Retired (Republican) Justice Stevens argues for repeal of Second Amendment

its funny, in a way, that you think all gun owners are xenophobes who are incapable of acting in any concerted effort in numbers. that is what will shock the shit out of you in the future. I look forward to your shocking snap to reality.

I don't think that at all.

My contention is that 79% of gun owners like guns because it is fun to shoot holes in paper targets and they have been brainwashed into believing a gun makes them safer in their home. The other 20% like to eat wild food.
None of them will put their life on the line for their sport or secure feelings. 1% might think about it, and when the chips are down and the feds suround you, you very well may find yourself quite alone in that cabin.
I don't think that at all.

My contention is that 79% of gun owners like guns because it is fun to shoot holes in paper targets and they have been brainwashed into believing a gun makes them safer in their home. The other 20% like to eat wild food.
None of them will put their life on the line for their sport or secure feelings. 1% might think about it, and when the chips are down and the feds suround you, you very well may find yourself quite alone in that cabin.

I can pretty much guarantee that at least 3 to 5 percent will shoot back and at least 90% of those are former military. so you can bank on 3 to 5 million pissed off former military fighting back. you're numbers are a delusion of your own projections of cowardice.
I'm sorry you are so frightened,

Nothing but a massive strawman; what is it with you lying leftist morons and your sociopath tendencies?

With the current national attitude, all it will take is a really good attorney with a good argument up through the appeals process. Any court could be persuaded with a good argument in the right social atmosphere.
There are lots of smart law school whiz kids looking to make a name for themselves out there.

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights isn’t open to snazzy arguments. Sorry to disappoint you
So every argument for the right to personal carry cited the second, but if it is reinterpreted it won't matter anymore, I see.

Reinterpretation of the Constitution does not change federal and state gun laws. All interpretations allow gun regulation and states decide what regulations they want. If a person does not have a constitutional right to have an AR-15 that does not make them illegal except in a few states that already have laws against them or require registration. Constitutional interpretation does not determine what guns are legal or illegal.
When the courts agree that your toys need to be taken away, your confrontation will be with your local sheriff and National Guard Will your defense be to call them pussies too? Do you think that ll really work, racist?
Have you selected the cabin in the woods where you are going to die for the right to make holes in paper?.

It's quite evident why you don't have then guts to try and take what you say people shouldn't own.
You an anarchist now, racist?


It isn't about me but your lack of guts, coward. Everyone knows you're a gutless coward that talks a lot but runs like a nigger from a job application or paternity test when it comes to backing up what you say shouldn't happen.
It isn't about me but your lack of guts, coward. Everyone knows you're a gutless coward that talks a lot but runs like a nigger from a job application or paternity test when it comes to backing up what you say shouldn't happen.

So all you really have is more racist slurs, racist?
Got it!:good4u:
I agree. Repeal and replace with some carefully drafted and specific language the limits magazines, ensures our cops and military have better arms than the criminals,
requires training and prohibits ownership by mental defectives. All should be registered, all parts should be traceable. Each gun should be prefired and the FEDERAL government
have its rifling thumbprint. Owners should be strictly liable for harm, including harm by private hypothecation and some later felony. Tons of things need to be done
and they should all be spelled out. The stupid militia language removed, the regulation specifically enumerated. The not infringed removed.

I 10 munutes I could save a million lives and hunters could still kill bambi. This country is filled overflowing with paranoid morons.

Yes, it is. And they're all pushing for more gun control because of their paranoia about guns. The problem isn't guns. It's ignorance and people who misbehave., Blaming guns for that is like blaming cars for DUI.
So every argument for the right to personal carry cited the second, but if it is reinterpreted it won't matter anymore, I see.
Or you could simply go back to Dred Scott v. Sandford, which stated that every citizen had the right "to keep and carry arms wherever they went".
I can pretty much guarantee that at least 3 to 5 percent will shoot back and at least 90% of those are former military. so you can bank on 3 to 5 million pissed off former military fighting back. you're numbers are a delusion of your own projections of cowardice.

Don't discount those who frequent gun clubs. There are quite a few non-military members of gun clubs all across the US who aren't willing to give up their target guns too.