Retroactive threadbans

I've been here about a year and a half.

I also slam Trump. But you'll never acknowledge that. You quickly believe the piss story, the accusations of sexual harassment etc, don't be obtuse.

Typical you, make a claim and then fail to back it up. I have NO IDEA what claims he has made that you allege to be false. YOU made a claim that he is a liar, prove your claim with documentation, or will you be two faced about that as well?

I never claimed to believe the piss story although it wouldn't surprise me. And I absolutely believe the sexual harassment stories. Don't you? If not, why not?

I am not going to dredge up what grind is claiming and post it on the forum for no purpose except to satisfy your curiosity. If you're that interested then either PM him or search the archives.

He has to go back over five years to stir shit just because he doesn't like the poster, and here you are champing at the bit to know all the gossip. So don't whine to me about being two-faced. Put on your big boy pants and stop wallowing in gossip.
You've been here forever and a day and you don't know that he's on your side?

What is my worldview that you're referring to here: "Why do you readily believe anything about Trump that fits your world view?" You claim you didn't vote for trump yet you slam his critics on a daily basis.

Why don't you ask grind to back up his claims with documentation?
What would be the point of that? Grind would just tell him to fuck off.
I am not going to dredge up what grind is claiming and post it on the forum for no purpose except to satisfy your curiosity. just asked US to ask Grind to dredge it up and post if for no purpose other than to satisfy your curiosity......would you make up your mind?......
poor Chrispy.......unable to figure out even her own posts.....

Maybe you should sleep it off. You seem to be having a lot of trouble understanding this: "I am not going to dredge up what grind is claiming and post it on the forum for no purpose except to satisfy your curiosity. If you're that interested then either PM him or search the archives."

Note the difference between yurt asking me to do something and yurt asking grind to do something.
I never claimed to believe the piss story although it wouldn't surprise me. And I absolutely believe the sexual harassment stories. Don't you? If not, why not?

I am not going to dredge up what grind is claiming and post it on the forum for no purpose except to satisfy your curiosity. If you're that interested then either PM him or search the archives.

He has to go back over five years to stir shit just because he doesn't like the poster, and here you are champing at the bit to know all the gossip. So don't whine to me about being two-faced. Put on your big boy pants and stop wallowing in gossip.

Well, you proved me right two times. You readily believe the sexual allegations, though they are unfounded at this point. And, you are nothing but a TWO FACED hack who demands others back up their claims with "documentation', but of course you don't have to as you have two sets of standards.

Good job!
Maybe you should sleep it off. You seem to be having a lot of trouble understanding this: "I am not going to dredge up what grind is claiming and post it on the forum for no purpose except to satisfy your curiosity. If you're that interested then either PM him or search the archives."

Note the difference between yurt asking me to do something and yurt asking grind to do something.

First off, I asked you, not Yurt. Second, YOU made the claim, not Grind. Thirdly, YOU asked me for documentation, but can't be bothered to live by your own standards, hell, you can't even think of one thing even without documentation. If the shoe was on the other foot, you would call that person's claim untrue and call them a liar.

I'll remember this when you ask for proof or evidence in the future.
I saw that post. He tried to claim he was typing "Cypress" and it auto-filled to "Cambria." What a buffoon!

Holy smoke, for real? Cypress was magically changed to the Cambria? Too fucking funny.

So there you have it folks, three strikes then against Yurt, aka YaYa. The holy grail of lying and unethical message board behavior.

Yurt/YaYa is an unrepentant liar.
He spreads scurrilous libel and false accusations about posters, without the slightest shame or remorse.
And he posts private information about where he thinks people live on public forums.

You know who stoops to that level of unethical message board etiquette?
Yep, that's right. World class losers.

I barely even read or respond to the Yurt-Yaya, which is the freakishly weird part!
Cypress is lyiny I bet. I doubt he told Yurt anything about "cambria".

And my phones keyboard changes things all the time, to words that aren't even remotely like the word I was typing and it often happens after I press send on text or submit here.

Further, I find extremely suspicious he just happens to remember what he "pm'd" some poster EIGHT (8) years ago and he ALREADY admitted he LIED to that poster when he supposedly told Yurt where he lived. So, he is an admitted liar about the whole thing.

Notice Cypress isn't going after Grind for saying what I'm merely repeating. One has to really wonder why.
Holy smoke, for real? Cypress was magically changed to the Cambria? Too fucking funny.

So there you have it folks, three strikes then against Yurt, aka YaYa. The holy grail of lying and unethical message board behavior.

Yurt/YaYa is an unrepentant liar.
He spreads scurrilous libel and false accusations about posters, without the slightest shame or remorse.
And he posts private information about where he thinks people live on public forums.

You know who stoops to that level of unethical message board etiquette?
Yep, that's right. World class losers.

I barely even read or respond to the Yurt-Yaya, which is the freakishly weird part!

Posts 2, 13 and 18 here.
Yurt, aka YaYa apparently is the type of human being who considers libel and slander to be all in good fun. As far as I can tell, it is something only socially inept losers do!

Since I have free reign now to tell you exactly how I know YaYa is Yurt, I will.

Probably eight years ago, noticing apparently that I lived in California. Yurt pm'd me asking me asking where I was from. I told him a town called Cambria. I actually do not even live there, but just told Yurt I did just as a fake out, because I do not trust rightwingers. So Yurt is the only human being I ever told in my life that I live in Cambria.

Fast forward to when YaYa shows up here, and YaYa thought it would be funny to let slip in a post that he knew I lived in "Cambria". I never told that to anyone but Yurt.

The question to me is, what kind of loser creates a new handle, and then vehemently denies he is Yurt....when it is obvious to everyone that YaYa is Yurt. The relentless denials are freakisly weird and creepy, I tell ya!

Lets see here, he claims to have me on ignore, yet keeps talking ABOUT me. According to Zappacrite, he is a chickenshit. Further he is - - breaking the rules by revealing this alleged PM.

More importantly, he a its he LIED to Yurt. And he expects people to believe him now?

I guess in hopes of starting fresh, but in order to do that you need to change your personality, use different phrases, words, and habits, very few people can pull it off. They slip up after awhile.

You just responded to a post where he revealed an alleged PM. Is it not against the rules to reveal PM's without consent?

Maybe he Pm'd Yurt and got consent, unlikely :dunno:
Well, you proved me right two times. You readily believe the sexual allegations, though they are unfounded at this point. And, you are nothing but a TWO FACED hack who demands others back up their claims with "documentation', but of course you don't have to as you have two sets of standards.

Good job!

Good job yurtski. You said this "Cypress is a creepy harasser and a liar" yet you don't know him. You ran with somebody else's comments about him without checking, yet you have the utter gall to lecture me about trump's harassment. You haven't answered my questions to you on this thread; instead you've done the usual yurt thing of moving the goalposts, changing the subject and name-calling.

You're whining about documentation because I called you out as a gossip. This has been your m.o. from the jump.