Retired (Republican) Justice Stevens argues for repeal of Second Amendment

You are using modern definitions to interpret sixteenth century writings. SCOTUS judges are smarter than you.

Maybe so but I'm smart enough to use the words of SCOTUS to argue my points. Did you miss that I'm using the holdings of SCOTUS to shred your positions?

You think you just need to flip the meaning of a word or two. You don't realize that the right to arms is but one link in a chain that must remain unbroken.

Are you aware of the foundation of the penumbral right theory, by which the right of privacy was recognized and secured?

It says that the very nature of the individual rights enshrined in the first eight amendments of the Bill of Rights represents a continuum of liberty, and in that continuum, surrounding those particular enumerated rights, are penumbras and emanations of liberty. In those penumbras and emanations there are other rights, radiating from the ones specified . . . This is where the right to privacy was found (along with the derivative rights of abortion, contraceptive choice and LGBTQ rights).

If you are correct, and a right can be cut out of the Bill of Rights, out of the rational continuum, how can the theory of penumbral rights be legitimate? The theory rests on the inseparability of the Bill of Rights . . .
No I meant if the Bundys won the first volley.
Do you think that would have been the end of it and Bundy could go on grazing his cattle for free if they dropped a half dozen marshals?

oh, hell no. i'm sure the government would have done exactly what they did with not firing. identify all they could on videos and pictures and then cowardly attack them alone and individually.
it wont' be a new country, we will restore the real america

Maybe so but I'm smart enough to use the words of SCOTUS to argue my points. Did you miss that I'm using the holdings of SCOTUS to shred your positions?

You think you just need to flip the meaning of a word or two. You don't realize that the right to arms is but one link in a chain that must remain unbroken.

Are you aware of the foundation of the penumbral right theory, by which the right of privacy was recognized and secured?

It says that the very nature of the individual rights enshrined in the first eight amendments of the Bill of Rights represents a continuum of liberty, and in that continuum, surrounding those particular enumerated rights, are penumbras and emanations of liberty. In those penumbras and emanations there are other rights, radiating from the ones specified . . . This is where the right to privacy was found (along with the derivative rights of abortion, contraceptive choice and LGBTQ rights).

If you are correct, and a right can be cut out of the Bill of Rights, out of the rational continuum, how can the theory of penumbral rights be legitimate? The theory rests on the inseparability of the Bill of Rights . . .

So every argument for the right to personal carry cited the second, but if it is reinterpreted it won't matter anymore, I see.
More threats towards the bench if they don't agree with you?
You are not very smart.

I'm a fricking genius, especially compared to you, because the letter of the law has not been broken, since no specific 'threats' have been made. LOL jokes on you, statist. speaking of which........impart to the rest of us why you think government is our master
I'm a fricking genius, especially compared to you, because the letter of the law has not been broken, since no specific 'threats' have been made. LOL jokes on you, statist. speaking of which........impart to the rest of us why you think government is our master

It's not that I think you will get in trouble.
It's that you think it will work for your argument.
You are no smarter than CFM who thinks that if you just call everyone boy and pussy you automatically win.
Your bottom line is I'll just kill them if they don't agree.
At least equally stupid.
You need a new screen moniker.
Maybe "A Little Smarter than CFM".
It's not saying much but it will at least be more accurate.
It's not that I think you will get in trouble.
It's that you think it will work for your argument.
You are no smarter than CFM who thinks that if you just call everyone boy and pussy you automatically win.
Your bottom line is I'll just kill them if they don't agree.
At least equally stupid.
You need a new screen moniker.

its funny, in a way, that you think all gun owners are xenophobes who are incapable of acting in any concerted effort in numbers. that is what will shock the shit out of you in the future. I look forward to your shocking snap to reality.
its funny, in a way, that you think all gun owners are xenophobes who are incapable of acting in any concerted effort in numbers. that is what will shock the shit out of you in the future. I look forward to your shocking snap to reality.

You need a new screen moniker.
Maybe "A Little Smarter than CFM".
It's not saying much but it will at least be more accurate.
"Bearing arms" is a period euphemism for joining or forming a militia.
It did not mean carrying your AR to church or the dentists.
The atmosphere is ripe to correct this misunderstanding now. The Parkland /national demonstrations have shown that.

Have you picked out your cabin in the woods where you are going to die yet?

"Bearing arms" is a period euphemism for joining or forming a militia.

Link please. :palm: