Retired (Republican) Justice Stevens argues for repeal of Second Amendment

The only one? How many do you need? Apparently your side thinks it is safe to come out of hiding. Even you want the 2nd Amendment repealed. You just don't have the balls to come out and say it. And it scares the shit out of you that Stevens said it. It is the last thing your party needs heading into 2018 midterms. Nothing could screw up your desire of taking back the House than the democrat party being perceived as wanting to grab guns. Please, please please let them run on the Hogg Agenda

The SCOTUS may well be the ones who take up the Hogg agenda and that is what scares you the most.
Are you going to assassinate justices like STY has threatened to do?
Not really, the point is that the rights in the Bill of Rights can be regulated and are not absolute.

You failed to answer the question about whether there can be any regulations on these rights. Unless you think they are absolute we have the same position--the Constitution does not specifically say they can be regulated but government can choose to do so.

You don't get to use verbiage, back away from it, then try to continue down that road, and be considered for being upfront on your arguments.

You're dismissed.
there were many commentaries that specifically noted that the new federal government would have NO POWER to regulate the arms of the people, so where did the Supreme Court suddenly come about having that power?

This is where the NRA needs to step it up. In order for us to fight a revolutionary war today we need additional weapons like hand grenades. The NRA needs to represent us and make sure hand grenades and other weaponry used by infantry soldiers are available to us.
This is where the NRA needs to step it up. In order for us to fight a revolutionary war today we need additional weapons like hand grenades. The NRA needs to represent us and make sure hand grenades and other weaponry used by infantry soldiers are available to us.

it will never happen. the government has brainwashed enough of the masses that hand grenades and machine guns are forever out of the reach of the common man.
this is something that lawyers and judges demand for job security and controlling we the people

And establishing legal principles. Simple language cannot always explain complex concepts.

For example [As cited by SmarterthanYou]: "that depends on their state constitutions. for instance, Illinois constitutions 'right to bear arms' comes with the caveat of 'subject to the police power', so they have power to regulate guns. Vermont does not, therefore the state has no power to regulate guns."
"This is where the NRA needs to step it up. In order for us to fight a revolutionary war today we need additional weapons like hand grenades. The NRA needs to represent us and make sure hand grenades and other weaponry used by infantry soldiers are available to us." hh #403
Do I detect some didactic satire here hh?

You make a razor sharp point in any case.

a) In our Declaration of Independence, Jefferson (DOI / TJ) explained the basis of our Revolution.
" whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it" TJ / DOI
BUT !!

Ironically if not contradictorally, our United States federal government had the Constitutionally opposite imperative.
15 To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections

The very basis upon which the U.S. is Founded, and thus the legitimacy of the United States itself, is undermined by Art.1 Sect.8.

Before the Revolution, Jefferson might have endorsed your "hand grenades" point.
But as president, Jefferson had the opposite obligation.
He [POTUS] shall ... shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed
Each side has a Founding basis to support their argument.

BUT !!

According to what I've read of it neither the DOI, nor our Constitution's Preamble is enforceable law.

So what ever I might wish the case to be:
- as honorably discharged United States military
- licensed hunter
- hunting gun owner
- life NRA member,
it does seem the law tilts distinctly away from you hand grenade example.

Again, kudos to you hh #403 for an excellent insight.
Looks like you’re indicating we’re the only country in the world meeting that requirement.

Still absurd logic. Had there been 9 original rights, or, if the Federalists had their way, none, your right to bears arms doesn’t exist. Same result in a repeal of the 2nd. Merely a privilege at that point.

Your personal opinion of the concept of inherent rights has no bearing on the contractual recognition of rights as to their nature as pre-existing and retained, under the US Constitution.

The principle and very words of the 9th and 10th Amendments renders your opinion to just statist, leftist wishful thinking.

IX "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

X "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Your opinion is of zero consequence to this discussion thus it can be dismissed without any further comment.
Is that murder rate, or number of murders?

It is the number of murders, sorry for the mislabeling as rate. The point still stands, murder is focused in Democrat run, hug-a-thug hellholes.

and blacks are at most risk of being murdered by other blacks.

Yes, that's true. It would be my argument that the gun use that leads to the high incidence of murder in the Black community is not responsive to gun control measures. Most of the murder is related to actions and behaviors that are illegal aready, adding a layer of gun control is pointless.

Which means my argument really is, using the murder rate of the USA without any discussion of the underlying factors to press for gun control is just bullshit.

