Retroactive threadbans

First off, I asked you, not Yurt. Second, YOU made the claim, not Grind. Thirdly, YOU asked me for documentation, but can't be bothered to live by your own standards, hell, you can't even think of one thing even without documentation. If the shoe was on the other foot, you would call that person's claim untrue and call them a liar.

I'll remember this when you ask for proof or evidence in the future.

Why do you need me to find something that's readily accessible to any poster who can research the archives?

You just don't want to admit your shit-stirring about another poster.

What's your beef with Cypress anyway, that made you go on on this binge?
Good job yurtski. You said this "Cypress is a creepy harasser and a liar" yet you don't know him. You ran with somebody else's comments about him without checking, yet you have the utter gall to lecture me about trump's harassment. You haven't answered my questions to you on this thread; instead you've done the usual yurt thing of moving the goalposts, changing the subject and name-calling.

You're whining about documentation because I called you out as a gossip. This has been your m.o. from the jump.

LOL, must lie and deflect from me being a two faced bitch. I honestly can't believe you're whining about documentation when you refuse to provide any.

Pound sound.
Why do you need me to find something that's readily accessible to any poster who can research the archives?

You just don't want to admit your shit-stirring about another poster.

What's your beef with Cypress anyway, that made you go on on this binge?

Hey hypocrite, why demand documentation you can readily get? Why the hell are you bothering me and not grind?

You proved my pints about you and are just buttyurt about it.

Pound sand.
Good job yurtski. You said this "Cypress is a creepy harasser and a liar" yet you don't know him. You ran with somebody else's comments about him without checking, yet you have the utter gall to lecture me about trump's harassment. You haven't answered my questions to you on this thread; instead you've done the usual yurt thing of moving the goalposts, changing the subject and name-calling.

You're whining about documentation because I called you out as a gossip. This has been your m.o. from the jump.

I searched "yurtski" and the only person who ever used it that came up under search, was Legion Troll.

According to you, putting the posts side by side, proves you are Legion Troll.
Hey hypocrite, why demand documentation you can readily get? Why the hell are you bothering me and not grind?

You proved my pints about you and are just buttyurt about it.

Pound sand.

You're the one who cares about all this, not me. Why don't Y O U just drop it already?

Yurt/YaYa" "That is weird, I typed Cypress and my phone must have changed the word. We have never spoken privately, ever. Is Cambria a country? Never heard of it."

Holy shit, that is some world class lying courtesy of Yurt-YaYa. Like I said, I barely ever read or respond to the guy, and never say this comedy of lying.

It is hilarious that Yurt-YaYa denies typing the Cambria, and then back tracks and plays dumb like he doesn't know what it is.

Yurt-YaYa knows full well why he typed "Cambria"....because he thought that was the town I lived it, because I gave it to him privately years ago. And for some reason, in his YaYa persona, he wanted me to think he knew where I lived.

Only YaYa can explain why he chose to publically post the name of the town he thought I lived in, when I privately gave it to him during his Yurt posting days. I can't even begin to speculate for his reasons as to posting private information because my brain does not think like a sociopath, a loser, and a pathological liar. It is foreign territory to me, man!

What a fucking loser!
Maybe you should sleep it off. You seem to be having a lot of trouble understanding this: "I am not going to dredge up what grind is claiming and post it on the forum for no purpose except to satisfy your curiosity. If you're that interested then either PM him or search the archives."

been a long day.....what was it you were claiming Grind did again?.......I'm not sure it was important enough for me to page back and look........
Cypress is lyiny I bet. I doubt he told Yurt anything about "cambria".

And my phones keyboard changes things all the time, to words that aren't even remotely like the word I was typing and it often happens after I press send on text or submit here.

Further, I find extremely suspicious he just happens to remember what he "pm'd" some poster EIGHT (8) years ago and he ALREADY admitted he LIED to that poster when he supposedly told Yurt where he lived. So, he is an admitted liar about the whole thing.

Notice Cypress isn't going after Grind for saying what I'm merely repeating. One has to really wonder why.

I wonder why Chrtiefan isn't telling Cypress to drop it already....

Holy shit, that is some world class lying courtesy of Yurt-YaYa. Like I said, I barely ever read or respond to the guy, and never say this comedy of lying.

It is hilarious that Yurt-YaYa denies typing the Cambria, and then back tracks and plays dumb like he doesn't know what it is.

Yurt-YaYa knows full well why he typed "Cambria"....because he thought that was the town I lived it, because I gave it to him privately years ago. And for some reason, in his YaYa persona, he wanted me to think he knew where I lived.

Only YaYa can explain why he chose to publically post the name of the town he thought I lived in, when I privately gave it to him during his Yurt posting days. I can't even begin to speculate for his reasons as to posting private information because my brain does not think like a sociopath, a loser, and a pathological liar. It is foreign territory to me, man!

What a fucking loser!
Worse...he’s Irish.
Lets see here, he claims to have me on ignore, yet keeps talking ABOUT me. According to Zappacrite, he is a chickenshit. Further he is - - breaking the rules by revealing this alleged PM.

More importantly, he a its he LIED to Yurt. And he expects people to believe him now?


You and I both know God damn good and well you are lying your ass off Yurt.
I would have been happy to keep my mouth shut about you being Yurt if you hadn't libeled me.

You and I both know exactly what pm I am talking about.
The one where you asked where I lived, I told you privately Cambria (as a total fakeout), and then as YaYa you ended up disclosing that location on a public forum

Which makes you both a liar, a libeler, and a creepy mother effer. I actually think all the trouble you had with Maineman was because he was probably retaliating against your creepiness.
Congratulations, Yurt!! You win the trifecta, the trinity for being an unethical, creepy, dishonest message board loser!