Retroactive threadbans

I seriously doubt that. I think certain aspects of modern society would disappoint him but mostly he’d be freaking out over the vast changes to human civilization that have occurred over the last two thousand years.

You're assuming that he doesn't already know about the changes. :palm:
All the politicizing TV evangelists would first vanish, followed by the politicizing non-TV evangelists along with the outspoken anti-LGBT-Because-Jesus-Said-So types, and all the Jesus-told-us-to-get-the-government-to-control-your-lady-bits crowd.

So, you're an expert on Freemasonry now? Do you hold a 32nd Degree, or are you a Past Master?
If you were a man, you'd NEVER be accepted. That is a fact.
So, you're an expert on Freemasonry now? Do you hold a 32nd Degree, or are you a Past Master?
If you were a man, you'd NEVER be accepted. That is a fact.

WTF are you prattling about now, RubberBand? Where did I mention Freemasons in that post, or any other post?

Geeze, put the bottle down. New Years Eve is over. lol
Hell no. The Illuminati were founded in 18th century Germany as an Enlightenment era secret society that opposed the influence of religion in public life (meaning government), abuse of power by Government and were rationalist opposed to superstition and obscuritism.

The Catholic Church exerted tremendous influence in much of Europe to have Enlightenment secret societies like the Illuminati and Freemasonry outlawed. Many of the founding fathers of the American Revolution were members of these secret societies and the US Constitution enshrines many of their political beliefs including separation of Church and State.

*sigh* The good old days. If only the Illuminati would return.

All the politicizing TV evangelists would first vanish, followed by the politicizing non-TV evangelists along with the outspoken anti-LGBT-Because-Jesus-Said-So types, and all the Jesus-told-us-to-get-the-government-to-control-your-lady-bits crowd.

WTF are you prattling about now, RubberBand? Where did I mention Freemasons in that post, or any other post?

Geeze, put the bottle down. New Years Eve is over. lol

You silly inbred...

Yes I do, but it's a bit too cold.
Shouldn't you be out shoveling snow...or maybe chasing that mouse in Ox's toilet?

Nah. Husband used the snowblower yesterday so it's all good. As for mice, there's a zero tolerance policy around here.

When we bought this house it had been vacant for two years. The mice apparently saw it as their personal castle. The previous owners had left a half full box of kleenex in the upstairs bathroom. I found three acorns in it. Imagine the hard work that little mama mouse did, to get those acorns up three stories and hide them there for her children. So I trapped her and flung her little corpse out into the woods. LOL

Happy New Year, RubberBand. ;~)
Hell no. The Illuminati were founded in 18th century Germany as an Enlightenment era secret society that opposed the influence of religion in public life (meaning government), abuse of power by Government and were rationalist opposed to superstition and obscuritism.

The Catholic Church exerted tremendous influence in much of Europe to have Enlightenment secret societies like the Illuminati and Freemasonry outlawed. Many of the founding fathers of the American Revolution were members of these secret societies and the US Constitution enshrines many of their political beliefs including separation of Church and State.

So, the most sinister secret society in the world is of kraut origin? I'm shocked.