I think it's more a matter of the culture that you find in many inner-city areas, where education is seen as "too white" and gangs are accepted. There's also the fact that women are denigrated, and men are supposed to be violent and seek to knock up as many women as possible, and then abandom them.

" The point still stands, murder is focused in Democrat run, hug-a-thug hellholes. " A #412
This is a familiar refrain among Republican partisans who wish to advance their party, regardless of merit.

Difficult for me to determine whether such false logic is out of genuine ignorance; that those that continue to perpetuate this false case simply lack classical logic training, and don't know "post hoc ergo propter hoc" (after that, therefore because of that *).

- OR -

Do they know their argument is bogus, but are so unethical that they attempt to advance their case, by any means (legitimate or illegitimate) available?

For those not yet up to speed:
YES !!
Many congressional districts with a legacy of poverty are represented by Democrats in congress.

BUT !!

a) Are these legacy poverty areas impoverished because of Democrat policies and leadership?

- OR -

b) Are they represented by Democrats because those whose lives may depend on it know that the Republicans will treat them much worse?

The supreme arrogance of A #412 is that our countrymen / voters in these districts simply aren't smart enough to vote in their own enlightened self-interest, and therefore are legitimate targets for Republican partisan scorn.

The irony is, Republicans aren't smart enough to know how stupid, how ignorant these examples expose them to be.

Democrats don't make Republicans look stupid. Republicans take care of that all by themselves!

* It's false logic. The ancients that coined the term KNEW it is false logic. The rooster's crow does not cause the sun to rise!
Black males aged 15-24 are 0.011415 (1.1%) of the nation's population but account for 3001 murders (15.49%).

This lie started by racist white men is why white people cling to their guns.

Uhhhh, no. It is the truth that Black Race Warlords wish wasn't true because Blacks realy, really, REALLY are that fucking violent.

CDC stats for 2016.

Go [URL=""]HERE[/URL] (

Click "Homicide"

Scroll down, click "Black" in the "Race" dropdown.

Click "Male" in the "Sex" dropdown.

Scroll down a little bit and click the radio button for "Custon Age Range"
Select "15" for the lower and "24" for the upper

Click "Submit Request" and this is a sceengrab of what you will get:


If you go back up and reselect for "all races", "both sexes" and "all ages" and click "submit request" you will get the total number murders for the entire nation:


Right now we want the total population, 323,127,513 . . .

Now it is time for doin the math to check my statement you say is a WDL (White Devil Lie) . . . .

Of course solving for percentage of population is easy.
Take the population of Black males aged 15-24 (3,688,506) and divide it by the total population (323,127,513)

3,688,506 / 323,127,513 = 0.0114150168326892

I dropped some exteraneous places and moved the decimal point two places and said "Black males aged 15-24 are 0.011415 (1.1%) of the nation's population".


3001 for the number of murders in 2016 of Black males aged 15-24 is plainly evident so that's true too!

Now we need to see what percentage the murder of Black males 15-24 is of the number of total murders . . .

If we return to when we asked about all murders of all people we see that the total number of murders was 19,362.

So, 3001 / 19,362 = 0.1549943187687222; move the decimal point two places to get the percentage and we get 15.49%

So, my statement that Black males aged 15-24, which are just 1.1% of the US population, comprise 15.49% of all people murdered is true.

Can you speak to the rot in Black culture that is responsible for that horrific statistic?
So I did a bunch of screengrabs of the CDC site.

Interesting to say the least:

All (both sexes, all ages) People All Weapons (again from above post)

All Blacks Firearms

All Non-Hispanic Whites Firearms

Black males 15-24 (again from above post)

Non-Hispanic White Males 15-24 Firearms

Non-Hispanic White Males 15-24 Motor Vehicle Accidents
The supreme arrogance of A #412 is that our countrymen / voters in these districts simply aren't smart enough to vote in their own enlightened self-interest, and therefore are legitimate targets for Republican partisan scorn.

No, what it means is that entrenched Democrat rule eventually embraces illogical and harmful responses to criminals and their deeds.

When the part of government that is empowered and duty-bound to punish criminal acts become coddlers of criminal behavior, criminals are emboldened and regualr citizens are demoralized and become prisoners in their own homes.

A good example is St Loius. Murder capital of the nation with a homicide rate of 59.6/100K.

Like many Democrat run cities, their "criminal justice" system is focused on clearance rates not justice and certainly not punishment of criminal conduct.

