Retired (Republican) Justice Stevens argues for repeal of Second Amendment

That's not just a reinterpretation, that is a complete rewriting of foundational rights theory

not only that, but it completely eliminates any ability for we the people to be law abiding if we can't be assured that the laws are consistent. As I said before, reinterpreting the constitution based upon ideology removes any need for we the people to abide by the laws.
That's not just a reinterpretation, that is a complete rewriting of foundational rights theory -- and not just for the right to arms.

The Court has always held that original, fundamental rights emanate and exist on a plane separate and distinct from the Constitution. IOW, the Constitution is not the source of our rights. That you think that a simple reinterpretation of the "awkward phrasing" of the 2nd will result in a legal circumstance where the right to arms of the citizen will fall under the ambit of Congress is just leftist fanciful fantasy. (That seems to really be a recurring theme on this board)

From the very beginning rights were considered pre-existing the Constitution; possessed by the people before the Constitution was established and before any governmental powers were delegated. Since our rights are retained, no aspect of then has ever been conferred to the care and control of government, they are exceptions, subtractions of powers NEVER GRANTED:

"The constitution expressly declares, that the right of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property is natural, inherent, and unalienable. It is a right not ex gratia from the legislature, but ex debito from the constitution. . ." VANHORNE'S LESSEE v. DORRANCE, 2 U.S. 304 (1795)

"The law is perfectly well settled that the first 10 amendments to the constitution, commonly known as the Bill of Rights, were not intended to lay down any novel principles of government, but simply to embody certain guaranties and immunities which we had inherited from our English ancestors, . . ." -- ROBERTSON v. BALDWIN, 165 U.S. 275 (1867)

The right there specified is that of bearing arms for a lawful purpose. This is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence. The second amendment declares that it shall not be infringed;. . . " -- U S v. CRUIKSHANK 92 U.S. 542 (1875)

"Men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, and to 'secure,' not grant or create, these rights, governments are instituted." -- BUDD v. PEOPLE OF STATE OF NEW YORK, 143 U.S. 517 (1892)

The first ten amendments to the Constitution, adopted as they were soon after the adoption of the Constitution, are in the nature of a bill of rights, and were adopted in order to quiet the apprehension of many, that without some such declaration of rights the government would assume, and might be held to possess, the power to trespass upon those rights of persons and property which by the Declaration of Independence were affirmed to be unalienable rights. -- UNITED STATES v. TWIN CITY POWER CO., 350 U.S. 222 (1956)

"[N]either the Bill of Rights nor the laws of sovereign States create the liberty which the Due Process Clause protects. The relevant constitutional provisions are limitations on the power of the sovereign to infringe on the liberty of the citizen. . . . Of course, law is essential to the exercise and enjoyment of individual liberty in a complex society. But it is not the source of liberty,. . ." -- DENNIS C. VACCO, ATTORNEY GENERAL
. No. 95-1858, (1997)

". . . it has always been widely understood that the Second Amendment , like the First and Fourth Amendments, codified a pre-existing right. The very text of the Second Amendment implicitly recognizes the pre-existence of the right and declares only that it “shall not be infringed.” As we said in United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U. S. 542, 553 (1876) , “[t]his is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence. The Second amendment declares that it shall not be infringed … .” -- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA v. HELLER, 478 F. 3d 370, (2008)​

I don't know why you think the entire concept of rights can be reworked but I would argue your position, if you keep maintaining it, is only demonstrating ignorance of our constitutional system.

"Bearing arms" is a period euphemism for joining or forming a militia.
It did not mean carrying your AR to church or the dentists.
The atmosphere is ripe to correct this misunderstanding now. The Parkland /national demonstrations have shown that.

Have you picked out your cabin in the woods where you are going to die yet?
I'm sorry you are so frightened, but the rest of the constitution is much clearer in their intent. The court will see the reinterpretation of the second as understanding the intent better and correcting a past misreading of the awkward phrasing, I'm sure.
There there, it is really nothing to be frightened of.
Have you picked out your cabin yet?

Really? It was clear?

Tell me where I can find that right to “privacy”if it is so clear
again, you continue to look at each situation as a stand alone. are you of the mindset that other like minded gun owners are too dumb to realize that they need to group together? what happened at the bundy ranch? the government fled. With active confiscation, they will be killed instead. it will just expand in to a revolution that the government will lose.

The gobblement just wanted to avoid a blood bath and if a Bundy had fired one shot it would have ended in an awful mess leaving only a greasey spot where the Bundys once stood.
Bundy doesn't graze his cattle for free on gobblement land anymore, does he.
The Bundys were chicken and that is why they are alive today.
All rulings were based on a failure to understand the intent correctly. Once the SCOTUS clears up the meaning of the awkward phrasing, we can amend the laws based on the error.

According to you. So they all got it wrong and YOU have the correct meaning.

I am not worried about it. This is why I voted for Trump. I didn’t want that cunt Hillary replacing Scalia. And as much of a prick as I think McCuntell is I will always praise him for stopping Barry Soetoro from filling the seat. Now I just need Ginsburg to croak.
The gobblement just wanted to avoid a blood bath and if a Bundy had fired one shot it would have ended in an awful mess leaving only a greasey spot where the Bundys once stood.
Bundy doesn't graze his cattle for free on gobblement land anymore, does he.
The Bundys were chicken and that is why they are alive today.

And people still have the guns you say they shouldn't own. Doesn't your refusal to try and take them make you a pussy?
again, you continue to look at each situation as a stand alone. are you of the mindset that other like minded gun owners are too dumb to realize that they need to group together? what happened at the bundy ranch? the government fled. With active confiscation, they will be killed instead. it will just expand in to a revolution that the government will lose.

Maybe you want to die trying to preserve you weekend fun of plinking paper targets down at the range. For most all gun enthusiasts that's all owning a gun means to them. A vast majority of them will not risk their lives for the sport of making holes in paper.
One would expect the person making the claim that others shouldn't own guns to try and take them. Leon makes the claim yet refuses to do anything. All talk, no action.
...and his pipe dream of SCOTUS changing things is totally laughable. I guess he enjoys being laughed at on a constant basis.
According to you. So they all got it wrong and YOU have the correct meaning.

I am not worried about it. This is why I voted for Trump. I didn’t want that cunt Hillary replacing Scalia. And as much of a prick as I think McCuntell is I will always praise him for stopping Barry Soetoro from filling the seat. Now I just need Ginsburg to croak.

"Bearing arms" is a period euphemism for forming a militia, not for wearing your AR to the mall.
The time is ripe for this error to be seen and ruled on appropriately.
Even judges who you see as republican ideologues are reasonable people who will recognize a mistake when it is forcefully argued by a competent attorney.
Really? It was clear?

Tell me where I can find that right to “privacy”if it is so clear

9th Amendment: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

Privacy is one of the right retained by the people not enumerated in the Bill of Rights. This is supported by the 1st (association), 3rd (quartering troops), 4th (search and seizure), and 5th (self incrimination) showing the intent to protect our privacy.
Too bad for your leftist gun-grabbing side that the SCOTUS has said that isn't solely the case. It's only your ignorance and stupidity that makes you refuse to accept that.

By one vote.
These are different times, and republican Stevens argument demonstrates that a willingness to reconsider, is prevalent among even conservative justices.