point.
Bullshit! The majority of the nation doesn't have a violence problem, it certainly doesn't need decisive liberal governmental action. You fucktards are in control in the Hellholes where the problem is!

Unless you are calling for the National Guard to take control of Democrat-run, hug-a-thug, urban minority criminal theme parks, STFU.

Over 60% of gun murders occur in just 2% of counties and even in those counties, the murders happen in small pockets of Hell.

Here's the nation by county shaded for muder rate:

Is that murder rate, or number of murders?

Black males aged 15-24 are 0.011415 (1.1%) of the nation's population but account for 3001 murders (15.49%). To put that another way, if the rest of the nation was murdered at the same rate as Black males aged 15-24 (81.36/100K), there would be over 260,000 murders every year.
and blacks are at most risk of being murdered by other blacks.

Do you really want to export that success to the rest of the nation?

How do you propose to rein in the criminality in Democrat-run cities with their "social justice" revolving door criminal justice systems?

I think it's more a matter of the culture that you find in many inner-city areas, where education is seen as "too white" and gangs are accepted. There's also the fact that women are denigrated, and men are supposed to be violent and seek to knock up as many women as possible, and then abandom them.
Bullshit! The majority of the nation doesn't have a violence problem, it certainly doesn't need decisive liberal governmental action. You fucktards are in control in the Hellholes where the problem is!

Unless you are calling for the National Guard to take control of Democrat-run, hug-a-thug, urban minority criminal theme parks, STFU.

Over 60% of gun murders occur in just 2% of counties and even in those counties, the murders happen in small pockets of Hell.

Here's the nation by county shaded for muder rate:


Black males aged 15-24 are 0.011415 (1.1%) of the nation's population but account for 3001 murders (15.49%). To put that another way, if the rest of the nation was murdered at the same rate as Black males aged 15-24 (81.36/100K), there would be over 260,000 murders every year.

Do you really want to export that success to the rest of the nation?

How do you propose to rein in the criminality in Democrat-run cities with their "social justice" revolving door criminal justice systems?


This lie started by racist white men is why white people cling to their guns.
Looks like you’re indicating we’re the only country in the world meeting that requirement.

Still absurd logic. Had there been 9 original rights, or, if the Federalists had their way, none, your right to bears arms doesn’t exist. Same result in a repeal of the 2nd. Merely a privilege at that point.
Of course, there's always the 10th Amendment.