St. Louis Police Chief Dan Isom (former):

"One thing we have to be aware of to give context to this whole problem is that we are looking at an urban problem. It’s much less a suburban or rural problem. It really affects young minorities— Hispanic and black males. I think that the suspects devalue life, the victims devalue life, and the system also devalues life. When you look at the shooting victims and suspects in these neighborhoods, you see 20 or 30 felony arrests, with eight convictions.

Often the convictions don’t result in any jail time at all; they’re getting probation on top of probation. This has caused a lot of us in cities to move toward federal prosecution, because we know on the state level it’s a hit-and-miss prospect: they’re arrested, they’re convicted, and they come out multiple times.

In Missouri, there’s a type of probation people can receive, and it has made it very difficult for us to establish a person as a convicted felon. I’ve heard other chiefs talking about the fact that a weapons charge in their state is only a misdemeanor offense. But in St. Louis, a weapons violation can turn out to be no offense at all. An individual will get arrested for a weapons charge, which is a felony, and often they plead to that case and get an SIS—a suspended imposition of sentence. It means that if you serve out your probation, which everybody does, that conviction is erased.

So if you’re arrested again with another weapon, you don’t have a conviction on your record, so you’re not a felon in possession of a weapon. If you continue to get multiple SISs, you never become a convicted felon. These offenders will often show up for other crimes, and if they never have a conviction, then you’re never able to put stiffer charges on them."

Page 10, Guns and Crime: Breaking New Ground By Focusing on the Local Impact, Police Executive Research Forum, 2010 - LINK (2.34MB pdf)​

Understand, these violent criminals never become a prohibited person as far as gun rights disability goes so these repeat armed criminals can actually walk into a gun store and pass the NICS background check. (and I might add, these felons are never disenfranchised . . . Hmmmmmm, a method to the madness?)

I believe the wholesale non-enforcement of law and/or the non-punishment of active, repeat armed criminals and instead to focus attention on enacting gun control laws that will only impact the law-abiding, is legally illegitimate and morally bankrupt.

But hey, we're talking about liberals / progressives / Democrats; legally illegitimate and morally bankrupt is their currency.

Uhhhh, no. It is the truth that Black Race Warlords wish wasn't true because Blacks realy, really, REALLY are that fucking violent.

CDC stats for 2016.

Go [URL=""]HERE[/URL] (

Click "Homicide"

Scroll down, click "Black" in the "Race" dropdown.

Click "Male" in the "Sex" dropdown.

Scroll down a little bit and click the radio button for "Custon Age Range"
Select "15" for the lower and "24" for the upper

Click "Submit Request" and this is a sceengrab of what you will get:


If you go back up and reselect for "all races", "both sexes" and "all ages" and click "submit request" you will get the total number murders for the entire nation:


Right now we want the total population, 323,127,513 . . .

Now it is time for doin the math to check my statement you say is a WDL (White Devil Lie) . . . .

Of course solving for percentage of population is easy.
Take the population of Black males aged 15-24 (3,688,506) and divide it by the total population (323,127,513)

3,688,506 / 323,127,513 = 0.0114150168326892

I dropped some exteraneous places and moved the decimal point two places and said "Black males aged 15-24 are 0.011415 (1.1%) of the nation's population".


3001 for the number of murders in 2016 of Black males aged 15-24 is plainly evident so that's true too!

Now we need to see what percentage the murder of Black males 15-24 is of the number of total murders . . .

If we return to when we asked about all murders of all people we see that the total number of murders was 19,362.

So, 3001 / 19,362 = 0.1549943187687222; move the decimal point two places to get the percentage and we get 15.49%

So, my statement that Black males aged 15-24, which are just 1.1% of the US population, comprise 15.49% of all people murdered is true.

Can you speak to the rot in Black culture that is responsible for that horrific statistic?


It's a got damn lie made up by racist white men so dumb white racist like you won't realize how violent, greedy, and hateful they really are.

Post your fake statistics to you're kind. I don't buy it.
"No, what it means is that entrenched Democrat rule eventually embraces illogical and harmful responses" A #416
I don't doubt that's what it means to you.

I also deduce you're not likely ever to have studied logic, objective analysis, or psychological motivation at college level.
For what you've demonstrated here is known as "bias confirmation". And it so vividly reveals your own partisan contempt.
You no doubt think otherwise.

BUT !!

You don't have to answer to me about it. Just reflect on your own attitude toward Democrats.
Do my words not accurately reflect your contempt for them? Not a problem. Some people are quite comfortable with their own bias.

"Those who consider the Devil to be a partisan of Evil and angels to be warriors for Good accept the demagogy of the angels. Things are clearly more complicated." Milan Kundera