Retired (Republican) Justice Stevens argues for repeal of Second Amendment

Have you chosen the cabin in the woods in which you and your family will try to hold off the US government, yet STY?


You better pack in lots of ammo.

and snacks.

The fact that you even say that proves the need for the 2nd Amendment
You can learn from his mistakes. Snacks are important when you "defy" an entire government.
The trees in the woods would give you better cover from long range snipers.
Your home in the city is wide open to a well equipped SWAT team.

Your right, come to think of it, you probably won't need snacks.

You seem to have acquiesced to your all knowing gobblement. Good for you
We all lose Yurt.
Scotus was divided. All current gun rights hinge on one vote.
That could easily change, even with what you think is a republican court.

That is how we feel about your precious Roe v Wade. Can’t wait to see how unhinged you become when we overturn it

Somehow the issue of stari decisis only matters to you libs when it comes to murdering unborn babies.

Now back to guns.
That is how we feel about your precious Roe v Wade. Can’t wait to see how unhinged you become when we overturn it

Somehow the issue of stari decisis only matters to you libs when it comes to murdering unborn babies.

Now back to guns.

R v W means literally nothing to me, nothing.
You must have me confused with some other liberal.
Do you have your cabin, where you are going to die, picked out yet?
Or are you going to dig a hole in the ground, like Komrade, so the Gobblement can just bury you right there.

Is that your concession that you have given in to the gobblement?

I guess that means you will do whatever President Trump commands you to do.

You will never question him.
Is that your concession that you have given in to the gobblement?

I guess that means you will do whatever President Trump commands you to do.

You will never question him.

Trump is a big steaming pile of nothing.

Is your cabin well supplied and armed yet?

Time is running out.
Do you have your cabin, where you are going to die, picked out yet?
Or are you going to dig a hole in the ground, like Komrade, so the Gobblement can just bury you right there.

you sound like you've already submitted to the will of the government. are you now demanding that all others do so to make you look less of a coward?
you sound like you've already submitted to the will of the government. are you now demanding that all others do so to make you look less of a coward?

Not at all. You absolutely should fight and die for what you believe in.
I have never felt the need to own a gun in order for me to feel free, so I won't need to.
Once the second is re-interpreted, I will not likely even notice.
If your toys are so important to you that you can't feel free without them, then you should die for them.
I have never felt the need to own a gun in order for me to feel free, so I won't need to.
“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free”

Not at all. You absolutely should fight and die for what you believe in.
Once the second is re-interpreted, I will not likely even notice.
If your toys are so important to you that you can't feel free without them, then you should die for them.

and you will die trying to take them. good luck.

"Americans have the right and advantage of being armed - unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms."

"The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed."

"One of the ordinary modes, by which tyrants accomplish their purposes without resistance, is, by disarming the people, and making it an offense to keep arms."

The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them."